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词汇 change
verb uk/tʃeɪndʒ/ us/tʃeɪndʒ/
A1 [ T ]换,交换
to exchange one thing for another thing, especially of a similar type
She's just changed jobs. 她刚换了工作。
Let's change the subject (= talk about something different). 我们换个话题吧。
A2 [ I or T ]改变,变化
to make or become different
I almost didn't recognize her - she'd changed so much. 我几乎认不出她了——她变化太大了。
That was 20 years ago and things have changed since then. 20年过去了,情况已经变了。
Nothing changes, does it - I've been away two years and the office still looks exactly the same. 什么也没有改变,不是吗——我走了两年,办公室看起来仍然是老样子。
People have changed their diets a lot over the past few years. 过去几年里人们的饮食习惯改变了许多。
I'm going to change my hairstyle. 我打算改变一下发型。
B1 [ I or T ] UK (US exchange)(将购买的东西拿回店里去)换,交换
to take something you have bought back to a shop and exchange it for something else
I had to change those trousers I bought for (= take them back to the shop in order to get) a bigger pair. 我不得不把买来的裤子拿回去换了条大些的。
change your mindB1 改变主意,改变决定
to form a new opinion or make a new decision about something that is different from your old one
If you change your mind about coming tonight, just give me a call. 要是你改变主意今晚不来了,给我打个电话就行。
When I first met him I didn't like him but I've changed my mind. 我第一次见到他时并不喜欢他,可是现在已经改变了看法。
George didn't want to come, but we persuaded him to change his mind.
I'm thinking of studying psychology, but I keep changing my mind.
They had planned to go ahead with the court hearings that week, but lack of space forced them to change their minds.
change for the better 好转;变好;改进
to improve
Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job. 她自从开始新工作后态度确实变好了。
They still have hope that their lives could change for the better one day.
My dancing has changed for the better and I owe that to my teacher.
Medicine is a good profession but there are many ways it could change for the better.
Much has changed for the better since 1970, but light pollution is still a problem.
change your ways 改善举止
to improve the bad parts of your behaviour
If he wants to carry on living here, he's going to have to change his ways and learn to be a bit less messy. 要是他想继续在这儿住下去,就得改改样子,学着干净整洁一点。
We know we need to reduce oil use, but it will take a lot to make us change our ways.
They have prisoners speak to troubled children in an effort to encourage them to change their ways.
She realized that her credit card spending was out of control and changed her ways.
After years of less than ideal practices, the department finally seems to be changing its ways.
  • He said that he hadn't seen the traffic light change to red.
  • They all tried to persuade him to change his decision.
  • We don't expect the economic situation to change anytime soon.
  • It sounds to me like you ought to change jobs.
  • The weather in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable clothing.
A2 [ I or T ]换乘,转乘(火车、公共汽车等)
to get off a train, bus, etc. and catch another in order to continue a journey
I had to change (trains) twice to get there. 到那里我得换乘两次(火车)。
Change at Peterborough for York. 在彼得伯勒换车去约克。
  • This train will terminate at the next stop - passengers who wish to continue should change trains.
  • You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change.
  • The only thing I'm worried about is changing trains at Kings Cross.
  • You'll have to change buses when you get into Victoria, but your next bus doesn't leave for half an hour.
  • It's an awkward trip - you have to change several times.
A2 [ T ]把…换成零钱;兑换
to get or give money in exchange for money, either because you want it in smaller units, or because you want the same value in foreign money
Could you change a £10 note (for two fives), please? 请问你能把一张10英镑换开(换成两张5英镑)吗?
Could you change a £5 note for me? 你能为我换开一张5英镑的纸币吗?
I need to change my dollars for/into English money. 我需要把手头的美元换成英镑。
  • Can you change a tenner for two fivers?
  • You can't pay in English money. You'll have to change some money at the bank.
  • I need to change some of these travellers cheques.
  • Will they change money at the hotel?
  • He kindly changed my foreign currency for me.
A2 [ I or T ](给…)换衣服;(给…)换床单
to remove one set of clothes and put a different set on yourself or a young child, especially a baby, or to remove dirty sheets from a bed and put clean ones on it
You don't need to change - you look great as you are. 你不用换衣服——这样看上去就很好。
I'll just change into (= get dressed in) something a bit smarter. 我要换一身更漂亮点的衣服。
Give me five minutes to change out of (= remove) my work clothes and I'll come out with you. 给我5分钟换下工作服就跟你出去。
How often do you think he changes his shirt? 你觉得他多久换一次衬衣?
Could you change the baby (= the baby's nappy)? 你能给婴儿换一下尿布吗?
I've changed the sheets/the bed (= the sheets on the bed) in the guest room. 我把客房的床单换过了。
  • You are going to change, aren't you? You can't go in those tatty old jeans.
  • When did you last change the linen on the children's beds?
  • I hadn't even changed when our first guests arrived, so Jeff had to cope on his own.
  • I usually insist that he changes out of his work clothes before dinner.
  • Can you make sure your brother doesn't walk in when I'm changing?
[ I ](风或潮水)改向
When the wind or the tide (= the rise and fall of the sea) changes, it starts to move in a different direction.
