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词汇 cut
verb uk/kʌt/ us/kʌt/ cutting | cut
A2 [ I or T ](尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁
to break the surface of something, or to divide or make something smaller, using a sharp tool, especially a knife
to cut a slice of bread 切一片面包
I cut myself/my hand on that glass/with that knife. 我被那片玻璃/那把小刀割伤了(手)。
Cut the meat up into small pieces. 把肉切成小片。
This knife doesn't cut very well. 这把刀不好切,不够锋利。
Where did you have your hair cut? 你在哪儿理的发?
[ + obj + adj ] Firefighters had to cut the trapped driver loose/free (= cut the metal to allow the driver to get out of the car) using special equipment. 消防员们不得不动用特殊器械切开汽车,救出受困的司机。
He fell off the swing and cut his head open (= got a deep cut in his head). 他从秋千上摔下来,头上割了道口子。
He cut the cake in/into six (pieces) and gave each child a slice. 他把蛋糕切成6块,分给孩子每人1块。
  • I cut my finger chopping onions last night.
  • Don't just hack away at the bread - cut it properly!
  • Could you cut me a small piece of cheese, please?
  • He cut the cake into six pieces.
  • The razor slipped while he was shaving and he cut himself.
B2 [ T ]减少缩短降低削减
to make something shorter, lower, smaller, etc.
to cut prices/costs 降低价格/成本
to cut overtime/wages 缩短加班时间/降低工资
  • We need to cut our advertising costs.
  • Computerization should enable us to cut production costs by half.
  • Our expectations are that the UK will cut its interest rate.
  • The government announced today that it is to cut funding for the arts for next year.
  • The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting prices on all its fresh and frozen meat.
B2 [ T ]剪辑;删节;删除
to remove something from something else
The sex scenes had been cut out of the TV version of the film. 该影片电视剧版中的性爱镜头都给剪掉了。
cut and paste (计算机文件中文字或图片的)剪贴
to move words or pictures from one place to another in a computer or internet document, app, post, etc.
It seems like the error is due to some sloppy cutting and pasting.
He'd cut and pasted several paragraphs.
If you cut and paste a link from your browser into the document, the program should automatically format it as a link for you.
Whole sections of the speech seem to have been cut and pasted from his blog.
Inserting a background image is simply a case of cutting and pasting.
cut someone out of your will 剥夺…的继承权
to decide not to leave someone any of your money or possessions when you die
It seems incredible that he would cut his own children out of his will.
He never intended to cut his son out of his will.
She threatened to cut him out of her will.
It turned out he hadn't cut her out of his will, but rather had forgotten to update his will after she was born to include her as a beneficiary.
Later that year, she instructed her lawyer to cut all three children out of her will.
  • Any scenes of violence had been cut.
  • We will have to cut the bits about the president's wife.
[ T ] mainly US informal缺席,未去
to not go, especially to a place where you should be
Your son has been cutting classes. 你儿子一直在逃学。
[ I or T ]停止;中断;切断;打断
to stop or interrupt something
to cut an engine/a motor 关上引擎/马达
"Cut! (= stop filming!)" shouted the director. “停!”导演喊道。
cut someone short 打断…的话
to stop someone from talking before they have finished what they were saying
He started to explain, but she cut him short. 他开始解释,可是她打断了他的话。
I was in a rush to get away and had to cut her short.
Sophie started to speak, but Dominic cut her short.
I don't mean to cut you short, but we're almost out of time.
Taylor began but Anna cut him short.
I started to protest but she cut me short.
cut it/that out! informal 别说了!停下!别闹了!
used to tell someone to stop talking or stop behaving in an annoying way
Just cut it out! I've had enough of your time wasting. 停下!你那些无聊的东西我受够了。
Cut it out, you two!
That's enough - cut that out!
Tom's dad came into the kitchen and told them to cut it out or else they'd get grounded.
Who's drumming on the table? Cut that out - it's distracting.
The teacher told them to cut it out or she'd report them to the head.
cut a tooth 婴儿出牙
(of a baby) to grow a new tooth
The baby's cutting a tooth. That's why she's crying. 这个婴儿正在长牙,难怪她哭个没完。
How old are babies when they cut their first tooth?
Every time one of her babies cuts their teeth, she's up all night soothing them.
I can't believe Lily is cutting her first tooth already!
Tom's chewing everything in sight - I think he's probably cutting a tooth.
Oh look! Patrick's cut another tooth!
