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词汇 dark
adjective uk/dɑːk/ us/dɑːrk/
A2 昏暗的,黑暗的
with little or no light
It was too dark to see much. 光线太暗,看不清楚。
What time does it get dark in the summer? 夏季天什么时候黑?
Our bedroom was very dark until we put a larger window in. 我们的卧室原来很暗,后来装了一个大点的窗户才好些。
A1 颜色)暗的,深色的
nearer to black than white in colour
dark blue/green 深蓝/暗绿色
dark clouds 乌云
She has dark hair. 她长着一头黑发。
He was tall, dark (= with black/brown hair) and handsome. 他个头高高的,深色头发,长得很英俊。
  • The sun's going down and it'll be dark soon.
  • The room was so dark, I had to feel my way along the wall to the door.
  • The flame above the oil well flared up into the dark sky.
  • I had to grope my way up the dark stairs.
  • She hated the cold dark days of winter.
C1 [ before noun ]伤心绝望的;哀愁的
sad and without hope
Her husband's sudden death was the start of a dark chapter in her life. 丈夫突然去世后她就开始生活在伤心绝望之中。
This environmental report contains more dark predictions about the future of the earth. 这份环境报告中对地球未来的预测很不乐观。
C1 邪恶的,阴险的;有威胁的
evil or threatening
He believed dark forces were threatening democracy.
There's a darker side to his character. 他的性格中有更阴暗的一面。
secret or hidden
I've just been promoted, but keep it dark - I don't want everyone to know just yet. 我刚刚升了职,别告诉任何人——我现在还不想让大家知道。
Related word: darkness
the darkest hour is just before the dawnidiom saying 黑暗即将过去,黎明就在眼前
things often seem at their worst just before they get better
noun uk/dɑːk/ us/dɑːrk/
the darkB1 黑暗,暗处
the fact of there being no light somewhere
Cats can see in the dark. 猫在暗处也看得见东西。
I've always been afraid of the dark. 我一直都怕黑。
We could hear her stumbling about the bedroom in the dark.
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.
before/after darkB1 天黑前/后
before/after the sun has gone down
It isn't safe to leave the house after dark. 天黑后出去不安全。
I want to be home before dark. 我想在天黑前赶到家里。
It makes sense to get the tents up before dark.
Guards patrolled the campus after dark.
After dark, the park isn't the safest place to be.
She doesn't like being on her own in the house after dark.
be in the darkidiom C2 蒙在鼓里,浑然不知
to not know about something that other people know about




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