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词汇 channel
noun [ C ] uk/ˈtʃæn.əl/ us/ˈtʃæn.əl/
A2 电视台;电视频道
a television or radio station (= an organization that broadcasts television or radio programmes)
a cable/terrestrial/satellite channel 有线/地面/卫星频道
a music/movie/news/shopping/sports channel 音乐/电影/新闻/购物/体育频道
the news on Channel 4 四频道的新闻
She switched/turned to another channel to watch football. 她换到另一个频道看足球赛。
Millions tune in to our channel every morning to hear the local news.
  • The commentary on the Olympic games was much better on the other channel.
  • Press this button and the video will automatically tune itself to the next channel.
  • Where's the gadget that you change channels with?
  • This channel is only available on cable.
  • We really don't need a dedicated sports channel as we don't watch much sport.
  • Digital pictures can freeze if another signal is broadcast on or near the same channel.
a passage for water or other liquids to flow along, or a part of a river or other area of water that is deep and wide enough to provide a route for ships to travel along
There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land. 在这片平坦的农田上遍布着排水/灌溉渠。
The boats all have to pass through this narrow channel. 所有船只都必须通过这条狭窄的航道。
the Channel 英吉利海峡
the area of sea that separates England from France
We're going to have a day-trip across the Channel. 我们将进行一次横渡英吉利海峡的一日游。
We took the car to France overnight on a (cross-)channel ferry. 我们用横渡英吉利海峡的渡船把汽车运到了法国。
  • The rain ran down a small channel into the river.
  • We swam through the channel into the harbour.
  • They dug large channels to drain the fields.
C2 (交流的)途径,渠道
a way of communicating with people or getting something done
We must open the channels of communication between the two countries. 我们必须打开两国之间的交流渠道。
The government pursued every diplomatic/official channel to free the hostages. 政府寻求一切外交/官方渠道以使人质获释。
Complaints should be made through the proper/usual channels. 应当通过适当的/正常的渠道进行投诉。
a way of making a product, information, etc. available
The insurer sells its products through a variety of distribution channels, including banks. 保险公司通过包括银行在内的各种渠道销售其产品。
a route or way out of an airport or port where travellers' bags are examined
If you have nothing to declare, go through the green channel. 如果你没有东西要申报,就走绿色通道。
Goods to declare - use the red channel. 有商品要报税——走红色通道。
verb [ T ] uk/ˈtʃæn.əl/ us/ˈtʃæn.əl/ -ll- or -l-
C2 引导;把…导入,将…引入
to direct something into a particular place or situation
Ditches were constructed to channel water away from the buildings. 修造了沟渠把水引离建筑物。
If she could only channel all that energy into something useful. 要是她能把那些精力都倾注到有用的事情上就好了。
A lot of money has been channelled into research in that particular field. 大笔经费投入到了那个领域的研究中。
to behave like or copy another person, so that you almost seem to be that other person
The band were dressed in 1960s outfits and seemed to be channelling the Beatles. 这支乐队身着60年代的服装,似乎是在模仿甲壳虫乐队。




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