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词汇 business
noun uk/ˈbɪz.nɪs/ us/ˈbɪz.nɪs/
A1 [ U ]买卖(货品或服务)
the activity of buying and selling goods and services
My brother's in business. 我哥哥经商。
He's in the frozen food business. 他做冷冻食品生意。
Our firm does a lot of business with overseas customers. 我们公司与海外客户的生意往来很多。
Eventually they found a consultant they felt they could do business with (= with whom they could work well). 最后他们找到了一个他们觉得可以与其愉快合作的顾问。
Currently, there are fewer firms in business (= operating) in the area than ever before. 目前在该地区经营的公司比以往任何时候都少。
This new tax will put a lot of small firms out of business (= they will stop operating). 这项新的税收将导致许多小企业倒闭。
She set up in business (= started her own company) as a management consultant. 她自己开办公司提供管理咨询服务。
Synonyms: commerceenterprise (BUSINESS)trade (BUYING AND SELLING)
  • Many things make it difficult for women to reach the top in US business.
  • The way to be successful in business is always to stay one jump ahead of your competitors.
  • What can European companies learn from Japanese business practices?
  • She runs her own printing business.
  • They put a lot of money into the family business.
A2 [ C ]公司;商业机构
a particular company that buys and sells goods and services
The two brothers established/set up/started up a clothes retailing business. 兄弟俩开了家服装零售商店。
She runs her own printing business. 她经营自己的印刷公司。
They put a lot of money into the family business. 他们向家族公司投入了许多金钱。
Synonyms: concern (BUSINESS)enterprise (BUSINESS)trade (BUSINESS)
B1 [ U ]商务活动
work that you do to earn money
I'm in Baltimore on business. 我在巴尔的摩出差。
a business appointment 商务会面
[ U ]生意
the amount of work done or the number of goods or services sold by a company or organization
Business is good/brisk/booming/flourishing (= I'm selling a lot). 生意兴隆。
Business is bad/slack/quiet (= I'm not selling much). 生意清淡。
How is business (= are you selling much) at the moment? 现在生意怎么样?
[ S or U ]状况;事,事情;事务;重要事件
a situation or activity, often one that you are giving your opinion about
Arranging a trip abroad is a time-consuming business. 筹划一趟出国旅行是件很费时的事。
These killings are a horrible business. 这些谋杀是非常可怕的事。
I make it my business (= I feel it is my particular duty) to check the monthly accounts. 我觉得核查每月账目是我的责任。
We have some unfinished business to discuss (= we still have something important to discuss). 我们还有一些未了结的事务需要讨论。
  • The advertising world can be a very cut-throat business.
  • It was a ghastly business all round.
  • If you try any funny business you'll be sorry.
  • Eating spaghetti can be a messy business.
  • I was more than a little curious about the whole business.
[ U ]个人事务
the things that you do or the matters that relate only to you
I started on the business of filling out the form. 我开始填表格。
What she does with her life is her business. 她如何生活是她自己的事。
  • In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened.
  • "Where have you been?" "Mind your own business!"
  • I was just motoring along, minding my own business, when suddenly I was stopped by the police.
  • How you choose to conduct your private life is your own business!
  • He's an interfering old busybody - who I go out with is none of his business!
be in businessidiom informal 准备就绪
to be ready and able to start doing something that you planned
Once we get the computer installed we'll be in business. 电脑一安装好我们就可以开始了。
be none of someone's businessidiom B2 与…无关
If something is none of someone's business, they do not need to know about it.
Stop pestering me; it's none of your business! 不要再烦我,这事与你无关!
be the businessidiom UK slang 出色
to be extremely good or skilful
That new defender is the business! 那个新防守队员非常棒!
(it's) business as usualidiom saying (尽管情况困难)一切照常
said when things are continuing as they always do, despite a difficult situation
business before pleasureidiom saying (用于强调重要性)事业在先,享乐在后。
said to emphasize that you believe work is more important than entertainment and enjoyment
do the businessidiom UK informal解决问题把事办成
to do what is wanted or needed in a situation
As long as he does the business on the football field, the club is happy with him. 只要他在足球场上发挥出水平,俱乐部就对他很满意。
UK slang性交,上床
to have sex
get down to businessidiom 进入主题,讨论正题
to start talking about the subject to be discussed
If the introductions are over I'd like to get down to business. 如果介绍完了,我想开始讨论正题。
have no business doing somethingidiom 无权做…
to have no right to do something
You had no business reading my private letters. 你无权看我的私人信件。
like nobody's businessidiom 非常快;很多地
very quickly or very much
He was scribbling away like nobody's business. 他忙着写个不停。
not be in the business of somethingidiom 不做(错事)
If a person or organization is not in the business of doing something considered wrong, they do not normally do it.
The intelligence agency is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens. 情报机关通常不会监控守法公民的活动。
More idioms
what a business!idiom old-fashioned 真麻烦!
used to mean that something was annoying and caused a lot of trouble for you
It took ages to put together the documentation needed to get into the country - what a business! 花了好长时间才将入境所需的文件整理好——真是件麻烦事!




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