[ I usually + adv/prep ]走近路,抄近道
to go through or across a place, especially in order to get somewhere quickly
to cut through a passage 抄近道穿过走廊
cut a corner UK (also US cut the corner) 转弯时进入逆行道
to fail to keep to your own side of the road when going round a corner
Is it possible to fail a driving test by cutting a corner?
I criticized him because he'd cut a corner and I thought it was dangerous.
A cyclist who was hit by a car cutting a corner has described the impact her injuries have had on her life.
Her driving instructor pointed out that she had cut a corner.
He's being investigated for cutting a corner early.
[ I or T ](为选牌而)
to choose a playing card by dividing a pile of cards into two parts
Who's going to cut the cards? 谁来切牌?
[ T ]灌制唱片);录制(讲话
to record music or speech on a record
When did the Stones cut their first record? 滚石乐队的首张唱片是何时录制的?
can't cut itidiom (also can't cut the mustard) 干不了不符合条件不如人意
to not be able to deal with problems or difficulties in a satisfactory way
If he can't cut it, then we'll get someone else to do the job. 要是他干不了这活儿,那我们就另请高明。
cut your coat according to your clothidiom UK 应该量入为出
said to emphasize that someone should do as well as possible with the limited money they have
cut cornersidiom disapproving 做事)图省事,贪便宜,取捷径
to save money or time when doing something by not including some parts, actions, or details, so that the result is not as good as it could be
There were concerns that airport security staff under pressure might be tempted to cut corners.
Will speeding up nurses' training lead to improved patient care, or is it simply cutting corners?
The dictionary took nearly 70 years to complete because its makers refused to cut corners.
cut someone deadidiom 不理睬…,假装不认识…
to pretend you do not know someone in order to show you are angry
I said "Good morning" but he just cut me dead. 我说“早上好”,可是他压根儿不理睬我。
cut someone down to sizeidiom 使…有自知之明;挫…的傲气
to show someone that they are not as clever or important as they think
Someone should cut that man down to size! 应该有人挫挫他的锐气!
cut a fine figureidiom old-fashioned (also cut quite a figure/dash) 穿得惹人注目,显得很出众
to cause people to admire you because of your appearance
The young soldier cut a fine figure in his new uniform. 年轻的士兵身着新制服很是抢眼。
cut it/things fineidiom 时间卡得很紧时间紧迫
to allow very little time for something
She got to the gate ten minutes before her flight, so she was cutting it very fine. 直到起飞前10分钟她才赶到登机口,时间卡得有点太紧了。
cut looseidiom US 无拘无束;随心所欲;无法无天
to behave in an uncontrolled, wild way
Don't be too hard on them - they're just kids and they need to cut loose sometimes. 别太苛求他们了——他们还都是孩子,有时候是需要闹一闹的。
cut your lossesidiom 及时放弃无利可图之事;知难而退,及早撒手
to avoid losing any more money than you have already lost
Let's cut our losses and sell the business before prices drop even further. 我们趁早收手,在价格继续下跌之前把店卖掉吧。
cut no ice with someoneidiom 没能使…改变主意;对…不起作用
to not cause someone to change their opinion or decision
I've heard her excuses and they cut no ice with me. 我听过她的借口,它们对我不管用。
More idioms
cut off your nose to spite your faceidiom 因一时恼怒害了自己跟自己过不去
to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you
cut someone some slackidiom informal 给…方便;对…网开一面
to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time
"Andrew's late again." "Cut him some slack - his wife just had a baby." “安德鲁又迟到了。”“对他就网开一面吧——他妻子刚生小孩。”
cut a swathe through somethingidiom 把…夷为平地;严重摧毁大批杀戮
to destroy a large part of something or kill many of a group of people
The storm cut a swathe through the village. 那场暴风雨使村子遭到严重破坏。
cut your political, professional, etc. teethidiom 初次获得政治(职业等)经验;初次涉足政治(职场等)
to get your first experience of the type mentioned
She cut her political teeth on student debates. 他在学生时代参加辩论时初涉政治。
cut the crap!idiom offensive 别瞎扯了!废话少说!
a rude way of telling someone to stop saying things that are not true or not important
Just cut the crap and tell me what you really want from me. 废话少说,告诉我你真正想从我这里得到什么。
cut the ground from under someone's feetidiom UK(尤指先发制人)挫败…的计划,拆…的台
to make someone or someone's ideas seem less good, especially by doing something before them or better than them
cut to the chaseidiom informal 开门见山直奔主题
to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important
I didn't have long to talk so I cut to the chase and asked whether he was still married. 我的时间不多,所以我开门见山地问他是否还是已婚人士。
cut (someone) to the quickidiom 严重伤害(…的感情)
to hurt someone's feelings a lot
Her thoughtless remark cut him to the quick. 她冒失的话深深伤了他的心。
be cut upidiom UK 伤心,难过
to be upset
Philip was very cut up about his grandmother's death. 祖母的去世令菲利普悲痛万分。
cut up roughidiom UK 大发脾气,发怒
to become very angry, and often violent
cut both/two waysidiom 是把双刃剑;有好也有坏,利弊互见
If you say something cuts both/two ways, you think it has both a good and a bad side.
