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词汇 classic
adjective uk/ˈklæs.ɪk/ us/ˈklæs.ɪk/
B2 经典的优秀的;一流的
having a high quality or standard against which other things are judged
Fielding's classic novel "Tom Jones" 菲尔丁的经典小说《汤姆‧琼斯》
Another classic goal there from Corley! 科利又踢进一个漂亮球!
  • Cullinan's tasty offering adds a personal touch to classic recipe.
  • The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.
  • I've always enjoyed reading classic novels.
extremely or unusually funny, bad, or annoying
Then she fell over backwards into the flowerbed - it was absolutely classic! 然后她仰面倒进了花坛——真是太滑稽了!
That was classic! That van-driver signalled right, and then turned left. 太可恶了!那个货车司机打右转的信号,可是却向左转弯了!
having all the characteristics or qualities that you expect
He's a classic example of a kid who's clever but lazy. 他是个典型的聪明却懒惰的孩子。
He had all the classic symptoms of the disease. 他具有这种病的所有典型症状。
informal disapproving糟糕的,讨厌的,倒霉的(但并不令人惊讶)
bad or unpleasant, but not very surprising or unexpected
It's classic - you arrive at the station on time and find that the train's left early. 事情就是那样倒霉——你按时赶到车站却发现火车提早开走了。
  • He's got all the classic symptoms of a cold - the coughs and sneezes and the sore throat.
  • It's a classic case of the bored-housewife syndrome - she's got nothing to do all day except drink and go shopping.
  • Officials admit that the re-planting of the hillsides only started five years ago and seems to be a classic case of too little too late.
  • I suffer from the classic working mother's guilt trip.
  • Withdrawal is a classic symptom of depression.
having a simple, traditional style that is always fashionable
She wore a classic navy suit. 她身着一套传统式样的海军服。
noun uk/ˈklæs.ɪk/ us/ˈklæs.ɪk/
B2 [ C ](书、音乐或电影的)经典作品,杰作
a piece of writing, a musical recording, or a film that is well known and of a high standard and lasting value
Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is a classic of English literature. 简•奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》是英国文学中的经典作品。
Many of the Rolling Stones' records have become rock classics. 滚石乐队的许多唱片已成为摇滚乐的经典之作。
the classics [ plural ] 古典文学名著
the most famous works of literature
I spent my childhood reading the classics. 我把童年花在阅读经典文学作品上了。
Some kids struggle to read the classics.
Despite leaving school at 16, she had read all the classics and even gave a lecture on Shakespeare.
Scholars suggest we revisit the classics and read them with a more critical eye.
We study a range of literature, from contemporary works to the classics.
  • Larkin's poems have become classics, taught in schools.
  • His musical, based on a novel by Zola, became a classic.
  • 'Anna Karenina' is a classic of Russian literature.
classics[ U ] 古希腊和古罗马文化研究(尤指语言与文学方面)
the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture, especially their languages and literature
She studied/read classics at Cambridge. 她在剑桥学习古希腊和古罗马文化研究。
a classics scholar. 研究古希腊和古罗马文化的学者
He helped to establish the classics department at the University of Massachusetts.
Her aunt was a classics professor at Cambridge University.
He spent a year teaching classics at a Chicago university.
Latin is certainly useful for a classics degree.
[ C ]经典服装永不过时的传统服装
a piece of clothing that is always fashionable
A long wool coat is a classic no one should be without. 羊毛大衣应该是衣橱里必不可少的经典服装。




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