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词汇 construction
noun uk/kənˈstrʌk.ʃən/ us/kənˈstrʌk.ʃən/
B2 [ U ]建造;构筑;建设
the work of building or making something, especially buildings, bridges, etc.
She works in construction/in the construction industry. 她在建筑行业工作。
The bridge is a marvellous work of engineering and construction. 这座桥梁是工程学和建筑业的杰作。
This website is currently under construction (= being created). 该网站目前正在创建中。
[ U ](某种)构造,结构
the particular type of structure, materials, etc. that something has
The bridge is of lightweight construction. 这座桥结构较轻。
B2 [ C ]建筑物
a building
What's that concrete and metal construction over there? 那边那座混凝土和金属结构的建筑物是什么?
Synonyms: buildingedifice erection (BUILDING)structure (BUILDING)
  • Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry.
  • The starting date for the construction work is June 23.
  • The construction of the tunnel is a large and complex undertaking.
  • He called for checks to discover whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.
  • How are we going to pay for the construction work?
B2 [ C ] language specialized(句子或词组的)结构,构造
the way in which the words in a sentence or phrase are arranged
The writer has used several complex grammatical constructions. 作者使用了几个复杂的句法结构。
put a construction on something formal 将…理解为
to understand something in a particular way
How can they put such a damning construction on a perfectly innocent phrase? 他们怎么能把一个毫无恶意的词语理解为谴责呢?
They tried to put a positive construction on what was in reality a very damaging event.
If you see your role as inferior, it is solely because you have chosen to put that construction on it.
She sees the loss of our home as a chance for us to make a new start, but that's certainly not the construction I put on it.
to understand something as having a particular meaning, especially other people's actions and statements
I don't want them to put the wrong construction on my actions. 我不想让他们误解我的举动。
I was shocked that she found my article cynical but when I re-read it, I could see how she might have put that construction on it.
It's very difficult to put a positive construction on her recent actions.
We couldn't help putting a negative construction on John's sudden departure from London.
I'm not sure what construction we can put on the minister's statement.
See: construe




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