not be cut out for somethingidiom C2 天生就不适合…
to not be the right type of person for something
I'm not cut out for an office job. 我根本就不是坐办公室的料。
you could cut the atmosphere with a knifeidiom 局面)剑拔弩张,一触即发
used to describe a situation in which everyone is feeling very angry or nervous and you feel that something unpleasant could soon happen
Phrasal verbs
cut across somethingB2 抄近路穿过
to go straight from one side of an area to another instead of going around
If we cut across the field, it'll save time. 如果从这片田里穿过去就能节省时间。
C1 (问题或话题)广泛影响到(不同群体),引起…的广泛兴趣
If a problem or subject cuts across different groups of people, all of those groups are affected by or interested in it.
Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines. 对环境问题的支持超越了传统的党派界限。
cut backB2 减少,削减,缩减
to spend less, do less, or use less of something
The government has announced plans to cut back on defence spending by 10 percent next year. 政府宣布了明年国防开支缩减10%的计划。
If exercise is causing you pain, you should cut back. 如果运动让你觉得疼,就应该减量。
cut something back 减少,削减,缩减
to reduce something, or to reduce it by a particular amount
We have had to cut back deliveries. 我们不得不减少送货量。
The government has cut back $150 million of funding. 政府消减了1.5亿美元的经费。
to cut off parts of a tree or other plant so that it becomes smaller
Some shrubs need to be cut back to allow more light to reach them. 一些灌木需要修剪才能让更多阳光照进去。
cut down 减少,削减,缩减
to do or use less of something
I'm trying to cut down on caffeine. 我在努力减少咖啡因的摄入量。
She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she's cut down. 她曾经一个星期工作50个小时,但是近来减少了。
cut something down 减少,削减,缩减
to reduce the number, amount, or size of something
Patients were asked if they had cut down their use of painkillers. 病人们被问及是否减少了止痛片的服用量。
I need to cut this section down to 500 words. 我需要把这一部分删减到500字。
B2 砍倒,伐倒
to make a tree or other plant fall to the ground by cutting it near the bottom
They are cutting down forests to clear land for cattle. 他们正在砍伐森林,腾出地方来养牛。
cut in 插嘴;打断别人的话
to interrupt what someone is saying by saying something yourself
I was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut in (on us/our conversation). 我正在跟简说话,戴夫插了进来。
to make a sudden sideways movement in order to position your car in front of another car, not leaving a safe distance between the two vehicles
Did you see that white car cut in (on us/in front of us)? 你看到那辆白色汽车抢超我们的车了吗?
Compare: cut someone up
If a machine cuts in, it starts, usually automatically.
If the computer starts to overheat, the fan cuts in. 如果电脑开始过热,风扇就会自动启动。
to interrupt two people who are dancing in order to dance with one of them
She was dancing with Jack, when Tom suddenly cut in. 她正和杰克跳舞,这时汤姆挤进来抢舞。
cut someone in 让…加入(游戏或生意)
to allow someone to take part in something, for example a game or business
Shall we cut you in (on the deal/game)? 要我们让你入伙(做生意/玩游戏)吗?
cut into something 占用…的时间
to take away or use part of a period of time or an amount of something
I don't like doing the shopping on Saturday afternoon because it cuts into my weekend. 我不喜欢在周六下午购物,因为这会占用我周末的大块时间。
Long trips to take part in sports cut into student athletes' school days.
Higher oil prices may be starting to cut into those countries' economic growth.
All of these costs cut into our profit margins.
cut something offA2 (用锋利的刀具等)去除,切除,剪去
to remove a part of something to make it smaller or shorter, using a sharp tool such as a knife
Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak. 煎牛排时记得先把肥肉去掉。
B2 中断,切断(电力、物资供应等)
to stop providing something such as electricity, supplies, etc.
