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词汇 bound
adjective uk/baʊnd/ us/baʊnd/
B2 [ after verb ]肯定的;极有可能的;必然的;注定了的
certain or extremely likely to happen
[ + to infinitive ] You're bound to forget people's names occasionally. 你肯定会偶尔忘记别人的名字。
You're bound to feel nervous about your interview. 面试时你很可能会感到紧张。
These two young musicians are bound for international success (= are certain to be successful). 这两位年轻的音乐家一定会蜚声国际。
be bound and determined US 一定要
to be seriously intending to do something
They are bound and determined to build their own house someday. 他们坚信总有一天他们会盖起自己的房子。
He was bound and determined to make a success of the business.
It won't be easy but we're bound and determined to make this happen.
If he's bound and determined to gamble away all his money, there's not much anyone can do to stop him.
She's bound and determined to get to the truth.
I'll be bound UK old-fashioned 我敢肯定,我敢保证
I am certain
He's in the pub, I'll be bound. 我敢肯定他在酒吧。
She'll be making mischief of some description, I'll be bound.
They'll be up to no good, I'll be bound.
And the three of them left before the clearing up started, I'll be bound.
He won't be back this side of midnight, I'll be bound.
[ after verb, + , to, infinitive ]受束缚的,受约束的;(法律或道德上)有义务的
having a moral or legal duty to do something
The company is bound by a special agreement to involve the union in important decisions. 公司受一项特殊协定的约束,须请工会参与重大决策。
She feels (duty)-bound to tell him everything. 她觉得自己有义务告诉他一切。
tied with rope, cord, string, etc.
They left Jack, bound hand and foot, and guarded by one man.
His long brown braid bounced between his shoulders, and moisture formed and froze on the bound hair.
The security guard was found bound and gagged after the robbery.
(of a book) having a cover made of paper, leather, or other material
The book was bound in shiny green leather. 该书是用闪亮的绿皮面装帧的。
The archivist says the new documents are contained in a single bound volume.
C1 [ after verb ]去…的;准备前往…的;开往…的
going to
She was on a plane bound for Moscow when she got sick. 她在前往莫斯科的飞机上突然生病了。
verb uk/baʊnd/ us/baʊnd/
[ I usually + adv/prep ]跳跃;跳动;跳跃着前进
to move quickly with large jumping movements
[ T usually passive ]形成…的疆界;成为…的界线
to mark or form the limits of
The town is bounded on one side by a river. 村庄的一边以一条河为界。
past simple and past participle of bind
noun uk/baʊnd/ us/baʊnd/
[ C ]跳跃;跳动
a quick, long jump
With one bound the dog was over the fence. 那条狗一下就跃过了篱笆。
bounds [ plural ] (法律或社会的)界限;限制;限定区域
legal or social limits
The committee felt that newspaper coverage of the murder went beyond reasonable bounds. 委员会觉得报纸对谋杀案的报道超出了正常的范围。
What you did was beyond/outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour. 你的所作所为令人无法接受。
His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds (= seems to be unlimited). 他对政治权力的欲望显然没有止境。
The president insisted that Congress had overstepped its bounds.
The assertion was, to my mind, well beyond the bounds of what is acceptable or proper.
out of boundsidiom (also out-of-bounds) (某地)禁止入内
If an area is out of bounds, people are not allowed to go there.
The garden is open to the public, but the house is out of bounds.
The female dormitory was out-of-bounds for male students.
The reporter entered offices and other out-of-bounds areas that housed confidential documents.
sports mainly US)在界外,在球场边线之外
If a ball is out of bounds, it is not within the playing area.
He hit his first two shots out of bounds.
One of the players booted the ball out-of-bounds.
The ball sailed towards the out-of-bounds fence.
suffix uk/ -baʊnd/ us/ -baʊnd/
travelling in the stated direction
Northbound traffic is moving very slowly because of the accident. 由于交通事故,北去的车辆移动非常缓慢。
US The line did not close completely, but inbound and outbound trains (= trains which were arriving and leaving) had to share one of the two tracks near the station. 铁路线没有全部关闭,但进出站的火车只能使用车站附近两条轨道中的一条。
(causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted condition
During his long illness he was completely housebound (= he could not leave the house). 久病期间,他只能一直呆在家里。
She has been wheelchair-bound for several years. 她已经坐轮椅好几年了。
The airport was completely fogbound (= covered by fog). 机场完全被大雾封住了。
used to describe a book that is covered or held together in the stated way
a leather-bound book 皮面书
a spiral-bound notebook 螺旋钢丝装订的笔记本
used to describe clothes or other objects that have edges covered in the stated way
leather-bound cuffs 镶皮边的袖口




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