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词汇 bolt
noun [ C ] uk/bəʊlt/ us/boʊlt/
a metal bar on a door or window that slides across to lock it closed
I closed the window and drew the bolt (= slid the bolt across). 我关上窗户,拉上了插销。
a screw-like metal object without a point, used with a nut to fasten things together
a flash of lightning that looks like a white line against the sky
The house next to ours was struck by a bolt of lightning. 我们隔壁的房子被闪电击中了。
See also: thunderbolt (THUNDER)
a length or roll of cloth or wallpaper
a type of short arrow shot from a crossbow (= a type of weapon)
make a bolt for somewhere 逃向…
to try to escape by running towards something
The thief tried to make a bolt for the exit. 小偷想从出口溜走。
As she stood up, the young man made a bolt for the door.
While my back was turned, one of the pigs made a bolt for freedom.
Sensing the hawk above it, the rabbit made a bolt for the closest hole.
I got out of my seat and made a bolt for the exit.
As soon as she saw us, she made a bolt for the door.
a bolt from/out of the blueidiom 出人意料的事情睛天霹雳
something completely unexpected that surprises you very much
The news of his marriage was a bolt from the blue. 他结婚的消息真是出人意料。
verb uk/bəʊlt/ us/boʊlt/
[ I ](尤指因受到惊吓而)奔跑,快跑
to move very fast, especially as a result of being frightened
Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted. 那匹马受到汽车嗽叭的惊吓,飞奔了起来。
[ T ] (also bolt down)匆匆咽下;囫囵吞下
to eat food very quickly
Don't bolt your food like that - you'll get indigestion. 别那样狼吞虎咽——会消化不良的。
[ I or T ]闩上(门或窗)
to lock a door or window by sliding a bolt across
Have you locked and bolted the door? 你把门锁闩好了吗?
The door bolts on the inside. 门从里面闩上。
[ T usually + adv/prep ]用螺栓固定
to fasten something in position with a bolt
On a ship the furniture is often bolted to the deck. 轮船上的家具往往用螺栓固定在甲板上。
Phrasal verb
bolt something on 添加增加
to add an extra part or feature
Other insurers will allow you to bolt on critical illness cover to standard life cover. 其他保险公司允许在标准人寿险承保范围中增加重大疾病。




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