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词汇 country
noun uk/ˈkʌn.tri/ us/ˈkʌn.tri/
A1 [ C ]国家;国土
an area of land that has its own government, army, etc.
What is the largest country in Europe? 欧洲最大的国家是哪个?
Sri Lanka is my native country, but I've been living in Belgium for the past five years. 斯里兰卡是我的祖国,但最近5年我一直住在比利时。
The climate is cooler in the east of the country. 该国东部气候比较凉爽。
the countryC2 )国人;国民
all the people who live in a country
The whole country celebrated the signing of the peace treaty. 全国人民庆祝和平条约的签订。
  • After ten years of military dictatorship, the country now has a civil government.
  • French cheeses are exported to many different countries.
  • The Arab countries include Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt.
  • The government has done little or nothing to help the poorest people in this country.
A2 [ S or U ]乡村,乡下
land that is not in towns, cities, or industrial areas and is either used for farming or left in its natural condition
in the country He lives out in the country somewhere. 他住在乡下某个地方。
Would you prefer to live in the country instead of a town? 与城里相比,你更愿意住乡下吗?
Country life isn't always as peaceful as city-dwellers think. 乡村生活并不总是像城镇居民想象的那样宁静。
across country It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads completely. 穿越乡村完全避开主干道往往会走得更快。
  • We would dearly love to sell our flat and move to the country.
  • Five soldiers died after their bus was ambushed on a country road.
  • They have a house in the country and a flat in London.
  • I found not having a car quite a handicap when I was living in the country.
  • We spent a luxurious weekend at a hotel in the country.
[ U ]地区,地域
an area of land considered in relation to a particular feature
Stratford-upon-Avon is the capital of Shakespeare country. 埃文河畔斯特拉特福是莎士比亚故乡的首府。
The empty roads make this area good cycling country. 空荡荡的公路使这个地区成为骑自行车的好场所。
[ U ](美国西部和南部的)乡村音乐
short form of country music
across countryidiom UK乡间旅游(在一些没有大路和公共交通设施的地方旅游)
travelling in a direction where roads or public transport do not go, or where main roads or railways do not go
Getting a train across country from Cambridge to Chester can be difficult. 搭乘火车在剑桥和切斯特之间进行乡间旅行可不容易。
go to the countryidiom UK 举行大选
to have an election
The prime minister has decided to go to the country. 首相决定举行大选。




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