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词汇 condition
noun uk/kənˈdɪʃ.ən/ us/kənˈdɪʃ.ən/
B1 [ S or U ]状况状态
the particular state that something or someone is in
Mum's still got our pram - it's very old, but it's in perfect condition. 妈妈还留着我们的婴儿车——虽然很旧了,但仍然完好。
They left the flat in a terrible condition - there was mess everywhere. 他们把公寓弄得一团糟——到处一片狼藉。
The hospital say her condition (= state of health) is improving slowly. 医院说她的健康状况正在慢慢好转。
He's in no condition (= he is too sick or too drunk) to drive home. 他的状况根本不能自己开车回家。
conditions [ plural ]B1 物质条件情况实际环境
the physical situation that someone or something is in and affected by
weather conditions 天气条件
Working conditions here are primitive. 这里的工作条件很简陋。
The prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. 犯人们被关押在条件异常恶劣的地方。
Under what conditions do plants grow best? 植物在什么条件下生长得最好?
Riis devoted his life to improving conditions in urban slums. 里斯为改善城市贫民窟的生活条件倾注了大量心力。
B2 [ C ]疾病
any of different types of diseases
to suffer from a heart/skin condition 患有心脏/皮肤病
a medical condition 内科疾病
out of condition mainly UK (由于不参加锻炼或其他体力活动而)身体状况不佳,不在状态
not healthy enough for hard physical exercise, as a result of not taking part in sport or other physical activities
When he started boxing, he was overweight and out of condition.
Her active job as a country vet meant she never had the chance to get out of condition.
The short run made me realize that I was more out of condition than I thought.
He was severely out of condition and lacked any recent match practice.
If you carry on like this, in a year you will be so out of condition that a comeback will be physically impossible.
  • There has been no detectable change in the patient's condition.
  • The inside of the house is in good condition, but externally it's in need of repair.
  • The car is five years old but is in almost perfect condition.
  • The hospital said she was in a stable condition following the operation.
  • Relations between the two countries have been very bad for some time.
C1 [ C ](协议的)条件,前提,条款
an arrangement that must exist before something else can happen
One of the conditions in the contract is that we don't build on the land. 合同条款之一是我们不在这片土地上建造房子。
We're not in a position to make/set any conditions - we'll have to accept what they offer us. 我们没有资格提任何条件——我们只能接受他们提供的一切。
Under the conditions of the agreement, she must vacate the house on 12 July . 根据协议条款,她必须在7月12日腾出这所房子。
on (the) condition thatB2 只要条件是
only if
I'll come to the party on the condition that you don't wear those ridiculous trousers! 我会参加聚会,条件是你不要穿那条丢人现眼的裤子!
They offered me a job on the condition that I did some further training.
The World Bank reduced the country's loan payments on condition that they spent the savings on healthcare and education.
We were invited to the meeting on the condition that we agreed to keep the proceedings confidential.
He agreed to speak to the newspaper on condition that they didn't use his name.
  • They will only agree to sign the contract if certain conditions are met.
  • We had to grit our teeth and agree with their conditions because we wanted the contract.
  • They had to agree to certain conditions as a prerequisite of being lent the money.
  • They agreed to raise the trade embargo if three conditions were met.
  • He set several conditions before agreeing to take the part.
verb [ T ] uk/kənˈdɪʃ.ən/ us/kənˈdɪʃ.ən/
C2 训练;使习惯于;使适应;使(人或动物)形成条件反射
to train or influence a person or animal mentally so that they do or expect a particular thing without thinking about it
a conditioned reflex/response 条件反射/反应
[ + to infinitive ] Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. 巴甫洛夫通过训练使狗一听到铃声就流口水。
Women were conditioned to expect lower wages than men. 女性以前习惯于接受比男性低的工资。
to try to improve the quality or appearance of your hair, skin, etc. by putting a conditioner on it
Related word: conditioning




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