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词汇 contact
noun uk/ˈkɒn.tækt/ us/ˈkɑːn.tækt/
B1 [ U ](尤指经常通过交谈、书信的)联系,联络,交往
communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly
"Have you been in contact with Andrew recently?" "Only by phone." “你最近跟安德鲁联系过吗?”“只是打过电话。”
I'm still in contact with her - we write a couple of times a year. 我和她仍有联系——我们一年写几封信。
There isn't enough contact between teachers and parents. 老师和家长间联系不够。
I've been busy at home and have hardly had any contact with the outside world. 我一直都在家里忙乎,和外面的世界几乎没有什么联系。
I'd hate to lose contact with my college friends. 我不愿和从前的校友失去联系。
She finally made contact with him in Italy. 她最终在意大利和他取得了联系。
Air traffic control lost radio contact with the pilot of the plane ten minutes before the accident. 事故发生前10分钟,空中交通管制中心失去了和飞机驾驶员的无线电联系。
The school needs a contact number (= phone number, especially for emergencies) for parents during school hours. 学校希望有上课时间能联系到家长的电话号码。
  • It concerns me that he hasn't been in contact.
  • She has denied her family and refuses to have any contact with them.
  • One of the minus points of working at home is not having social contact with colleagues.
  • For a few tense minutes, the astronauts lost radio contact with mission control.
  • After a few months' contact the monkeys become very tame.
C1 [ U ]接触;触摸;碰到
the fact of two people or things touching each other
Don't let that glue come into contact with your skin. 别让那种胶水粘到你的皮肤上。
Have you been in contact with (= touched or been very near) anyone with the disease? 你接触过患这种病的人吗?
He hates physical contact of any kind - he doesn't even like to shake your hand. 他讨厌任何形式的身体接触——甚至不愿和人握手。
  • Many tribes became extinct when they came into contact with Western illnesses.
  • He's very shy and never makes eye contact.
  • It's possible to pass on the virus to others through physical contact.
  • The AIDS virus is spread through contact with blood and other body fluids.
  • Don't let the cloth come into contact with anything greasy.
A2 [ C ](尤指身居高位,能提供有用信息或引见的)熟人,(社会关系
a person, especially someone in a high position, who can give you useful information or introductions that will help you at work or socially
I don't really know how she got the job, but I think her mother has contacts. 我不知道她到底怎么得到这份工作的,不过我想她母亲有些门路。
He gave me the name of one of his contacts in a design firm, who offered me a job. 他给了我一个他在一家设计公司熟人的名字,我在那里得到了工作。
We're building up (= increasing the number of) our contacts in the business. 我们在业内逐渐建立起自己的关系网。
[ C ]联系人信息
the people whose names, telephone numbers, addresses, etc. you keep, for example stored on your mobile phone
How do you add a new contact? 如何添加新的联系人?
contacts [ U ] 通讯录
the place on your mobile phone or computer where you store people's names, telephone numbers, addresses, etc.
Click the icon to go to contacts. 点击图标进入通讯录。
I've added her to my contacts.
Do you have a number for Paul? He's not in my contacts.
I'll see if I've got Joe's address in my contacts.
Will my contacts transfer when I get a new phone?
  • Do you have any contacts in journalism?
  • I have a contact within the Conservative government.
  • He is a useful contact for information on arms deals.
  • I am trying to make contacts within the party.
  • I don't have any local contacts.
[ C ](电路的)接触点,接头
a part in a circuit that makes the circuit complete when it touches another part
[ C ] (also contact lens)隐形眼镜
a small round curved piece of transparent plastic, worn on the surface of the eye to improve your sight
[ C ] (also contact print)贴印照片
a photograph produced by allowing light to pass through the film onto paper that is pressed tightly to it
verb uk/ˈkɒn.tækt/ us/ˈkɑːn.tækt/
A2 [ T ](通过电话或写电子邮件等)联系,联络
to communicate with someone by calling or sending them a letter, email, etc.
I tried to contact him at his office, but he wasn't in. 我试着给他的办公室打电话,但是他不在。
You can contact me on (US also at) (= speak to me using the phone) 388 9146. 你可以拨3889146和我联系。
Unless the money is paid, we will be contacting our legal department. 如果不付款,我们马上就和法律部门联系。
  • You can contact us by email or fax.
  • For more information about the job, please contact the personnel manager.
  • Discussion forums are a way of contacting people with similar interests from all over the world.
  • Should you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me.
  • I've been trying to contact you all day.
Related word: contactable




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