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词汇 cool
adjective uk/kuːl/ us/kuːl/
B1 凉的,冷的
slightly cold
cool water 凉水
cool weather 冷天
B1 凉爽的,凉快的
slightly cold in a pleasant way
It was a lovely cool evening. 那是个凉爽的夜晚。
How do you manage to look so cool in this hot weather? 这么热的天你怎么看上去会这么凉快?
used to describe a temperature that is slightly too cold
It's a bit cool in here, isn't it? I think I'll close the window. 这儿有点凉,是不是?我想关上窗户。
  • When the biscuits are cool, you coat them in/with melted chocolate.
  • As she dived into the pool, the water felt deliciously cool on her skin.
  • Plants keep cool during the summer by evaporating water from their leaves.
  • It's cool and quiet everywhere except in the kitchen.
  • In cool climates you have to grow tropical plants under glass.
C1 冷静的,沉着的,从容的
calm and not worried or frightened; not influenced by strong feeling of any kind
He was very cool when we broke the window, and didn't shout or get mad. 我们打破窗户时他十分冷静,既没大喊大叫也没发脾气。
Stay/Keep cool (= do not become angry or excited). 保持镇静。
be cool with something informal 乐于接受(某一情况或建议)
to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion
Yeah, we could leave later - I'm cool with that. 是,我们可以晚点走——我没意见。
If she'd only sold a few hundred copies of her album, she would have been totally cool with it.
My boss was always cool with me taking breaks if we weren't too busy.
They wanted to stay in my house and that was cool with me.
You may think that type of relationship is fine, but I'm not cool with it.
Cool colours, such as blue or green, make you feel calm and relaxed.
The bedroom was painted a lovely cool blue. 卧室漆成了清爽的蓝色。
C2 不友好的;冷淡的;冷漠的
unfriendly or not showing kindness or interest in something or someone
She was decidedly cool towards me. 她对我显然很冷淡。
I got a rather cool reception/welcome this evening. What do you think I've done wrong? 我今晚受到了冷遇。你觉得我做错了什么?
(as) cool as a cucumberidiom (尤指出奇地)镇静,冷静,泰然自若
very calm or very calmly, especially when this is surprising
She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened. 她泰然自若地走进来,好像什么事也没发生过。
cool customeridiom informal 冷静的人,沉着的人,镇静的人
someone who stays calm and does not show their emotions, even in a difficult situation
keep a cool headidiom C2 保持冷静
to stay calm in a difficult situation
I don't know how you manage to keep such a cool head in such a hectic, stressful office! 我不知道在这样紧张忙乱的办公室你是如何做到头脑冷静的!
too cool for schoolidiom informal often humorous很酷、很有自信的
very fashionable and confident, in a way that impresses other people
exclamation informal uk/kuːl/ us/kuːl/
A2 好极了(的),棒极了(的),顶呱呱(的)
used for saying that you think something is good or acceptable, or that you have understood what you have been told
"Jamie's invited us to stay for a few days." "Cool!"
"I'm going to leave now." "OK, cool."
"First you put the soap in, then you turn on the machine." "Cool."
noun uk/kuːl/ us/kuːl/
the cool[ S ] 凉快,凉爽
the pleasant, slightly cold temperature of a place
He loved the cool of the early morning. 他喜欢清晨的凉意。
She left the afternoon sun for the cool of the shade. 她避开下午的阳光走到阴凉处。
The best time to water your plants is during the relative cool of morning.
C1 [ U ] informal冷静,沉着,从容
a person's ability to stay calm and not become angry or excited
keep your cool 保持冷静
He really lost his cool when he heard about what happened. 当了解到发生了什么事情的时候他完全失去了冷静。
Synonyms: calm calmnesscomposureequanimity phlegm (CALMNESS) sangfroid
verb uk/kuːl/ us/kuːl/
B2 [ I or T ]使)冷却;(使)变凉;(使凉爽
to become or cause something to become slightly colder
Leave the cake to cool for an hour before cutting it. 把蛋糕冷却1小时后再切。
He took off his shoes to cool his sweaty feet. 他脱掉鞋晾一晾出汗的脚。
[ I ] (also cool off)感情)冷静下来,平静下来,冷淡下来
If a feeling cools or cools off, it starts to become less strong.
They were completely in love in the beginning, but I think it's starting to cool off now. 一开始他们爱得死去活来,但我觉得现在开始冷淡下来了。
Their interest in the project seems to be cooling. 他们对该项目的兴趣似乎在下降。
[ I ] (also cool off)(经济、生意等)发展放缓的
If the economy, a business, etc. cools or cools off, it grows less fast than before.
The stock market has cooled off after hitting new highs last week. 股市在上周达到新高以后上升速度放缓。
cool itidiom slang (用于告诉别人)冷静点,沉住气,息怒
used to tell someone to become calm, rather than be angry or violent
Just cool it everyone, fighting won't solve anything. 大家冷静,打架解决不了任何问题。
Phrasal verbs
cool (someone/something) down/offB2 使)冷却下来,(使)降温;(使凉快下来
to become less hot, or to make someone or something become less hot
She waited until her coffee had cooled down before taking a sip. 她一直等到咖啡凉下来才抿了一小口。
We went for a swim to cool off. 我们去游泳好凉快一下。
cool (someone) down/offB2 使)…冷静下来;(使)…平静下来
to stop feeling angry or to stop someone else feeling angry after an argument
Leave her to cool off and then talk to her. 让她一个人冷静冷静,然后再跟她谈。




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