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词汇 board
noun uk/bɔːd/ us/bɔːrd/
B2 [ C ]有特定用途的)薄木板;板;牌子
a thin, flat piece of cut wood or other hard material, often used for a particular purpose
Cheeses were laid out on a board.
There was a "For Sale" board outside the house. 房子外有一块“待售”牌。
See also: backboardbreadboardcheeseboardchopping boardcutting boardserving boardsoundboard
A2 [ C ]棋盘
a flat piece of wood or other hard material with a special pattern on it, used for playing games
a chess board 国际象棋棋盘
See also: checkerboard
A1 [ C ]黑板或白板
a blackboard or whiteboard
The teacher wrote her name up on the board. 老师在黑板上写下了她的名字。
A2 [ C ]布告板,公告栏
a noticeboard UK
I stuck the notice (up) on the board. 我把通知贴在了公告栏上。
[ C ](跳水用的)跳板
a diving board
I dived off the top board today, Dad. 爸爸,我今天是从最高的跳板跳水的。
the boards [ plural ] (冰球场周围的)护板
the wooden fence surrounding the ice surface in ice hockey
He'd crashed into the boards and hurt his leg quite badly.
The boards protect the fans and they also help to keep the puck in play.
There's a scramble for the puck at the boards.
The ability to control the puck along the boards is key.
In this situation, pin the puck against the boards with your stick or skate.
the stage in a theatre
It was over two decades since he had trodden the boards (= acted in a theatre).
Don't you ever feel tempted to tread the boards?
I tried to make a career for myself outside of the theatre, but the boards kept calling me back.
It's almost impossible to explain to a non-actor the appeal of the boards.
I spent the next decade or so acting in movies but I missed the boards.
  • Today's specials are written on the board.
  • He stuck up a notice on the board with pins.
  • He advertises his services on the company notice board.
  • When it was his turn to dive, he gulped and stepped up onto the diving board.
  • The man's body was as stiff as a board when it was found in the snow.
C1 [ C usually singular, + sing/pl verb ]董事会;理事会;委员会
the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization
board of directors Every decision has to be approved by the board of directors. 每项决定都必须由董事会通过。
board of governors The board of governors meet/meets once a month to discuss school policy. 学校董事会每月集会一次讨论学校政策。
She started in the firm after college and now she's on the board/a board member. 她大学毕业以后开始在这家公司工作,现在已经是董事会成员了。
  • The decision will have to be ratified by the executive board.
  • There's a board of five directors, but she is the Managing Director.
  • There is a predominance of people with an arts degree on the board of governors.
  • She persuaded the board of her worthiness to run the company.
  • The editorial board has an expert with a world-wide reputation in the person of Professor Jameson.
boards [ plural ] US informal (美国某些医疗、商业组织举行的)执业考试
an official examination given by some medical and business organizations in the US
This is my last chance to pass the boards. 这是我最后一次通过执业考试的机会了。
These are nursing grads who haven't taken their boards yet.
Over 90 percent of U.S. and Canadian med school graduates pass the boards.
He failed the boards on his first attempt but wasn't discouraged.
I wish I'd known this when I was studying for the boards.
on board (or on board something)在船(或火车、飞机)
on a boat, train, or aircraft
As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving. 我一上车就开始动摇要不要走了。
Roughly fifty crew members were on board the ship at the time.
The train is about to go. Are we all on board?
Of the 200 passengers on board, two were pronounced dead at the scene and twenty were taken to a nearby hopsital.
It's been reported that more than 300 people on board the ship have the virus.
It's thought that no one else was on board the plane.
B2 [ U ](住宿处提供的)伙食,膳食(通常需付费)
meals provided when you are staying somewhere, usually for money
across the boardidiom C2 影响到各个领域和阶层的全面的
happening or having an effect on people at every level and in every area
The improvement has been across the board, with all divisions either increasing profits or reducing losses. 情况全面好转,所有的部门不是盈利增加就是亏损减少。
The initiative has across-the-board support. 该行动得到了各方面的支持。
See also: across-the-board
go by the boardidiom 被遗忘;被忽视;落空
to be forgotten or not used
Does this mean our holiday plans will have to go by the board? 这是不是意味着我们的假期计划将要告吹了?
take something on boardidiom C1 理解;接受
to understand or accept an idea or a piece of information
Banks need to take on board the views of their customers. 银行需要理解客户的想法。
verb uk/bɔːd/ us/bɔːrd/
B1 [ I or T ]使(船、火车或飞机)
to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft
At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia. 在伦敦机场她登上了去澳大利亚的飞机。
Will passengers waiting to board please go to the ticket counter? 请各位候机的旅客去检票口。
  • The platform was crammed with people trying to board the train.
  • I took out a travel insurance policy before I boarded the plane.
  • They boarded a ship that was sailing the next day.
  • He was thought to have boarded the plane in New York.
  • Flight 474 to Buenos Aires is now boarding at gate 9.
[ I ]寄宿
to pay to sleep and eat meals in someone's house
During his stay in England he boarded with a family in Bath. 他在英格兰逗留期间寄宿在巴斯的一户人家。
[ I ](在学校)住校
to sleep and eat at school during the school term
When you went to school were you a day student or did you board? 你上学时是走读还是住校?
[ T ] UK宠物)暂时寄养在他处
to arrange for a pet animal to be temporarily taken care of at a place other than its home
He boards the dog out when he goes on business trips. 他出差时把狗寄养在别处。
Phrasal verb
board something up 用木板封闭(门窗)
to cover a door or window with wooden boards
Stores are boarding up their windows in case rioting breaks out. 店主们将窗户用木板封起来,以防暴乱发生。




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