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词汇 bounce
verb uk/baʊns/ us/baʊns/
B1 [ I or T ]使)弹起,(使反弹反射跳跃
to (cause to) move up or away after hitting a surface
The ball bounced off the goalpost and into the net. 球击中门柱弹进了球网。
She bounced the ball quickly. 她快速地拍球。
Her bag bounced (= moved up and down) against her side as she walked. 她走起路来身侧的挎包一颠一颠的。
The children had broken the bed by bouncing (= jumping up and down) on it. 孩子们老在床上蹦,把床蹦坏了。
He bounced the baby (= lifted it up and down) on his knee. 他把婴儿放在膝上颠着玩。
figurative Television pictures from all over the world are bounced off satellites (= are sent to and returned from them). 世界各地的电视画面都通过卫星转播。
B2 [ I usually + adv/prep ]蹦蹦跳跳
to move in an energetic and enthusiastic manner
Tom bounced in, smiling broadly. 汤姆蹦蹦跳跳地进来了,脸上笑开了花。
  • He wasn't even trying to score - the ball just bounced off the jammy beggar's head into the goal.
  • He thought the ball had bounced on the line, but the umpire said it was out.
  • Martha threw back the covers and bounced out of bed.
  • He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring.
  • One of the boys stood there, bouncing a basketball.
[ I or T ] informal(因账上存款不敷)(使支票)拒付,退回
to (cause a cheque to) not be paid or accepted by a bank because there is no money in the account
I had to pay a penalty fee when my cheque bounced. 由于支票被银行拒付,我不得不付一笔罚金。
To my horror the bank bounced the cheque. 令我震惊的是,银行拒付了支票。
C2 [ I or T ]电子邮件)被退回,发送(电子邮件失败
If an email that you send bounces or is bounced, it comes back to you because the address is wrong or there is a computer problem.
Phrasal verbs
bounce backC1 恢复;恢复元气;重振旗鼓
to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness
Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week. 股票价格在本周早些时候急剧下跌后又回弹了。
Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do. 孩子通常比成人病后恢复得更快。
bounce someone into something (通常指在政治上)迫使…做(不愿做的事)
to force someone to do something that they do not want to do, usually relating to politics
[ + -ing verb ] The opposition hopes to bounce the prime minister into calling an early election. 反对党希望迫使首相提前举行大选。
bounce something off someone 试探…对…的看法
If you bounce something off someone, you tell someone about an idea or plan in order to find out what they think of it.
Can I bounce a couple of ideas off you? 我可以跟你交流几个想法吗?
noun uk/baʊns/ us/baʊns/
[ C or U ]弹,反弹;弹力,弹性
the act of bouncing, or the quality that makes something able to bounce
In tennis you have to hit the ball before its second bounce. 打网球时必须在球第二次落地之前出手击打。
figurative This shampoo will give your hair bounce (= make it look attractively thick) and shine. 这种洗发精会使头发富有弹性和光泽。
[ C usually singular ]反弹
an improvement or change to a higher level, for example in how popular a politician or party is
His speech to the convention may have given him a bounce. 他在大会做的演讲可能已让他一战成名。
The city has seen a bounce in homicide. 这座城市杀人凶案数反弹了。
  • "I think we are getting close to a bounce in the market," Paulsen added.
  • Typically, the economy gets a bit of a bounce coming out of a recession.
  • In early December, polls showed a bounce for the candidate.
on the bounceidiom UK informal 接连,连续
one after another with nothing else between
The team has had five wins on the bounce. 这支队已获得了五连胜。




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