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词汇 carom
verb [ I ] uk/ˈkær.əm/ us/ˈker.əm/
US (UK cannon)不受控制地)改变,移动,跳跃
to move or change in an uncontrolled way between different places, things, or subjects
We must not give the virus the chance to carom wildly through human hosts as it does in a flock of chickens or ducks. 我们决不能让病毒有机会像在鸡群或鸭群中那样,在人类宿主中疯狂变异。
The book has 84 short chapters that carom from one issue to the next and fail to tackle anything in much depth. 这本书有84个简短的章节,从一个问题随意跳跃到另一个,未能深入地探讨其中任何一个问题。
  • If you're not careful your ball will carom left off the severely sloped fairway into the rough.
  • After losing one of its propellers, the plane caroms off a neighbour's palm tree.
  • Vehicles striking the guardrails or sheer mountainsides can carom across the traffic lanes.
  • The kids grab their food and carom away in different directions.
  • Bounding about the stage, she caroms from girlish giddiness to boyish bluster and back again.
  • The plot caroms between the self-consciously camp and the unapologetically bizarre.
noun uk/ˈkær.əm/ us/ˈker.əm/
[ C ] US (UK cannon)(台球比赛中)连撞两球;碰击而反跳
in billiards or pool, an occasion when the ball hits two other balls one after the other
A carom can be useful in pool and they’re deadly if used at the right time. 连击在台球比赛中很有用,如果在恰当时间用上,能左右胜负。
[ U ] US (also carom billiards)无袋式台球
a game similar to billiards played on a table without pockets
The place is mainly a spot for people to play cards or three-ball pocketless carom billiards. 这个地方主要供人们打牌或玩三球无袋式台球。
[ C ] US碰击弹回;撞击后弹开
a rebound (= an occasion when something such as a ball bounces back after hitting a hard surface), especially at an angle
The ball took a carom, shooting back toward the right-field line. 球在空中旋转,向右外野线飞去。
  • Sometimes two balls are extremely close to being at the correct angle for a carom but not quite.
  • The truckers have a transport office where they relax and play carom, a sort of cross between draughts and billiards.
  • Ronaldo took the carom and buried it in the net.
[ C or U ] (also carom seed)(南亚烹饪中常用的)细叶糙果芹籽,卡伦(
a seed that is used as a spice, especially in South Asian cooking
The seeds are known as bishop's weed, ajwain and carom. 细叶糙果芹籽被称为“主教草”、“阿加旺”或者“卡伦”。
Carom seeds, or ajwain as they are called in India, are somewhat similar to thyme in flavour, though more pungent. 细叶糙果芹籽,即印度人所说的“阿加旺”,味道与百里香有些相似,但更加辛辣。
Synonym: ajwain
  • The fish is covered with a thick batter of gram flour and spiced with carom seeds and chaat masala, a spice mix.




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