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词汇 cover
verb uk/ˈkʌv.ər/ us/ˈkʌv.ɚ/
A2 [ T ]盖上;覆盖;遮盖;遮蔽
to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something
The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes. 灯光太亮,我只好遮住眼睛。
Snow covered the hillsides. 白雪覆盖了山坡。
cover someone (up) with something She covered him (up) with a blanket. 她给他盖上了毯子。
cover something with something Cover the meat with a layer of cheese. 在肉上铺一层奶酪。
be covered with/in The bandages were covered with/in blood. 鲜血浸透了绷带。
be covered by/with How much of the earth's surface is covered by/with water? 地球表面有多大面积被水覆盖?
  • Can't you just cover the mark with a dab of paint?
  • Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the earth's surface.
  • She was wearing a rather daring skirt that only just covered her bottom.
  • She covered every wall in her bedroom with posters of her favourite pop star.
  • The new chairs were covered in protective plastic wrappings.
B1 [ T ]处理涉及包括针对
to deal with or direct attention to something
This leaflet covers what we've just discussed in more detail. 这本小册子有我们刚才讨论问题的更多细节。
Do these parking restrictions cover residents as well as visitors? 这些停车限制对住户和访客同样适用吗?
The salesman's territory covers the whole of the southeast. 这名销售员的业务覆盖整个东南部。
  • The magazine covers a broad range of subjects, from sewing to psychology.
  • The existing laws covering libel in this country are thought by many to be inadequate.
  • The Official Secrets Act covers everything from nuclear weapons to army boots.
  • Is there a course that covers Italian sculpture from the 14th to the 17th century?
  • I'd like to know how to clean it, but the instruction booklet doesn't seem to cover that kind of thing.
C1 [ T ]报道
to report the news about a particular important event
She's covering the American election for BBC television. 她在为英国广播公司的电视台报道美国大选。
  • The story wasn't covered on the national news.
  • He was in Greece covering the Olympics.
  • He was sent to Russia to cover the elections there.
C1 [ T ]给…保险,承保
to protect someone against loss, damage, accident, or having something stolen, by having insurance
cover someone against/for something Does your travel insurance cover you against/for the loss or theft of cash? 你的旅行保险能为你的现金丢失或失窃提供保险补偿吗?
cover yourself 采取措施保护自己(不在未来因此受到责怪或批评)
to do something to protect yourself from blame or criticism in the future
I kept copies of my expense receipts, just to cover myself. 我把花费的票据都复印保留了一份,免得让人挑出毛病。
Make sure you take notes of the meeting, just to cover yourself.
He claimed to be following up on information from an informant to cover himself while illegally accessing confidential information.
We believe that some employees doctored their schedules to cover themselves.
She covered herself by making sure she always had someone else present in the room when she talked to the defendant.
  • Does our insurance cover us for accidental damage?
  • If you crashed the car, you wouldn't be covered on my insurance.
  • The policy doesn't cover anything taken outside the home.
  • Their medical insurance doesn't cover cosmetic surgery.
B2 [ T ]行,走过(一段路程)
to travel a particular distance
We covered 400 km in three hours. 3个小时我们赶了400公里。
C1 [ T ]足够支付
to be or give enough money to pay for something
cover the cost The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials. 销售价刚刚够抵付原材料费。
cover expenses For some writers, having to cover expenses like meals and travel makes it unaffordable to speak at book festivals.
Their small budget had to cover everything from staff costs to buying furniture.
He charged them rent in order to cover his mortgage payments.
Her godmother offered to cover her tuition fees.
[ T ]以枪瞄准(以防射击或逃跑);(用枪炮)掩护
to aim a gun or shoot at someone to try to stop them from shooting or escaping, or to protect someone else
The police officer was covered by her colleagues while she ran towards the gunman's hideout. 警察在她同伴的掩护下奔向持枪歹徒藏身之处。
[ T ]守住封锁(道路、建筑物等)
When soldiers or police officers cover a place such as a road or building, they are in a position from which they can watch and defend it.
All the exits are covered, so they can't escape. 所有出口都被封锁了,所以他们插翅难逃。
[ T ] US (UK mark)(球类团体比赛中)盯防
to prevent a member of the opposing team from taking control of the ball by staying close to them all the time
The Bullets kept assigning different players to cover him.
