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词汇 crack
verb uk/kræk/ us/kræk/
B2 [ T or I ]使破裂;(使裂开;(使产生裂纹
to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way
A stone hit the window and cracked the glass. 石块击中窗户,打裂了玻璃。
I cracked my tooth as I fell. 我摔倒时把牙齿磕了一道裂缝。
The walls cracked and the roof collapsed in the earthquake. 地震中墙壁开裂,屋顶坍塌。
[ I ] informal身心疲惫神经崩溃
to become mentally and physically weak
Stress and overwork are causing teachers to crack (up). 压力和过度劳累使老师们身心疲惫。
[ I ] informal出现隔阂,出现问题;失败
to fail as a result of problems
Their relationship began to crack (up) after their child died. 孩子夭折后,他们的关系开始出现问题。
[ I ]支持不住;崩溃,垮掉
If someone cracks, that person begins to feel weak and agrees that they have been defeated.
He cracked during questioning and told us where to find the stolen goods. 他经受不住盘问,向我们供出了赃物藏匿处。
  • The new paint is already starting to crack and peel.
  • All that jolting has cracked the eggs.
  • He fell over and cracked his forehead open on the stone.
  • The car actually cracked the concrete where he drove into it.
[ T ](尤指为得到或使用内部的东西而)使破裂,打开,砸开
to break something open, especially in order to reach or use what is inside
Crack three eggs into a bowl and mix them together. 往碗里打3个蛋,并搅拌均匀。
He cracked (open) the nuts with his hands. 他用手将坚果捏开。
[ T ] (also crack into something)非法侵入(计算机系统)
to get into someone else's computer system without permission and get information or do something illegal
[ T ] informal非法复制(计算机程序或资料)
to copy computer programs or recorded material illegally
[ T ]解决问题);破译
to find a solution to a problem
They cracked the code and read the secret message. 他们破译了密码,读取了密电。
UK I've been trying to solve this problem all week, but I still haven't cracked it. 整个星期我一直在试图解决这个问题,但还是不得要领。
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]碰,撞,击
to hit something or someone
I cracked my head on/against the door. 我的头撞在门上。
They cracked him over the head with a baseball bat. 他们用棒球棒打了他的头。
[ I or T ]使)噼啪作响;(使发出爆裂声
to make a sudden, short noise, or to cause something to make this noise
The whip cracked over the horses' heads. 鞭子在马头上方噼啪抽响。
He's always cracking his knuckles (= pulling the joints of his fingers to make a noise). 他总是把自己的手指关节弄得噼啪作响。
[ I ]嗓音变嘶哑
If a voice cracks, its sound changes because the person is upset.
Her voice cracked with emotion as she told the story. 讲起这件事时她激动得嗓音都嘶哑了。
C1 [ T ]说俏皮话;开玩笑;说笑话
to make a joke or funny remark
He's always cracking jokes. 他总爱说笑话。
crack the whipidiom 威逼,施威(使某人表现更好或更卖力)
to use your authority to make someone else behave better or work harder
We were two months behind schedule, so I decided it was time to crack the whip. 我们比原计划落后了两个月,所以我决定该督促加快进度了。
get crackingidiom 迅速干起来
to start doing something quickly
Get cracking (= hurry), or we'll miss the train. 快点,要不我们赶不上火车了。
I'd better get cracking on the food for tonight. 我最好赶紧开始准备晚饭。
Phrasal verbs
crack downC2 制裁处罚打击镇压
to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way
The library is cracking down on people who lose their books. 图书馆将严厉处罚丢书的人。
crack upC2 精神)崩溃,垮掉
to become mentally ill
I think she's cracking up. 我想她要崩溃了。
crack (someone) upC2 使)…突然哈哈大笑;(使)…捧腹大笑
to suddenly laugh a lot, or to make someone suddenly laugh a lot
I took one look at her and cracked up. 我看了她一眼,便哈哈大笑起来。
There's something about that guy's face that just cracks me up. 那家伙的脸上有什么地方让我直想哈哈大笑。
noun uk/kræk/ us/kræk/
C2 [ C ]裂缝,缝隙;裂口
a very narrow space between parts of something
Cracks had appeared in the dry ground. 干涸的土地上出现了裂缝。
We peered through the crack in the floorboards. 我们透过地板块之间的缝隙使劲看。
figurative Cracks began to show in his façade of self-confidence. 他自信的外表下开始露出破绽。
Synonyms: breach (OPENING) chink (CRACK)cleftcrannycrevicefissuregap (HOLE)interstice opening (HOLE)slit slot (LONG HOLE)
(just) a crack 只有一条缝
so that there is a very small space
She opened the door just a crack to listen to the conversation. 她把门打开一条小缝听人谈话。
We left the gate open just a crack, hoping the dog would return.
I like to leave my bedroom window open a crack at night.
The office door opened a crack, and a woman's face appeared.
She kept her visor open just a crack to keep it from fogging up inside.
  • I was dusting the mantelpiece when I noticed a crack.
  • A huge crack went from the top to the bottom of the wall.
  • There's a large crack where the ceiling meets the wall.
  • There were several cracks in the glass.
  • Large cracks began to develop in the wall.
[ C ]爆裂声;噼啪声
a sudden loud sound
the crack of a rifle/whip/breaking branch 步枪/鞭子/树枝断裂的噼啪声
[ C usually singular ] informal努力尝试
an attempt
It was her first crack at beating the record. 这是她第一次尝试破纪录。
It's not something I've done before, but I'll have/ (US take) a crack at it. 这事我从未做过,但我会试一试。
[ U ] slang (also crack cocaine)强效纯可卡因
a powerful form of the drug cocaine
Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage. 在她的行李中发现了好几公斤强效纯可卡因。
a crack addict 吸强效纯可卡因成瘾的人
[ U ]愉快时光;(尤指)令人快乐的交谈
→  craic Irish English
[ C ] informal非法侵入(计算机系统)的方法
a method of getting into someone else's computer system
Find cracks for your shareware programs. 为你的共享程序找到非法进入的方法。
[ C ](尤指用来批评的)妙语,俏皮话
a wisecrack informal
at the crack of dawnidiom C2 大清早,黎明,破晓时分
very early in the morning, especially at the time when the sun first appears
We'll have to leave at the crack of dawn. 我们天一亮就得动身。
fall/slip through the cracksidiom 不被注意,遭遗漏,被遗忘
to not be noticed or dealt with by a system
Too many young people slip through the cracks in the healthcare system. 无数的年轻人被医疗保健系统忽略。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/kræk/ us/kræk/
excellent, or of the highest quality
a crack regiment 王牌军团
crack troops 精锐部队
Synonyms: ace (VERY GOOD) first-ratesuper top-notch




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