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词汇 build
verb uk/bɪld/ us/bɪld/ built | built
A2 [ T or I ]建造,修建
to make something by putting bricks or other materials together
They're building new houses by the river. 他们正在河边建新房子。
The birds built their nest in the tree. 鸟儿们在树上筑巢。
These old houses are built (= made) of stone. 这些老房子是用石头砌的。
Contractors have started building on waste land near the town. 承包商开始在离城镇不远的废弃土地上建房。
[ T ]建立;发展;开辟
to create and develop something over a long period of time
We want to build a better future for our children. 我们想为孩子创造更美好的未来。
  • We want to buy a plot of land to build a house.
  • There are plans to build a hotel on the most northerly point of the island.
  • We've had to build some cupboards to give us more storage space.
  • They're building a new bridge across the river.
  • He gathered some wood to build a fire.
build bridgesidiom 改善或加强不同(或敌对)人士或组群间的关系
to improve relationships between people who are very different or do not like each other
A local charity is working to build bridges between different ethnic groups in the area. 一家地方慈善机构正努力在这一地区不同的族群间架设友谊的桥梁。
Rome wasn't built in a dayidiom saying 罗马不是一天建成的;伟业非一日之功
said to emphasize that you cannot expect to do important things in a short period of time
Phrasal verbs
build around something 以…为基础
to base something on an idea or principle
The independence movement sought to unify the country with a national identity built around a common language. 独立运动谋求以建立在共同语言基础上的民族认同感来统一国家。
build something in/into something 使包括使成为(计划、系统或协议的)组成部分
to include something as part of a plan, system, or agreement
When drawing up a contract it is vital to build in safety measures. 草拟合同时,将安全措施包括在内很重要。
figurative Inequalities are often built into (= cannot be separated from) society. 社会中往往会存在不平等现象。
build on something 基于,依赖,以…为基础
to use a success or achievement as a base from which to achieve more success
We must build on our reputation to expand the business. 我们必须依靠信誉来扩展业务。
A good relationship is built on trust. 良好的关系建立在信任的基础上。
build (someone/something) upC1 增强,加强;增大
to increase or become larger or stronger, or to cause someone or something to do this
Tension is building up between the two communities. 两个社区之间的关系日趋紧张。
They gave him soup to build up his strength. 他们给他喝汤以增强体质。
It took her ten years to build up her publishing business. 她花了10年时间将她的出版事业发展壮大。
build something/someone up 赞扬;吹捧
to praise something or someone in a way that will influence people's opinions; to make a person feel more confident
A good teacher builds you up. 一个好老师会帮助增强你的信心。
For weeks the media has been building up the national basketball team. 媒体几周来一直在吹捧国家篮球队。
noun uk/bɪld/ us/bɪld/
[ C or U ]身材,体形
the size and shape of a person's body
The suspect was of slim build with short, dark hair.
The two players have similar builds, and both have strong serves and forehands.
  • He was fairly short, with an athletic build.
  • All of the children were slight in build.




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