The tide is starting to change. 潮水开始改向了。
[ I or T ] (US usually shift)车辆)换挡,变速
to put a vehicle into a different gear, usually in order to change the speed at which it is moving
to change gear 换挡
I changed into fourth (gear). 我换到了第4挡。
UK Change down to go round the corner. 转弯要换到低挡。
change (your) tackidiom 改变方法;改变思路
to try a different method to deal with the same problem
I've written twice and received no reply, so I might change tack and call her. 我写了两封信都没有得到回复,所以我可能要换个方法,给她打电话。
change your tuneidiom disapproving (尤指为了好处而)改变看法,改变论调
to change your opinion completely, especially because you know it will bring you an advantage
He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much money he'd get. 一开始他反对这个主意,可是等他意识到自己能赚到那么多钱时就立刻改变了态度。
change handsidiom 转手,易主
to go from one owner to another
That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed hands. 那家意大利餐馆自从转手后就一落千丈。
Phrasal verbs
change something around 改变…的位置
to move objects such as furniture into different positions
The room looks very different since you've changed the furniture around. 自从你把家具的位置调整后,这个房间看起来大不一样。
change over 更换;改用
to stop using or having one thing and to start using or having something else
We've just changed over from gas heating to electric.
change (something) up US在某事上做出改变(以求改善)
to change something, especially in order to improve it
If something's not working, they change up. 要是某事不奏效,他们就会做出改变。
We talked with the dietitian about changing up the menu. 我们和营养师谈过更改菜单的问题。
noun uk/tʃeɪndʒ/ us/tʃeɪndʒ/
A2 [ C or U ]改变改动变化变动
the act of becoming different, or the result of something becoming different
Let me know if there's any change in the situation. 要是情况有了什么变化请告诉我。
We're living in a time of great change. 我们生活在一个大变革的时代。
We need a change of government. 我们需要换个政府。
a change in lifestyle 生活方式的改变
They've made a lot of changes to the house. 他们已对房子作了很多变动。
The new management will make fundamental/radical/sweeping changes (= do things in a very different way). 新的管理层会进行根本的/彻底的/大范围的变革。
Synonyms: adjustment (CHANGE)alterationamendmentmodification (CHANGE)mutation
B1 [ S ](令人愉快或有趣的)改进,改变
something that is pleasant or interesting because it is unusual or new
It's nice to see her smile for a change. 看到她笑了,真好。
"Shall we we eat in the garden?" "Why not - it'll make a change." “我们到花园里吃饭好吗?”“为什么不呢——这样会很新鲜。”
We've always had a red car - it's time we had a change! 我们的车总是红色的——该换一换了!
change of scene 新环境
a new situation
She'd been with the same company for too many years and felt she needed a change of scene, so she applied for a job as a stage manager. 她在同一家公司已经干了好多年了,觉得需要换个环境,所以申请了一份舞台监督的工作。
His parents moved him to another school, hoping the change of scene would do him good.
For a complete change of scene, why not visit the Sahara Desert?
Do come and stay with us any time you fancy a change of scene.
We often head inland at the weekend for a change of scene.
  • The minister has announced that there will be no change in government policy.
  • The holiday was a welcome change.
  • A lot of people were caught out by the sudden change in the weather.
  • You're not planning a change of career, are you?
  • The country is crying out for a change in leadership.
A2 [ U ]硬币辅币
money in the form of coins rather than notes
She gave me €5 in change. 她给了我5欧元的硬币。
My dad always used to carry a lot of loose/small change (= coins) in his pocket. 我爸爸以前口袋里总是装着许多硬币。
[ U ](换开的)零钱
smaller units of money given in exchange for larger units of the same amount
Do you have change for a 20-dollar bill? 你能换开20美元的钞票吗?
A2 [ U ]找头,找给的零钱
the money that is returned to someone who has paid for something that costs less than the amount that they gave
I think you've given me the wrong change. 我想你找错我钱了。
  • Here's your change, darling.
  • She delved into her pocket to find some change.
  • He fumbled in his pockets for some change.
  • He carefully pocketed his change.
  • "Have you got any change?" "Sorry, I've only got a five-pound note."
[ C ]更衣,换衣服
the action of putting on different clothes
She did a quick change before going on TV. 上电视前,她迅速换了套衣服。
a change of clothesA2 换洗的衣服
a set of clothes as well as the ones that you are wearing
You'll need a change of clothes if you're staying overnight. 你要是在外面过夜,就需要带一套换洗的衣服。
I set off one morning with some food, a bottle of water, and a change of clothes in my bag.
You will need to bring at least two changes of clothes.
Patients on this ward are given a change of clothes daily.
I always keep a change of clothes in my locker at work.
[ C ]换乘(火车、公共汽车等)
the action of getting off a train, bus, etc. and catching another in order to continue a journey
I hate journeys where you've got a lot of changes. 我讨厌频频换车的旅程。
the change (of life)idiom 更年期
old-fashioned for the menopause
She's going through the change. 她正处于更年期。
a change is as good as a restidiom UK saying 换个环境等于休息。
You can get as much good from changing the work you do as from having a rest.
change of heartidiom C2 改变态度,改变主意
If you have a change of heart, you change your opinion or the way you feel about something.
She was going to sell her house but had a change of heart at the last minute. 她本打算卖掉自己的房子,可是在最后一刻又改变了主意。




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