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词汇 coast
noun [ C ] uk/kəʊst/ us/koʊst/
B1 海岸;沿海地区
the land next to or close to the sea
Rimini is a thriving resort on the east coast of Italy. 里米尼是意大利东海岸一个繁华的度假胜地。
The accident happened three miles off the coast (= in the sea three miles from land). 事故发生在距离海岸3英里的海域。
We spent a week by/on the coast (= by the sea). 我们在海滨度过了一个星期。
coast to coast (also coast-to-coast)(一国的)此岸到彼岸
from one side of the country to the other
We travelled across America coast to coast. 我们的旅行横跨美国东西海岸。
The aircraft took us from coast to coast in just over seven hours.
I was stiff from sleeping in my seat on a coast-to-coast flight.
He is planning a coast-to-coast bike ride this summer.
The airline is increasing the number of coast-to-coast routes it runs.
mainly US (also coast-to-coast)全国各地
in every part of a country
The visiting politician received coast-to-coast media attention. 来访的政客们受到全国媒体的关注。
Hospitals from coast to coast report increasing numbers of patients with this problem.
Small businesses coast to coast are bracing themselves for the coming recession.
Prayer services were held from coast to coast in the aftermath of the attack.
He was a successful con artist, who tricked investors coast-to-coast out of more than $10 million.
  • We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of Portugal.
  • This particular stretch of coast is especially popular with walkers.
  • The boat sailed down the coast.
  • The ship lies off the coast of Spain.
  • Thousands of day trippers flock to resorts on the south coast.
the coast is clearidiom 已无危险;没有被发现(或抓住)的危险
it is safe to do something or go somewhere because no one is watching or listening who would prevent you or catch you
You can come out now, the coast is clear. 现在你可以出来了,危险已经过去。
verb [ I ] uk/kəʊst/ us/koʊst/
to move forward in a vehicle without using the engine, usually down a hill
At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side. 在山顶,我关上发动机,我们就沿着另一侧的山坡顺势滑行。
to progress or succeed without any effort or difficulty
While I struggled, my sister coasted through school with top grades. 上学时我总觉得很吃力,而我妹妹却一路学得轻轻松松,成绩一直很优异。




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