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词汇 colour
noun UK (US color) uk/ˈkʌl.ər/ us/ˈkʌl.ɚ/
A1 [ C or U ]颜色
red, blue, green, yellow, etc.
What's your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?
She wears a lot of bright colours. 她穿得很鲜艳。
What colour are your eyes? 你的眼睛是什么颜色的?
Does the shirt come in any other colour? 这件衬衫有其他颜色的吗?
I like rich jewel colours, such as purple, blue, and green. 我喜欢浓重的宝石色,如紫色、蓝色和绿色。
Are the photos in colour or black and white? 照片是彩色的还是黑白的?
[ U ]色彩,色调
the pleasant effect of a bright colour or of a lot of colours together
I think we need a bit of colour in this room. 我觉得我们这个房间需要增加一点色彩。
Red and yellow peppers give a little colour to the sauce. 红色和黄色的辣椒给酱汁添加了一点色彩。
literary The whole garden was ablaze with/a riot of colour (= full of different bright colours). 整个花园五彩缤纷。
[ C ]颜料,染料
a substance, such as a paint or dye, that you add to something to give it a particular colour
I put my new green shirt in a hot wash and the colour ran (= the colour came out of the material). 我把新买的绿色衬衫往热水中一泡,颜色就褪掉了。
[ U ]红润的面色;血色,气色
a pink colour in someone's face, often showing good health or showing feelings such as embarrassment or excitement
That walk has put some colour in your cheeks. 散散步使你的气色好看些了。
I watched the colour drain from her face as she heard the news. 我注意到她得知这消息后脸色煞白。
She has a high colour (= the natural colour of her face is red). 她面色红润。
  • They painted the kitchen in bold colours - crimson, purple, and blue.
  • She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.
  • The dress is available in a choice of colours.
  • I can't decide what colour to paint the walls.
  • The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.
C2 [ U ]趣味风格风味色彩
interesting or exciting qualities or details
We added your story for a bit of local colour. 我们给你的故事加了一些本土色彩。
Michael was there so that added a bit of colour to the evening's proceedings. 迈克尔的到场使那晚的活动有所增色。
C2 [ C or U ]人种的肤色
the natural colour of a person's skin which shows which race they belong to
She felt she had not been given the job because of her colour. 她觉得没能得到那份工作是因为自己的肤色。
There should be no discrimination on the grounds of color.
person/woman/man, etc. of colour 有色人种(用来形容自己)
used to describe people who do not consider themselves to be white
We need to protect the rights of people of colour. 我们需要保护有色人种的权利。
As a woman of colour, she experiences discrimination on many levels.
colours[ plural ] (中学或大学授予入选运动队者的)徽章
(at school, college, or university) an honour given to people who have been chosen for a sports team, often represented by a special symbol on a shirt or tie
She was awarded her colours for hockey/her hockey colours at the end of term. 她在学期末被选入曲棍球队。
see someone's true coloursidiom 看清…的真面目
to see someone's real character for the first time, especially when it is unpleasant
It was only when they started to work together that she began to see his true colours. 直到他们开始共事她才看清他的真面目。
show someone in their true coloursidiom 显露…的真面目
to show what someone's real character is, especially when it is unpleasant
adjective UK (US color) uk/ˈkʌl.ər/ us/ˈkʌl.ɚ/
Colour television, photography, or printing shows things in all their colours, not just in black and white.
verb UK (US color) uk/ˈkʌl.ər/ us/ˈkʌl.ɚ/
A1 [ I or T ]变色;给…着色;使成为…色
to become a particular colour, or to make something a particular colour
Do you think he colours his hair? 你觉得他染发了吗?
He drew a heart and coloured it red. 他画了一颗心并把它涂成红色。
Fry the onions till they start to colour. 将洋葱煎至变色。
[ I ](因为困窘而)脸红
to become red in the face because you are embarrassed
C2 [ T often passive ]影响观点);使有偏见
If something colours your opinion of something, it influences your opinion in a negative way.
I'm sure my views on marriage are coloured by my parents' divorce. 我对婚姻的观点肯定受到了我父母离婚一事的影响。
I'm trying not to let my judgment be coloured by that one incident. 我努力不让自己的判断因为那一事件而带上偏见。
Phrasal verb
colour something in 给…上色,给…填色,给…着色
to fill an area with colour using paint, coloured pencils, etc.
Rosie drew an elephant and coloured it in. 罗西画了一头大象,然后给它上了色。




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