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词汇 book
noun uk/bʊk/ us/bʊk/
A1 [ C ](纸版或电子版的)书
a written text that can be published in printed or electronic form
Have you read any good books recently? 你最近读到了什么好书吗?
He has a new book out (= published). 他刚出版了一本新书。
She wrote a book on car maintenance. 她写了一本关于汽车保养的书。
A1 [ C ]书,书本;本子
a set of pages that have been fastened together inside a cover to be read or written in
a hardback/paperback book 硬封面/软封面书(精装/简装书)
I took a book with me to read on the plane. 我随身带了本书在飞机上看。
He writes all his expenses in a little book he carries with him. 他把所有的开销都记在随身带着的一个小本子上。
[ C ](《圣约》等长篇作品的)卷;篇;部
one of the parts that a very long book, such as the Bible, is divided into
the book of Job 《约伯记》
  • We're reading a different book this week.
  • In the last two years the book has only sold 200 copies.
  • She published a book of poems and followed it up with a novel.
  • I have to return my library books on the sixth of July.
  • He's the author of several hugely successful children's books.
C2 [ C ]簿册;(装订成册的)票据簿
a number of one type of thing fastened together flat inside a cover
a book of stamps/tickets/matches 一封邮票/一本票据/一纸板火柴
books [ plural ] (公司、商行的)账册,账簿
the written records of money that a business has spent or received
balance the books Running a school is much more of a business than it used to be, - by law we have to balance our books. 与以前相比现在管理一所学校更像是在经营一家企业——从法律上讲我们必须保证收支平衡。
At the end of the year, the accountant goes over (= checks) the books. 年终时会计要复核公司的账册。
State government has the power to examine the books of an employer in order to establish if any rules have been broken.
Members are permitted to inspect the books or records of the Society should they wish to do so.
[ S ]赌局;打赌
the situation in which a bookmaker accepts and pays out amounts of money that are risked on a particular result
They've already opened/started a book on the result of the next World Cup. 他们已经就下届世界杯赛的结果开设了赌局。
in my bookidiom 以我的看法
in my opinion
She's never lied to me, and in my book that counts for a lot. 她从没跟我撒过谎,在我看来这非常重要。
on the booksidiom (公司、组织、社团、运动队等的)名册上;受雇;属于
officially employed by a company, or an official member of an organization, society, sports team, etc.
There are 256 people on the books at the cement works. 水泥厂的在册员工有256人。
The nursery has 30 babies on the books and 13 on the waiting list. 托儿所的名册上有30个婴儿,等候入托的名单上还有13个。
one for the booksidiom US (UK a turn-up for the book(s)) 意想不到之事,出乎意料之事
a surprising or unexpected event
Well, that's one for the books - I never thought he'd get the job. 噢,这可真意外——我根本没想到他会获得这份工作。
verb uk/bʊk/ us/bʊk/
A2 [ T or I ]预订;预约
to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future
booked up I'd like to go but I'm booked up (= I have arranged to do other things) until the weekend. 我很想去,但我周末之前的时间已排满了。
fully booked The hotel/restaurant/theatre is fully booked (= all the rooms/tables/tickets have been taken). 旅馆/饭店/剧院已预订满了。
[ + two objects ] I've booked us two tickets to see "Carmen"/I've booked two tickets for us to see "Carmen". 我已经为我们订了两张《卡门》的票。
She'd booked a table for four at their favourite restaurant. 她已在他们最喜欢的餐厅预订了四人桌。
Will booked a seat on the evening flight to Los Angeles. 威尔预订了飞往洛杉矶的晚班客机的座位。
We were advised to book early if we wanted to get a room. 有人建议我们若想有房间住就早点预订。
They booked a jazz band for their wedding. 他们为婚礼预约了一个爵士乐队。
  • I've booked the car into the garage.
  • I've booked a table at the restaurant for nine o'clock.
  • He booked a double room.
  • We booked the holiday on a whim.
  • It's a good thing that we booked our tickets early.
[ T ]警方)将…记录在案;(裁判记名警告
If a police officer, referee, etc. books someone, they write down the person's name in an official record because they have done something wrong.
A football player who is booked twice in a game is sent off the field. 足球比赛中,球员若受到两次警告就会被罚下场。
My grandmother was booked for speeding last week. 我奶奶上周因超速行驶被警方记录在案。
Phrasal verbs
book in/book into somewhere 登记入住酒店
to say that you have arrived and sign an official book when you get to a hotel, etc.
After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach. 登记入住酒店后,我们就径直去了海滩。
As soon as she arrived in Tokyo, she booked in at her hotel. 她一到东京就登记入住了酒店。
book someone in/book someone into somethingB1 mainly UK安排…入住(旅馆)
to arrange for someone or for yourself to stay at a hotel, etc.
They've booked us into the hotel in the main square. 他们已经安排我们入住主广场的酒店。
I've booked you in at the Savoy. 我已经安排你入住萨伏伊旅馆。
I drove up there and booked myself in at a hotel down the road.




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