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词汇 closely
adverb uk/ˈkləʊ us/ˈkloʊ
B2 紧密地,密切地,直接联系地
in a way that is directly connected or has a strong relationship
English and German are closely related. 英语和德语的亲缘关系很近。
Both politicians have been closely associated with the movement for some time. 这两位政界人士与这场运动有密切联系,而且都已经有一段时间了。
We are working closely with the police. 我们正与警方密切合作。
  • The euro has closely shadowed the dollar.
  • Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim.
  • He has been closely associated with the museum for many years.
  • She has been closely associated with racist organizations in the past.
  • We have remained closely in touch over the years.
C1 仔细地,小心谨慎地
carefully and paying attention to details
Pollution levels are closely monitored. 污染等级受到严密的监控。
He looked again more closely at the marks. 他又更加仔细地看了看分数。
without a big difference between two people, groups, or things
The two teams are closely matched. 两队的实力不相上下。
It was a closely fought election. 竞选相当激烈,不分胜负。
in a way that tries hard to keep something secret
a closely guarded secret 严格保守的秘密
C1 (时间或空间上)接近地,不远地
not far in time or position
The Swiss boat is in the lead, followed closely by the French. 瑞士队的船处于领先地位,紧随其后的是法国队。




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