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词汇 black
adjective uk/blæk/ us/blæk/
A1 黑色的
having the darkest colour there is, like the colour of coal or of a very dark night
black shoes 黑色的鞋子
  • I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.
  • I heard a loud bang and then saw black smoke.
  • The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.
  • When you fill in the form, please write clearly in black ink.
  • Amalie was dressed completely in black, right down to black lipstick and a black earring.
A2 (also Black)黑种人的黑人的
relating or belonging to people with black or dark brown skin, especially people who live in Africa or whose family originally came from Africa
black culture 黑人文化
Black Americans 美国黑人
  • There's a large Black community living in this area.
  • The armed forces are now giving positive encouragement to applications from Asians and Black people.
  • Britain is a multi-ethnic society, with many Black and Asian people.
  • He had a Black mother and a white father.
without any milk or cream added
a cup of strong black coffee 一杯浓浓的黑咖啡
I like my tea black, with sugar. 我喜欢在茶里不加牛奶,加糖。
without hope
The future looked black. 未来希望渺茫。
bad or evil
a black-hearted villain 一个黑心肠的恶棍
black and blueidiom 青肿的,瘀血的
with dark marks on your skin caused by being hit or having an accident
His arm was black and blue. 他胳膊青一块紫一块的。
not be as black as you are paintedidiom old-fashioned offensive不像传说中那么坏
an old-fashioned phrase used to say that you are not as bad as people say you are, which may be considered offensive because it suggests that it is bad to have dark skin
paint a black picture of something/someoneidiom 形势)描绘得很严峻;把(某人)说得很坏
to describe a situation or person as extremely bad
noun uk/blæk/ us/blæk/
A2 [ U ]黑色
the colour of coal or of the sky on a very dark night
She often dresses in black (= in black clothes). 她经常穿黑色衣服。
black and white 照片等黑白的
Black and white photography has no colours except black, white, and grey.
The old newsreels were filmed in black and white. 老的新闻短片是用黑白胶片拍的。
a black and white photo 黑白照片
The screenplay begins with a sequence, shot in black and white, in which she walks through a church.
Black and white photography is somehow timeless.
There's a black and white portrait of the president.
In the next room, there's a display of old black and white prints of film stars from the forties and fifties.
[ C ] offensive (also Black)黑人
a word for a person who has black or brown skin, which may be considered offensive when used as a noun rather than an adjective
be (down) in black and whiteidiom 被写下来;白纸黑字
to be written down
I couldn't believe it was true, but there it was, in black and white. 我不相信那是真的,但情况就是这样,白纸黑字写得清清楚楚。
be in the blackidiom (账户上)有钱,有盈余
If a bank account is in the black, it contains some money, and if a person or business is in the black, they have money in the bank and are not in debt.
Compare: be in the red
black-and-whiteidiom 黑白分明的,是非分明的
A black-and-white subject or situation is one in which it is easy to understand what is right and wrong.
Disarmament isn't a black-and-white issue for me. 我觉得裁军问题不是一个黑白分明的问题。
see things in black and whiteidiom 看问题黑白分明,观点绝对化
to have a simple view of what is right and wrong, or good and bad
verb [ T ] uk/blæk/ us/blæk/
to put a black substance on something or to make something black
The soldiers used to black their faces. 士兵们曾将脸涂黑。
If a trade union or other organization blacks goods or people, it refuses to handle or work with them.
Phrasal verbs
black something out mainly UK遮盖遮挡
to cover a face or a name so that it cannot be seen
In the TV interview, they blacked out the victim's face. 在电视采访中,他们遮挡住了受害人的脸部。
to make a place dark, especially by covering or switching off all the lights
The entire city was blacked out overnight. 全市通宵停电。
black out 暂时失去知觉,昏厥
to become unconscious suddenly but for a short period




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