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词汇 bite
verb uk/baɪt/ us/baɪt/ bit | bitten
B1 [ I or T ](用牙)
to use your teeth to cut into something or someone
He bit into the apple. 他咬了一口苹果。
He bites his fingernails. 他咬指甲。
[ I ])上钩,吞饵
When a fish bites, it swallows the food on the hook (= curved piece of wire) at the end of a fishing line.
The fish aren't biting today. 今天鱼不上钩。
  • I mustn't bite my nails.
  • You can stroke the dog if you like, it won't bite.
  • He bit me so hard that it drew blood.
  • We were bitten by mosquitoes almost every night.
  • When he bit into his apple, his tooth came out.
If an insect or snake bites you, it injures you by making a small hole in your skin.
An insect bit me on the arm. 一只小虫子叮了我的胳膊。
[ I ]产生不良影响,起不良作用
to have a bad or unpleasant effect
Higher mortgage rates are beginning to bite. 较高的贷款利率现在开始出现不良后果了。
[ I ]有兴趣买…
to show interest in buying something
The new service is now available but clients don't seem to be biting. 现在有了这种新服务,但客户好像不怎么感兴趣。
bite someone's head offidiom informal 无缘由地对…发火,莫名其妙地对…发脾气
to speak to someone in a quick, angry way, for no good reason
I only asked if I could help - there's no need to bite my head off! 我只是问了一下我能否帮上忙——没必要无缘无故地对我发火!
bite your lipidiom 忍住话;抑制情感流露
to prevent yourself from showing your reaction to something by speaking or laughing
I really wanted to laugh - I had to bite my lip. 我真的想笑——但只能忍住。
bite your tongueidiom 缄口不语
to stop yourself from saying something that you would really like to say
I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite my tongue. 我本想明确告诉他我对他的看法,可是不得不保持沉默。
bite me!idiom US offensive 少跟我来这一套!
used to say to someone that they have made you feel angry or embarrassed
bite off more than you can chewidiom informal 承担力所不及的事不自量力
to try to do something that is too difficult for you
We bit off more than we could chew in our original reform proposals. 我们最初的改革计划超出了自己的能力。
bite the bulletidiom 咬紧牙关应付,硬着头皮应付;勇敢地面对
to force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a difficult situation
I hate going to the dentist, but I'll just have to bite the bullet. 我不愿去看牙医,但看来我不得不硬着头皮去。
bite the dustidiom 重重倒在地上
to fall so that your body hits the ground heavily
As they came around the bend several riders bit the dust. 拐弯时几个骑手摔倒了。
to die
to end in failure
His career bit the dust when he lost his job. 失业后,他的事业也完蛋了。
bite the hand that feeds youidiom 恩将仇报,忘恩负义
to act badly towards the person who is helping or has helped you
come back to bite someoneidiom 得到报应
If something will come back to bite you, it will become a bigger problem in the future because you have not dealt with it.
If I don't do something now, the issue might come back to bite me. 如果我现在不采取措施,将来可能会受到这件事的拖累。
someone/something won't biteidiom humorous 不用害怕…
used to say that someone does not need to be frightened of a particular person or thing
Just go and ask her - she won't bite. 你去问问她——别怕,她不会咬你的。
Phrasal verbs
bite back (at someone/something) 愤怒地回应
to react angrily, especially to someone who has done something unpleasant to you
A youth club has bitten back at vandals by covering its roof with razor-sharp security wire. 作为对故意搞破坏的人的回应,一家青少年俱乐部在屋顶上铺设了锋利的安全网。
bite something back 忍住(话);抑制情感
to stop yourself from saying something or from expressing an emotion
bite back tears/laughter 忍住眼泪/笑声
bite into something 使…贬值
to reduce something valuable
People are worried about inflation biting into their savings and investments. 人们担心通货膨胀使自己的储蓄和投资贬值。
noun uk/baɪt/ us/baɪt/
B2 [ C ]咬;叮;蛰
the act of biting something
He took a bite (= bit a piece) out of the apple. 他咬了一口苹果。
B2 [ C ]咬伤叮痕
a sore place or injury where a person, an animal, or an insect has bitten you
[ S ]吞饵
the act of a fish biting the hook (= curved piece of wire) on the end of a fishing line so that it is caught
[ U ]强烈的味道,辛辣的味道
If food has bite, it has a sharp or strong taste.
I like mustard with bite. 我喜好味道稍冲的芥末。
[ U ]强烈的影响
a powerful effect
This satire has (real) bite. 这篇讽刺作品很有感染力。
another/a second bite at/of the cherryidiom UK做…的第二次机会
another opportunity to do something
He missed a medal in the 100 metres, but will get a second bite of the cherry in the 400 metres. 他失去了100米跑的金牌,可是400米跑还有机会。




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