If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be cut off. 要是5日内不付清账单,将停止对你的煤气供应。
The aim was to cut off the enemy's escape route/supplies. 目的是阻断敌人的逃跑路线/物资供应。
cut someone off [ usually passive ]挂断…的电话;使…电话掉线
to stop people from continuing a phone conversation by breaking the phone connection
We got cut off before she could give me directions. 她还没给我指示我们的电话就断掉了。
If someone serving drinks in a bar cuts you off, that person stops serving you alcoholic drinks because they think you have drunk too many.
I'm glad the bartender cut Tommy off - he's already had too much to drink. 我很高兴服务员不再卖酒给汤米——他已经喝多了。
US超车抢到…前面(同 cut sb up)
cut someone up UK
More phrasal verbs
cut someone/something offB2 阻断,隔断,隔绝
to cause a person or place to become separate, or cause someone to be or feel alone
When his wife died, he cut himself off from other people. 妻子死后,他闭门谢客。
Many villages have been cut off by the heavy snow. 许多村庄由于这场大雪与外界隔绝了。
cut something outC1 (通常指从纸或布上)剪掉,剪裁出
to remove something or form a shape by cutting, usually from paper or cloth
She cut out his picture from the magazine. 她从杂志上剪下他的照片。
C1 (通常指为改善健康而)停止食用(或饮用),戒除
to stop eating or drinking something, usually to improve your health
Since my heart attack, I've cut fatty foods out altogether. 自从得了心脏病,我就彻底不吃油腻的东西了。
cut someone out 不让…参加;把…排除在外;不把…包括在内
to not allow someone to share something or be included in something
They cut me out of the conversation. 他们谈话把我排除在外。
cut out (发动机、机器或设备)突然熄火,停止运转
If an engine, machine, or piece of equipment cuts out, it suddenly stops working.
One of the plane's engines cut out, so they had to land with only one. 飞机的一个引擎突然出了故障,所以他们只好靠一个引擎着陆。
cut through something 很快理解迅速克服迅速应对
If you cut through something difficult that usually causes problems, you quickly understand it or deal with it so that it does not cause problems for you.
She always manages to cut through the complex theory and get at the facts. 她总是能够迅速绕过复杂的理论,发现事实真相。
cut something upB1 切碎剪碎割碎剁碎
to cut something into pieces
cut someone up 超车抢到…前面
to suddenly move your car sideways in front of another car that was in front of you, leaving too little space
I got/was cut up several times on the motorway this morning - I've never seen such dangerous driving! 今天早上我在高速公路上好几次被人抢超车——我从没见过这么玩命驾车的!
Compare: cut in (DRIVE)
cut up 搞恶作剧;胡闹;故意出洋相
to behave in a very active and silly way in order to make people laugh
There are a couple of kids who are always cutting up in class. 有一两个孩子总是喜欢在课堂上恶作剧。
noun uk/kʌt/ us/kʌt/
B1 [ C ]伤口切口割痕
an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp
a deep cut 一道深深的伤痕
[ C ]切下的一块肉
a piece of meat cut from a particular part of an animal
Sirloin is the most expensive cut of beef. 牛腰肉是牛肉中最贵的。
[ S ]剪裁样式款式
the shape into which something is cut
I don't like the cut of these jeans. 我不喜欢这条牛仔裤的款式。
[ S ] informal份额(通常指钱)
a share of something, usually money
When am I going to get my cut? 我什么时候能拿到我那份钱?
C1 [ C ]削减减少缩减降低
a reduction in the number, amount, or rate of something
a cut in expenditure/interest rates/hospital waiting lists 花销的削减/利率的降低/医院候诊名单的缩短
cuts [ plural ] 公共开支削减
reductions in public spending
Students and workers were out on the streets protesting against the cuts. 学生和工人们上街游行抗议削减公共开支。
All options, including spending cuts and tax increases, should be considered.
She campaigned on reversing the budget cuts to aid for families.
So far, we have managed to avoid deep cuts to services.
A package of spending cuts has been proposed in order to fix the budget deficit.
[ C ]删剪;删节(部分
the act of removing a part from a book, film, etc., or a part that is removed
The movie contains some very violent scenes, so some cuts were made when it was shown on TV. 这部电影里有些非常暴力的场面,因此在电视上播映时做了些删剪。
US (UK cutting)(从山中开凿出的)通道铁路,河床
a deep, narrow passage made through a hill for a road, railway, or canal
a cut aboveidiom 比…地位高的人
someone who is of a higher social class
She thinks she's a cut above her neighbours. 她觉得自己比邻居们高出一等。
cut and thrustidiom 唇枪舌剑,激烈争论
interesting and exciting arguments
She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics. 她喜欢党派政治中的唇枪舌剑。




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