[ I or T ]代替,顶替(某人的工作或职责)
to do someone else's job or duty when they are absent
cover something for someone I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow, so do you think you could cover my shift for me? 明天我要去看医生,你能顶我的班吗?
cover for Sorry, I'm already covering for someone else. 抱歉,我已经在帮别人顶班了。
[ T ]转录(歌曲等);翻唱
to make a recording of a song or tune that has already been recorded by someone else
I think more singers have covered "Yesterday" than any other song. 我想翻唱《昨日》的歌手人数超过其他任何一首歌的翻唱人数。
cover all the basesidiom (US cover the bases)面面俱到
to do everything necessary to be sure that something is successful
I think I’ve covered all the bases – I called everyone, ordered the food, and bought some decorations. 我想我已经面面俱到,尽我所能了¬¬——我给每个人打了电话,定了餐,还买了一些装饰品。
cover your backside/behind/rearidiom disapproving very informal (also UK disapproving offensive cover your arse); (also US disapproving offensive cover your ass/butt) (做某事以)保护自己的利益,不让别人抓住小辫子
to do something to protect yourself from blame or criticism in the future
This so-called enquiry is purely designed to cover their backsides.
cover your tracksidiom 掩盖行踪抹去所做事情的痕迹
to hide or destroy the things that show where you have been or what you have been doing
Roberts covered his tracks by throwing the knife in the river. 罗伯茨把刀扔进河里以图掩盖痕迹。
Phrasal verb
cover something upC2 掩盖掩饰隐瞒
to stop people discovering the truth about something bad
The company tried to cover up its employment of illegal immigrants. 这家公司企图掩盖其雇用非法移民的事实。
noun uk/ˈkʌv.ər/ us/ˈkʌv.ɚ/
B1 [ C ]盖子罩子遮盖物覆盖物
something that is put on or over something else, usually to protect it, to keep something in, etc.
I keep my computer printer under a protective plastic cover. 我用塑料保护罩盖住电脑打印机。
Remove the packaging and pierce the plastic cover before microwaving. 去掉包装,扎破保护膜,然后用微波炉加热。
B1 [ C ](书或杂志的)封面,封底
the stiff outside part of a book or magazine, usually made of thick paper or cardboard
Who should we put on the cover of the magazine this month? 本月我们杂志的封面人物该上谁呢?
Paperback books have soft covers. 平装书用软书皮。
read something from cover to cover 把…从头读到尾
to read a book, magazine, etc. all the way through from the beginning to the end
On Sundays, I stay in bed all morning and read the paper from cover to cover.
Very few people have read the Bible from cover to cover.
This isn't the sort of book that you pick up and read from cover to cover.
It was such a great book, I read it cover to cover in one evening!
The structure of this book means you can either dip into it or read it from cover to cover.
[ C ] Indian English信封
an envelope
covers [ plural ] 床罩;床毯;床单
the blankets, sheets, etc. on a bed
Martha threw back the covers and bounced out of bed. 玛莎掀掉毯子,跳下床来。
The smell of bacon enticed me from under the covers.
She was so tired, all she wanted to do was crawl under the covers and fall asleep.
When the alarm went off, he rolled over and pulled up the covers.
Kate's mother smoothed the covers over the bed.
  • The book has a diagonal black stripe on the cover.
  • I'll use this material to make some new chair covers.
  • She levered up the drain cover and looked inside.
  • She puts a plastic cover was over her keyboard to keep the dust off.
  • Do you have a protective cover over the mattress?
C1 [ U ]掩蔽处遮蔽处保护
shelter or protection in an unpleasant or dangerous situation
take cover We took cover from the storm in a bus shelter. 我们在公交车站躲避暴风雨。
under cover of The burglar broke into the house under cover of darkness. 窃贼在夜幕掩护下闯进那所房子。
[ U ](尤指动物藏身的)覆盖植物,灌木丛
plants, especially bushes, that are used as shelter by animals
[ U ](被持枪的人)掩护保护
protection by someone who has a gun
cover from We needed more cover from the enemy aircraft. 我们需要更多掩护以躲避敌人的空袭。
C1 [ U ] UK (US coverage)保险范围
financial protection so that you get money if something bad happens
cover for I've got £20,000 worth of cover for the contents of my house. 我为家里的东西投了价值2万英镑的保险。
Do you have cover for accidental damage? 你保了意外损伤险了吗?
Synonym: insurance
[ C ] (also cover version)转录(歌曲等);翻唱
a performance or recording of a song or tune that has already been recorded by someone else
How many cover versions have been made of "My Way"? 《我的路》有多少个翻唱版本?




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