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词汇 chance
noun uk/tʃɑːns/ us/tʃæns/
B1 [ C ]机遇机会时机
an occasion that allows something to be done
I didn't get/have a chance to speak to her. 我没有机会跟她说话。
[ + to infinitive ] If you give me a chance to speak, I'll explain. 要是你给我个说话的机会,我会解释的。
Society has to give prisoners a second chance when they come out of jail. 犯人出狱后社会必须再给他们一次机会。
He left and I missed my chance to say goodbye to him. 他走了,我失去了跟他道别的机会。
I'd go now given half a chance (= if I had the slightest opportunity). 要有丁点儿机会我现在就会走。
Synonym: opportunity
  • Don't tell anyone I'm leaving before I've had a chance to tell Anthony.
  • We'd be glad of the chance to meet her.
  • We are now offering you the chance to buy the complete set of pans at half price.
  • Everyone will have a chance to make their views known at the meeting.
  • She missed the chance of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
B1 [ S or plural ]可能性
the level of possibility that something will happen
You'd have a better chance/more chance of passing your exams if you worked a bit harder. 你要是再用功一点,通过考试的可能性会大一些。
[ + (that) ] There's a good chance (that) I'll have this essay finished by tomorrow. 到明天我很可能会写完这篇文章。
There's a slim/slight chance (that) I might have to go to Manchester next week. 下周我也许得去曼彻斯特,不过可能性不大。
If we hurry, there's still an outside (= very small) chance of catching the plane. 要是我们抓紧,没准还能赶上飞机。
"Is there any chance of speaking to him?" "Not a/No chance, I'm afraid." “有可能跟他说话吗?”“恐怕一点都没有。”
I don't think I stand/have a chance of winning. 我觉得自己没有赢的可能性。
UK John thinks they're in with a chance (= they have a possibility of doing or getting what they want). 约翰认为他们有机会。
Her resignation has improved my chances of promotion. 她的辞职增加了我晋升的可能性。
What are her chances of survival? 她幸存的机会有多大?
[ + that ] What are the chances that they'll win? 他们赢的可能性有多大?
Synonym: likelihood
  • There's no chance of us getting there by eight.
  • There's still an outside chance that Scotland will get through into the World Cup.
  • She stands a good chance of passing her exam if she works hard.
  • The doctors told my wife I had a 50/50 chance of survival.
  • I must tell you in all honesty that there is little chance of the scheme being approved.
B2 [ C ](不好的事情发生的)危险,风险
a possibility that something negative will happen
I'm delivering my work by hand - I'm not taking any chances. 我要亲手递送自己的作品——我可不想有任何闪失。
There's a chance of injury in almost any sport. 几乎任何体育运动都有受伤的危险。
Synonym: risk
  • The doctor says there's no chance of contagion.
  • The weather forecast said that there's an even chance of thunderstorms tonight .
  • There is possibly less chance of another World War while the last one is within living memory.
  • There's a chance that he might go bankrupt.
  • Don't go climbing if there's any chance of bad weather.
B1 [ U ]偶然,碰巧;巧合
the force that causes things to happen without any known cause or reason for doing so
Roulette is a game of chance. 轮盘赌是碰运气的游戏。
I got this job completely by chance. 我得到这份工作完全是偶然。
[ + (that) ] It was pure/sheer chance (that) we met. 我们的相遇纯属巧合。
We must double-check everything and leave nothing to chance. 我们必须把每件事都复核一遍,绝不能心存侥幸。
by any chanceC2 (用于询问或礼貌地请求)也许,可能
used to ask a question or request in a polite way
Are you Hungarian, by any chance? 你或许是匈牙利人?
Could you lend me a couple of pounds, by any chance? 你能不能借我几英镑?
You wouldn't, by any chance, have a calculator on you, would you? 你或许没带计算器吧,是不是?
I wondered if there might, by any chance, still be any tickets left?
Could you get me the latest sales figures, by any chance?
Your name isn't Walton by any chance, is it?
chance would be a fine thingidiom UK informal 可惜没有机会,要是有机会就好了
said when you would very much like something to happen but there is no possibility that it will
"You should relax a bit more." "Chance would be a fine thing." “你应该再放松一点。”“要是能这样就好了。”
(the) chances areidiom informalC2 很有可能
it is likely
Chances are (that) they'll be late anyway. 总之,他们很可能会迟到。
not give much for someone's chancesidiom 不太相信…会成功
to not believe someone will succeed
I wouldn't give much for his chances in the next race. 我不大相信他在下一场比赛中会赢。
verb uk/tʃɑːns/ us/tʃæns/
[ T ]冒险
to risk something
You'd be a fool to chance your life savings on a single investment. 你要是把一辈子的积蓄都放到一项投资上就是个傻瓜。
[ I ] old-fashioned or literary偶然发生碰巧
to happen or do something by chance
[ + to infinitive ] They chanced to be in the restaurant when I arrived. 我到的时候他们正好在餐馆里。
I chanced on/upon (= found unexpectedly) some old love letters in a drawer. 我偶然在抽屉里发现了一些旧情书。
Ten years after leaving school, we chanced on/upon (= unexpectedly met) each other in Regent Street. 毕业10年后,我们在摄政街偶遇。
chance your armidiom UK 冒险一试;碰运气
to take a risk in order to get something that you want
Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business? 你放弃稳定的工作去开办公司是不是有点太冒险了?




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