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词汇 certain
adjective uk/ˈsɜː.tən/ us/ˈsɝː.tən/
B1 肯定的,无疑的;有把握的确定的
having no doubt or knowing exactly that something is true, or known to be true, correct, exact, or effective
[ + (that) ] Are you absolutely certain (that) you gave them the right number? 你敢肯定你给他们的号码没错吗?
I feel certain (that) you're doing the right thing. 我确信你做得对。
You should make certain (that) everyone understands the instructions. 你应该确保大家都能听懂指令。
The police seem certain (that) they will find the people responsible for the attack. 警方似乎确信他们会查出这起袭击事件的责任人。
[ + question word ] I'm not certain how much it will cost. 我不能确定这要花费多少钱。
He was quite certain about/of his attacker's identity. 他对袭击他的人的身份很肯定。
One thing is certain - she won't resign willingly. 有一点是肯定的——她不会心甘情愿地辞职。
know/say for certainC1 确切知道肯定地说
to know or say something without doubt
I don't know for certain if she's coming. 我不能肯定她是否会来。
I can't say for certain how long I'll be there. 我说不准我在那儿会呆多久。
There's very little we know for certain about his emotional life.
She knew for certain that his problems went beyond being in debt.
After a year of investigations, no one can yet say for certain why she was killed.
  • I'm absolutely certain I left my purse on the desk.
  • I feel certain I'm right.
  • He's not certain whether to invest in the property market.
  • Make certain that we have enough drink for the party.
  • It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.
B1 不可避免地,必然地;极可能地
impossible to avoid or extremely likely
[ + to infinitive ] The population explosion is certain to cause widespread famine. 人口激增必然会引起大范围的饥荒。
Oil prices are certain to rise following the agreement to limit production. 限制石油生产的协议签订后油价必然会上涨。
After all his hard work, he's certain to pass his exams. 凭他这么用功,一定会通过考试的。
The team looks almost certain to win the match. 这支球队看上去几乎准能赢得比赛。
[ + (that) ] It is virtually certain (that) she will win the gold medal. 几乎可以肯定她会赢得金牌。
Even if a ceasefire can be agreed, how can they make certain (that) neither side breaks it? 即便双方都同意停火,又怎么能确保他们不会出尔反尔呢?
Cancer sufferers no longer face certain death as they once did. 癌症患者不再像从前那样面临着必死的命运了。
This scandal will mean certain defeat for the party in the election. 这一丑闻将意味着该党在选举中必败无疑。
  • His execution became certain when the state board refused his request for commutation.
  • With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.
  • Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.
  • It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.
  • She is riding the fastest horse and is certain to romp home.
[ before noun ] formal某个,某位
named but neither famous nor known well
I had lunch today with a certain George Michael - not the George Michael, I should explain. 我今天和一位叫乔治‧迈克尔的人共进了午餐——我得说明一下,不是那个乔治‧迈克尔。
[ before noun ]有限的
I like modern art to a certain extent/degree, but I don't like the really experimental stuff. 在一定程度上我还是喜欢现代艺术的,可是不喜欢太实验性的东西。
determiner uk/ˈsɜː.tən/ us/ˈsɝː.tən/
B1 (没有指明或描述的)某,某个,某些
particular but not named or described
We have certain reasons for our decision, which have to remain confidential. 我们作出这样的决定是有一定原因的,这些原因仍得保密。
Do you think war is justifiable in certain circumstances? 你是否认为在某些情况下战争是正当的?
Certain members of the audience may disagree with what I'm about to say. 听众中某些人可能会对我要说的话有异议。
a certainB2 (用于名词之前,用于表示难以描述或估算的)某一个,某一种
used before a noun when it is difficult to describe something exactly or give its exact amount
The song has a certain appeal, but I'm not sure what it is. 这首歌有某种感染力,可是我说不出到底是什么。
I felt a certain sense of joy that his candidacy had failed.
I must admit that she has a certain glamour about her.
For all his fine qualities, he lacked a certain self-restraint.
It's an entertaining movie, but there's a certain predictability about it.
  • The disease seems to be specific to certain types of plant.
  • Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
  • It's against the law to leave children under a certain age alone in the house.
  • Farmers are eligible for government support if they let a certain amount of land lie fallow.
  • I'm allergic to certain foods.
pronoun formal uk/ˈsɜː.tən/ us/ˈsɝː.tən/
Certain of the candidates were well below the usual standard, but others were very good indeed. 有些候选人离通常的标准差得很远,但其他一些确实很出色。




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