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词汇 care
noun uk/keər/ us/ker/
B2 [ U ]保护照看照料
the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs
The standard of care at our local hospital is excellent. 我们当地医院的护理水平很出色。
Mira's going to be very weak for a long time after the operation, so she'll need a lot of care. 手术后,米拉在很长一段时间内会十分虚弱,所以她需要多加照顾。
Nurseries are responsible for the children in their care. 托儿所要对他们照管的孩子负责。
Synonyms: charge (CONTROL)custody (CARE)guardianshipguidancekeepingprotectionresponsibility (DUTY)
[ U ](用作构词成分)…护理
used as a combining form
skincare/healthcare/childcare 皮肤护理/医疗保健/儿童保育
take care of someone/somethingB1 照顾,照看,照料
to protect someone or something and provide the things that that person or thing needs
Take good care of that girl of yours, Patrick - she's very special. 帕特里克,照顾好你的女朋友——她很特别。
Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself (= I do not need anyone else to protect me). 别担心我,我能照顾好自己。
She made good money and knew she would be able to take care of a child on her own.
Who's going to take care of me in my old age?
Do you think you're responsible enough to take care of a pet?
in care UK (also take/put into care) 儿童)由收养所(或其他家庭)收养
Children who are in care or who have been taken/put into care are not living with their natural parents but instead with a national or local government organization or another family.
Both children were taken into care when their parents died. 父母死后两个孩子都被送进了收养所。
Just under 30% of children in care have found permanent homes in the last 12 months.
They aim to increase the number of adoptions of children in care by over 30 percent.
They are concerned about the increase in the number of children being taken into care.
Aged three, she was put into care, ending up in a foster home in Manchester.
care in the community UK (对精神疾病患者或弱智人群的)社区关怀
a system in which people with mental illness or reduced mental ability are allowed to continue living in their own homes, with treatment and help, and are not kept in hospital
These people are supposed to be getting care in the community, but it's just not happening.
More and more people are receiving care in the community rather than in hospitals or residential homes.
Their contribution is critical to providing care in the community.
The government must allocate more funds for care in the community.
It's a private company that the local authority contracts to provide care in the community.
  • Antenatal clinics provide care for pregnant women.
  • These nurses specialize in the care of the dying.
  • Babies need constant care.
  • The standard of care at our local hospital is excellent.
  • Nurseries are responsible for the children in their care.
B1 [ U ]仔细小心谨慎
serious attention, especially to the details of a situation or thing
She painted the window frames with great care so that no paint got onto the glass. 她漆窗框时极为小心,因此没有一点油漆弄到玻璃上。
You need to take a bit more care with your spelling. 你得多注意一下你的拼写。
The roads are icy, so drive with care. 道路结冰,小心驾驶。
Take care on these busy roads (= drive with attention so that you do not have an accident). 在这些交通繁忙的道路上要小心驾驶。
[ + to infinitive ] Take care not to (= make certain that you do not) spill your coffee. 小心别把咖啡洒出来了。
[ + that ] Take care (= make certain) that you don't fall. 小心别摔着。
The parcel had a label on it saying "Handle with care". 包裹上有个标签,上面写着“小心轻放”。
  • They took care to be as tactful as possible.
  • She took a lot of care over the wording of her speech.
  • You need to take more care with your handwriting.
  • Take care that you get there on time.
  • Make sure he takes care if he insists on going up that ladder.
take care of somethingC1 处理负责
to deal with something
If you can see to the drinks for the party, I'll take care of the food. 如果你能安排好聚会所需的饮品,那我就负责食物。
All the travel arrangements have been taken care of. 所有的旅行安排都处理好了。
No, you paid for dinner last time, let me take care of (= pay for) it. 不,上次的晚餐是你付的账,这次让我来吧。
I didn't have to do anything after Tom died. My sister took care of everything.
You tell us where and when you want to travel and we'll take care of the rest.
This is a problem that should have been taken care of months ago.
C2 [ C or U ]担心烦恼忧虑
a feeling of worry or anxiety
She seemed weighed down by all her cares. 她好像忧心忡忡,焦虑不安。
care ofidiom (US in care of); (written c/o)(用来给人留下一个地址,当你不在家时,别人可以通过这个地址联系你)转交
used to give someone the address where you can be contacted when you are staying away from home.
