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词汇 course
noun uk/kɔːs/ us/kɔːrs/
A1 [ C ]课程;教程
a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification
They're going away on a training course next week. 下星期他们要出去上实习课。
I'd like to do (US take) a writing course when I retire. 退休后我想修一门写作课。
UK Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle. 蒂姆在纽卡斯尔大学修了为期3年的语言学课程。
  • I did a course in creative writing.
  • Julie has signed up for courses on English and French this year.
  • There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses.
  • The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
  • She's been offered a place on the nursing course.
B1 [ C ]竞赛场地;球场;跑道;泳道
an area of land or water used for a sports event
a golf course/cross-country course 高尔夫球场/越野赛赛场
See also: racecourse
  • He spends every weekend out on the golf course.
  • We walked the course the horses would have to run later.
  • The race was cancelled because the course was waterlogged.
  • He ran the course in less than an hour.
  • Flags mark the course the cyclists will be taking.
C1 [ S ]进展进程;经过,过程
the often gradual development of something, or the way something happens, or a way of doing something
Did the scandal have any effect on the course of the election? 丑闻对选举进程有影响吗?
In the course of (= during) the interview it became clear that he was not the right person for the job. 面试表明他并不适合这份工作。
What would be an appropriate course (of action) in such a situation? 在这种情况下采取什么样的措施才合适呢?
If our rivals are spending more on advertising, we'll have to follow the same course. 如果对手增加广告投入,我们也只得奉陪。
The defendants are also accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice. 被告还被指控企图妨碍司法公正。
in the course of time UK (also US over the course of time) 经过一段时间;最后;终有一天
after a period of time
I assume they plan to have children in the course of time. 我想他们总有一天会打算要孩子的。
In the course of time, once her parents' estate was settled, she received a small inheritance.
Shakespeare's plays were first printedin 1616, and, in the course of time, more editions were published.
We hope that in the course of time these two branches of the legal profession may be merged.
It is possible that in the course of time scientific research may be able to shed more light on the origins of the universe.
with the course of time UK (also US over the course of time)逐渐地,渐渐地
With the course of time, I've learned to live with my disability. 渐渐地,我学会了接受自己残疾的现实。
It seems that, with the course of time, his ideas about acting changed.
The book describes how early communities increased and concentrated their populations with the course of time.
Everyone changes with the course of time.
We hoped that the problems in their relationship would resolve with the course of time.
  • Once we have committed to this course of action there is no going back.
  • We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension.
  • In the course of history, love has driven men and women to strange extremes.
  • I was grateful for his letter which hastened the course of the enquiry.
  • He has been accused of obstructing the course of justice .
C1 [ C usually singular, U ](尤指飞机、航天器或轮船的)航向,航道,路线;(河流的)流向,水道
the direction in which a vehicle, especially an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship, moves, or the path along which a river flows
The pilot avoided a collision by changing course. 飞行员改变航向避免了一起碰撞事故。
Changing the course of the river would cause serious environmental damage to the whole valley. 河流改道会严重危害整个流域的环境。
figurative The debate completely changed course after Liz made her speech. 莉兹发言后辩论方向完全改变了。
on course 可能发生的可能如愿以偿的
likely to happen, or likely to succeed as planned
Because of the recession, we're on course for/to have record unemployment levels. 由于经济衰退,我们可能要创失业率的新纪录了。
This latest victory means they are now back on course to win the championship in five games.
They struggled to keep the company on course in the face of the challenges of a highly competitive industry.
He hopes to use the televised debate to put his campaign back on course.
The government is on course to create 75,000 new jobs.
  • All attempts at diplomacy have broken down and the two states now appear to be on a collision course.
  • He drove in an erratic course down the road.
  • Some of the frontier between Germany and Poland follows the course of the river Oder
  • The ship held its course.
  • Most parents try to steer a middle course between imposing very strict discipline and letting their kids run wild.
A2 [ C ]一道菜
a part of a meal that is served separately from the other parts
a four-course lunch 四道菜的午餐
A traditional British main course consists of a meat dish with potatoes and other vegetables. 传统的英国主菜由肉加土豆及其他蔬菜组成。
  • If you make the main course, I'll make a dessert.
  • I've only eaten one course and I'm already full.
  • By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.
  • The average cost of a full three-course meal - appetizer, main course and dessert - including tip and a modest wine is about $25.
  • I had salmon for my main course.
[ C ]疗程
a fixed number of regular medical treatments
My doctor's put me on a course of antibiotics. 医生让我接受了一个疗程的抗生素治疗。
UK She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg. 腿骨折后她需要一个为期6个月的理疗疗程。
[ C ] architecture specialized(砖瓦等建筑材料的)
a continuous horizontal layer of bricks or other building material
of courseidiom A1 informal(表示肯定或允许)当然
used to say yes or to give someone permission to do something
"Can you help me?" "Of course." “你能帮帮我吗?”“当然可以。”
"May I look at your newspaper?" "Of course you can." “我能看看你的报纸吗?”“当然可以。”
"Have you written your English essay yet?" "Of course, I finished it last week." “你的英语论文写了吗?”“当然了,我上周就写完了。”
B1 (用于表示所说的很显然或已经为人所知)当然
used to show that what you are saying is obvious or already known
The Second World War ended, of course, in 1945. 第二次世界大战当然是结束于1945年。
used to show that a situation or a piece of information is not surprising
We arrived at the restaurant 30 minutes late so, of course, our reservation had been cancelled. 我们到餐馆晚了30分钟,所以,预订自然就被取消了。
of course notidiom A2 (用于强调不同意或不正确)当然不
used to emphasize that you disagree or that something is not true
"Where did you get the money? Did you steal it?" "Of course not. I borrowed it from Carol." “你哪儿来的钱?是偷的吗?”“当然不是,我向卡罗尔借的。”
verb [ I usually + adv/prep ] formal uk/kɔːs/ us/kɔːrs/
to flow quickly or in large amounts
Tears were coursing down his cheeks. 泪水从他的脸颊滚落。
You could almost hear the blood coursing through her veins as she passed the finishing line. 她冲过终点时你几乎听得到血液在她血管里流动的声音。
figurative A new wave of idealism is coursing through our schools. 一股新的理想主义浪潮正席卷我们的学校。




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