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词汇 chip
noun uk/tʃɪp/ us/tʃɪp/
A1 [ C usually plural ] UK (US French fry)炸薯条,油炸土豆条
a long, thin piece of potato that is fried and usually eaten hot
fish and chips 炸鱼加土豆条
beans/egg/sausage and chips 豆子/鸡蛋/香肠加薯条
oven chips (= chips that are baked in an oven rather than fried) 烤薯条
A2 [ C usually plural ] US (US also potato chip); (UK (potato) crisp)炸薯片
a very thin, often round piece of fried potato, sometimes with a flavour added, sold especially in plastic bags
a bag of chips 一包炸薯片
[ C usually plural ]炸玉米片(或香蕉片等)
a thin slice of fried maize, banana, or other food that is eaten cold
tortilla chips and salsa 辣沙司佐玉米脆片
banana chips 炸香蕉片
  • Cod and chips, please.
  • He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal.
  • Joe demolished an enormous plateful of sausages and chips.
  • The children seem to exist on a diet of burgers and chips.
  • I've just bought a deep-fat fryer for cooking chips.
B2 [ C ] (also microchip)(尤指计算机的)集成电路片,芯片
a very small piece of semiconductor, especially in a computer, that contains extremely small electronic circuits and devices, and can perform particular operations
a silicon chip 硅芯片
  • The computer chip compresses and decompresses a colour image in less than a second.
  • The invention of the silicon chip was a landmark in the history of the computer.
  • The silicon chip is a classic example of the benefits of miniaturization.
  • Using a single chip reduces (the) noise on the output signal by 90%.
  • We use a Pentium chip.
[ C ]脱落的)碎屑,碎片;(杯、盘等的)缺口
a small piece that has been broken off a larger object, or the mark left on an object such as a cup, plate, etc. where a small piece has been broken off it
wood chips 木屑
Polly fell and knocked a chip out of her front tooth. 波莉摔了一跤,磕掉了一小块门牙。
This mug's got a chip in it/out of it. 这个缸子上有个豁口。
[ C ](作赌注用的)筹码
a small plastic disc used to represent a particular amount of money in gambling
figurative The hostages are being held as a bargaining chip by terrorist organizations. 恐怖组织扣押了人质作为讨价还价的筹码。
[ C ]足球的)挑球;(高尔夫球的)轻击短打
a kick in football or a hit in golf, in which the ball goes high into the air for a short time
His splendid chip from the 18 yard line caught the goalkeeper off his line. 他从离球门18码处一脚漂亮的跳球,对方守门员没有站在球门线上,被打了个措手不及。
a chip off the old blockidiom informal (性格上)酷似父亲(或母亲)的人
someone who is very similar in character to their father or mother
have a chip on your shoulderidiom informalC2 (因觉得受委屈或不如别人优秀而)生气,耿耿于怀
to seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people
He's got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university. 他因没能上大学而耿耿于怀。
have had your chipsidiom UK informal 失势,完蛋,垮台
to have lost your position, importance, or power
when the chips are downidiom informal 在困难时刻,在危急关头
when you are in a very difficult or dangerous situation, especially one that makes you understand the true value of people or things
One day when the chips are down, you will know who your true friends are. 等到危急关头你就会知道谁是真正的朋友了。
verb [ I or T ] uk/tʃɪp/ us/tʃɪp/ -pp-
to break a small piece off something by accident
I wish my nail polish wouldn't keep chipping. 我希望我的指甲油不要老掉。
He's chipped a bone in his wrist. 他腕关节有一块骨头裂了。
to kick a football or hit a golf ball high into the air for a short distance.
Berbatov managed to sidestep a tackle and chip the keeper. 贝尔巴托夫躲过铲球,挑球越过了守门员。
Phrasal verbs
chip (something) inC2 共同支付;凑钱,凑份子
to give some money when several people are giving money to pay for something together
They all chipped in £100 and bought their mother a trip to Greece. 他们每人凑了100英镑,让母亲到希腊旅游一趟。
chip in 插嘴,插话;打断别人的话
to interrupt a conversation in order to say something
I'll start and you can all chip in with your comments. 我现在开始,你们随时都可以插话发表意见。




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