You can write to me care of my grandmother. 你可以给我写信,请我祖母转交。
have a careidiom UK old-fashioned 小心,留神
used to tell someone to be more careful
have all the cares of the world on your shouldersidiom 忧虑重重;忧心忡忡
to be very worried by many different problems
You look as if you have all the cares of the world on your shoulders. 你看上去好像烦恼一大堆似的。
take care (of yourself)idiom A2 (用于告别时)保重
used when saying goodbye to someone
"Bye, Melissa." "Goodbye Rozzie, take care." “再见,梅利莎。”“再见,罗齐,多保重。”
without a care in the worldidiom (also not a care in the world) 无忧无虑
without worrying about anything
Look at her, not a care in the world! 看看她,多么无忧无虑!
verb [ I ] uk/keər/ us/ker/
B1 在乎,关心,介意
to think that something is important and to feel interested in it or upset about it
She's never cared very much about her appearance. 她对自己的外表从不很在意。
[ + question word ] I really don't care whether we go out or not. 我们出不出去我真的不在意。
I don't care how much it costs, just buy it. 我不在乎它要价多少,就买了吧。
"Was Lorna happy about the arrangements?" "I don't know and I don't care." “洛娜对安排满意吗?”“我不知道,也不关心。”
Your parents are only doing this because they care about (= love) you. 你父母之所以这么做全是因为他们爱你。
I couldn't care less C1 UK informal (also US I could care less) (表示强调)我一点也不在乎
used to emphasize rudely that you are not interested in or worried about something or someone
"Mike's really fed up about it." "I couldn't care less." “迈克烦透这个了。”“我根本不在乎。”
"Sophie won't be happy with the new arrangements." "I couldn't care less, to be honest."
"What will James think of us?" "Well, I couldn't care less."
I couldn't care less if she's offended.
Susie's always trying to impress him whereas I couldn't care less what he thinks of me.
for all I care informal 我一点不关心;我根本不在乎
used to say that you are not interested in or worried about what someone else is doing
You can go to the match with Paula, for all I care. 你可以跟葆拉一起去看比赛,我一点也不在乎。
He can leave the company for all I care. It really wouldn't bother me.
Sophia can cry her eyes out for all I care.
She can starve for all I care.
He can go to hell for all I care.
as if I care informal 好像我会在乎似的,我才不在乎呢
used to say that you are not interested in or worried about something that has happened or that someone has said
He said he didn't approve of what I'd done, as if I cared. 他说他对我的所作所为不赞同,我才不在乎呢。
She called to tell me I'd upset Sam with my comments. As if I care.
She keeps sending me photos of her cats, as if I care.
So the first thing he wanted me to know was that he didn't judge me for my decision. As if I cared.
Anyway, he's not talking to me at the moment, as if I cared.
who cares? B2 informal (表示强调)谁会在意?管它呢!
used to emphasize rudely that you do not think something is important
"It looks as if we are going to lose." "Who cares?". “看来我们好像要输了。”“谁在乎呢?”
"I don't suppose she'll want to work with us again." "Oh well. Who cares?"
"I don't think Peter's going to be happy when he hears about this." "Who cares what Peter thinks?"
"I guess they won't be visiting us again." "Probably not, but really - who cares?"
I probably should have worn something a little smarter for the occasion. Ah, who cares? What matters is that I'm here.
  • "I don't care - you choose, " he said, with an airy wave of the hand.
  • "I don't care what you think", she flung (back) at him.
  • You could be the Queen of England, for all I care - you're not coming in here without a ticket.
  • I don't care about fashion, I dress how I please.
  • I don't care if he likes it or not - I'm coming!
used in polite offers and suggestions
Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?
[ + to infinitive ] Would you care to join us for dinner? 你愿意和我们共进晚餐吗?
Phrasal verbs
care for someoneB1 照看,照料,护理(尤指幼、老、病者)
to protect someone or something and provide the things they need, especially someone who is young, old, or ill
The children are being cared for by a relative. 孩子们由一位亲戚照料着。
She can't go out to work because she has to stay at home to care for her elderly mother. 她不能出去工作,因为她得在家里照料年迈的母亲。
It's good to know that the dogs will be well cared for while we're away. 得知我们外出期间那些狗会得到妥善照看真是太好了。
to love someone and feel romantic towards them
You know I care for you, Peter. 彼得,你知道我喜欢你。
not care for someone/something 不喜欢
to not like something or someone
I have to say I don't much care for modern music. 我得说我不太喜欢现代音乐。
Your father thought she was nice but Camille and I didn't care for her. 你父亲认为她很好,可是卡米尔和我都不喜欢她。




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