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词汇 cloud
noun uk/klaʊd/ us/klaʊd/
A2 [ C ] (UK also cloud [ U ])
a grey or white mass in the sky, made up of very small floating drops of water
Do you think those are rain clouds on the horizon? 你看天边那些云是雨云吗?
The sky was a perfect blue - not a cloud in sight. 天空一片湛蓝——万里无云。
Dark clouds massed on the horizon. 天边阴云密布。
UK There was so much cloud, we couldn't see anything. 云层太厚,我们什么也看不见。
  • A cloud passed over the sun.
  • A dark bank of cloud loomed on the horizon.
  • He puffed a cloud of cigarette smoke into my eyes.
  • The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust and gases into the air.
  • The sun disappeared behind heavy clouds.
B2 [ C ]一团(尘土、烟雾等);云状物
a mass of something such as dust or smoke that looks like a cloud
On the eastern horizon, a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky. 在东方的地平线上,着火的储油罐冒出的浓烟弥漫在天际。
The initial cloud of tear gas had hardly cleared before shots were fired. 催泪瓦斯的第一团烟雾刚散尽,射击就开始了。
the cloud[ S ] 网络
a computer network where files and programs can be stored, especially the internet
All the photographs are kept on the cloud rather than on hard drives. 所有的照片都存在网络云里,而不是硬盘上。
be on cloud nineidiom informalC2 高兴极了;异常兴奋;乐不可支
to be extremely happy and excited
"Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!" “海伦得到那份工作高兴吗?”“岂止是高兴?她简直飘飘然了!”
be under a cloudidiom 不被信任,受怀疑;受嫌弃,不受欢迎
to not be trusted or popular because people think you have done something bad
The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a fraud scandal. 这位内阁大臣因涉嫌诈骗丑闻而离职。
a cloud hanging over someoneidiom 有心事不悦忧心忡忡
a situation or future event that makes you worry or feel unhappy
When you're waiting for an operation, you feel like there's a cloud hanging over you. 等待手术的时候,会感觉忧心忡忡的。
a cloud on the horizonidiom 可能到来的麻烦令人担忧的事
something that threatens to cause problems or unhappiness in the future
The only cloud on the horizon is the physics exam in June. 唯一要担心的就是6月份的物理考试。
every cloud has a silver liningidiom saying 黑暗中总有一线光明。
said to emphasize that every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage
verb uk/klaʊd/ us/klaʊd/
[ I or T ]使)变得模糊,(使变得黯然
If something transparent clouds, or if something clouds it, it becomes difficult to see through.
C2 [ T ]使迷惑;使不清楚;使难以理解
to make someone confused, or make something more difficult to understand
When it came to explaining the lipstick on his collar, he found that drink had clouded (= confused) his memory. 等到要他解释衣领上的口红印时,他才意识到当时酒喝得太多,什么都记不清了。
Phrasal verb
cloud over 阴云密布,乌云翻滚
If the sky clouds over, it becomes covered with clouds.
If a person's face clouds over, they suddenly look unhappy or worried.
At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over. 一提到死去的丈夫,她的脸色就阴沉下来。




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