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词汇 body
noun uk/ˈbɒd.i/ us/ˈbɑː.di/
A1 [ C ](人或动物的)躯体;身体
the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal
A good diet and plenty of exercise will help you to keep your body healthy. 良好的饮食和充足的锻炼将有助于保持身体健康。
She rubbed suncream over her entire body. 她全身都擦了防晒霜。
B1 [ C ]躯干
the main part of a person's or animal's body, without the head, or without the head, arms, and legs
He had a fat body but thin legs and arms. 他身上很胖,但腿和胳膊却很瘦。
A2 [ C ]死尸,尸体
a dead person
A body was washed up on the beach last week. 上周有具尸体被冲上了海滩。
Synonyms: cadaver carcasscorpse stiff (BODY)
[ C ]车身船体机身
the painted metal shell of a vehicle, such as a car or an aircraft
See also: bodywork
[ C usually singular ] old-fashioned
a person
How is a body supposed to live in these conditions? 人怎么可能住在这种环境里呢?
[ C ] UK (US bodysuit)(女子上半身穿的)连体紧身内衣
a piece of tight-fitting women's clothing that covers the top half of the body and fastens between the legs
  • The human body is composed of about 60% water.
  • The jacket hung loosely on his thin body.
  • Police had marked off the area where the body was found.
  • His head throbbed, and his body ached.
  • The bodies of dolphins are more streamlined than those of porpoises.
C2 [ C, + sing/pl verb ]群体,团体,机构
a group of people who have joined together for a particular reason
a governing body 管理机构
an advisory body 顾问团
The RSPCA is a respected body working for animal welfare. 皇家防止虐待动物协会是一个致力于维护动物福利的受人尊重的团体。
There is a large body of people who are unaware of their basic rights. 有很大一部分人没有意识到自己的基本权利。
Chatsworth High School’s student body raised $5,000 for the charity. 查茨沃斯高中的学生团体为该慈善机构筹集了5千美元。
in a body formal literary (以正式或官方的方式)全体一致地;一起地
If people do something in a body, they do it together as a group, in an official way.
The cleaning staff went in a body to the manager to complain. 清洁工一起去找经理投诉。
They gathered together and came in a body.
They went in a body to the palace to see the king.
We proceeded in a body to the church to take up the matter with the priest.
The men went in a body to the embassy to beg for protection.
  • a self-regulating body
  • These three official bodies are the guardians of the nation's countryside.
  • FIFA is football's world governing body.
  • The elections will be overseen by an independent body.
  • Almost the entire student body took part in the demonstration.
[ C ]大量
a large amount of something
There is a growing body of evidence to support their claim. 有越来越多的证据支持他们的说法。
She collected a huge body of information on the subject. 她收集了大量有关这个主题的信息。
A substantial body of opinion (= a large group of people with the same opinion) is opposed to any change. 很多人反对作任何变动。
[ C ] formal水域,水体
A body of water is a large area of water, such as a lake.
the body[ S ] (书、文章等的)正文,主体
the main part of a book, article, etc.
I thought the most interesting details in the book were not in the body of the text, but in the notes at the end. 我认为本书最有趣的部分不在正文中,而在书后的注释中。
[ C ] physics specialized物体;天体
a separate object or mass
The distance between the two bodies in space was measured daily. 每天都测量这两个天体在太空中的距离。
[ U ]醇厚;稠度,黏性
a strong or thick quality
This Bordeaux has plenty of body (= strong flavour). 这种波尔多葡萄酒味道浓郁香醇。
Conditioner can give your hair more body. 护发素能使你的头发更浓密。
keep body and soul togetheridiom C2 勉强维持生活
to be able to pay for your food, clothing, and somewhere to live
His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together. 他的工资仅够勉强糊口。




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