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词汇 blitz
noun [ C ] uk/blɪts/ us/blɪts/
a fast, violent attack on a town, city, etc., usually with bombs dropped from aircraft
(in American football) an occasion when players run directly at the opposing quarterback in order to try to stop him throwing the ball
a lot of energetic activity
The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio. 该车投放市场时做了大量宣传/广告,投放媒介包括报纸、杂志、电视和广播。
games specialized(限时棋类比赛中所剩时间很短时的)闪电落子
the situation in which both players have to make a lot of moves in a very short period at the end of a game of chess, before the time allowed is past
a blitz on somethingidiom UK informal 对…的突击
a great effort to improve something or do something that needs to be done
We had a blitz on the house at the weekend and cleaned it completely. 我们周末突击打扫了房子,收拾得干干净净。
verb [ T ] uk/blɪts/ /blɪts/
to attack a town, city, etc. quickly and violently, usually with bombs dropped from aircraft
All around were the shells of blitzed buildings. 周围全是在闪电战中被击中的建筑物的空架子。
(in American football ) to run directly at the opposing quarterback in order to try and stop him throwing the ball
to mix or cut up food quickly in or with an electric machine or tool
The vegetables can be left in the stock and blitzed with a hand blender. 蔬菜可以留在原汁中,用手动搅拌器搅拌。
to keep sending or doing something many times over a short period of time
Both campaigns are blitzing the airwaves with ads. 两个团队都在广播电视中轰炸式地做广告。
to defeat an opponent quickly and easily
He absolutely blitzed his rivals. 毫无疑问,他迅速轻松地击败了对手。
UK informal全力以赴
to make a great effort to improve something or do something that needs to be done
I decided to blitz the housework in one afternoon. 我决定在一个下午全力做完家务。
the Blitz
noun [ S ] uk/blɪts/ us/blɪts/
the big attacks on British towns made by German aircraft in 1940–1
She was killed in/during the Blitz. 她在伦敦大空袭中丧生。




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