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词汇 click
verb uk/klɪk/ us/klɪk/
A2 [ I or T ]点击鼠标
to carry out a computer operation by pressing a button on the mouse or keyboard
If you want to open a file, click twice on the icon for it. 如果你想打开一个文件,双击该文件图标。
When you have selected the file you want, click the "Open" box. 选中了你想要的文件,用鼠标点击“打开”方框。
  • You draw the shape somewhere on your worksheet, click on it and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Click 'File' in the menu bar, then click 'Exit'.
  • Make sure the file you're copying to is open before you click 'Paste'.
  • To open a new document, click 'File', then click 'New'.
  • A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.
C2 [ I or T ]使)发出短而尖的声音;(使发出咔嗒声
to make a short, sharp sound, or to make something do this
The door clicked shut behind her. 门在她身后咔嗒一声关上了。
Can you hear that strange clicking noise? 你能听到咔嗒咔嗒的怪声吗?
UK Paul clicked his fingers (= moved his thumb against his middle finger to make a short sharp sound) to attract the waiter's attention. 保罗打了个响指叫侍者。
Soldiers click their heels (= bring them sharply together) when they stand to attention. 士兵们立正时脚后跟咔嚓一声碰在一起。
C2 [ I ] informal成为朋友;受欢迎
to be liked by someone
The new daytime soap opera has yet to show signs that it's clicking with the television audience. 尚无迹象表明新日间肥皂剧受到电视观众的欢迎。
C2 [ I ] informal突然明白;恍然大悟
to be understood, or become clear suddenly
Suddenly everything clicked and I realized where I'd met him. 突然一切都清楚了,我意识到自己在哪里见过他了。
[ + question word ] As he talked about his schooldays, it suddenly clicked where I had met him before. 当他谈起自己的学校生活时,我突然想起来我曾经在哪儿见过他了。
[ + that ] So it's finally clicked that you're going to have to get yourself a job, has it? 所以,你最后终于明白你必须给自己找份工作,是吗?
In the last act of the play, everything clicks into place. 在戏的最后一幕,一切都真相大白了。
Phrasal verbs
click away 反复地敲击计算机键盘
to press the buttons of the keyboard repeatedly while using a computer
In the newsroom, reporters answer phones and click away at their computers. 在新闻编辑室里,记者们或是在打电话或是忙碌地在计算机前敲打键盘。
If a machine, clock, camera, etc., clicks away, it makes a repeated short, sharp sound while operating or being operated.
The clock clicks away at the Kennedy Space Center. 肯尼迪太空中心的时钟滴答作响。
Camera phones clicked away, trying to get a close-up shot of the president. 手机上的相机咔嚓不停,都想拍到总统的近照。
click out 通过按下计算机键盘上或手机上的按键离开某个网站、文件或短信等
to leave a website, file, text message, etc., by pressing a key on your computer keyboard or mobile phone
Often, attempts to click out of the site only serve to launch yet another ad window. 想按键离开这个网站经常导致另一个新的广告窗口被打开。
noun [ C ] uk/klɪk/ us/klɪk/
a short, sharp sound
The soldier gave a click of his heels as he saluted. 士兵敬礼的时候脚后跟咔嚓一声并拢。
phonetics specialized (also click consonant)(语音中的)咔嗒音
a speech sound made by sucking air quickly into the mouth, but not into the lungs, using the tongue or lips
Clicks are found in several southern African languages. 咔嗒音可以在几种南部非洲语言中听到。
A2 点击鼠标
the act of pressing a button on the mouse (= small control device) of a computer to operate it
(just) a click away 一键之遥(指很容易从计算机、特别是互联网上获得)
If something is (just) a click away, it is very easy to get on your computer, especially from the Internet.
All the library's reference materials are now just a click away.
Online support groups are just a click away.
Unfortunately, racist literature is a click away, and schools must do everything they can to protect students from it.
Need tips for your visit? Help is only a click away.
Now that public records are available electronically, your own family tree is just a click away.
clicks and mortaridiom (also clicks and bricks); (or bricks and clicks) 虚实整合企业(结合传统零售渠道和在线电子商务的营运方式)
used for talking about businesses that involve selling things in stores as well as on the internet
Retailing is set to be very much clicks and mortar. 零售业极有可能向传统零售和电子商务相结合的营运方式发展。
the development of a clicks-and-mortar strategy 虚实整合策略的开发




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