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词汇 bill
noun uk/bɪl/ us/bɪl/
A2 [ C or S ]账单
a request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written
an electricity/gas/phone bill 电/煤气/电话费账单
They sent us a bill for the work they had done. 他们寄给我们要求为其所提供工作支付酬金的账单。
She ran up (= caused herself to have) a huge phone bill. 她的电话费大增。
They asked the waitress for the bill. 他们叫女服务员把账单拿来。
Could we have the bill, please? 请给我们结账好吗?
Her mother agreed to foot (= pay) the bill. 她母亲同意付账单。
  • The bill must be paid in full by the end of the month.
  • There is a ten percent service charge included in the bill.
  • They want to talk to you in connection with an unpaid tax bill.
  • If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be cut off.
  • I checked the bill and realized the restaurant had charged me £5 too much.
[ C ]议案,法案
a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed before being voted on
The bill was amended (= changed). 议案被修订了。
When a bill is passed in Parliament it becomes law. 一旦某项法案在议会通过,便成为法律。
informal The bill was thrown out (= did not go past the first stage of discussion and will not become law). 这项议案被否决了。
  • The bill was defeated in the Commons by 249 votes to 131.
  • An amendment to the bill was agreed without a vote.
  • The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.
  • Politicians tried to dress up the bill as a bold new strategy for combatting poverty.
  • He is unlikely to succeed in getting his bill through Congress, however worthy it is.
B1 [ C ] mainly US (UK usually note)钞票,纸币
a piece of paper money
a dollar/one-dollar bill 1美元的钞票
a ten-dollar bill 面值10美元的钞票
See also: billfold
[ C ]招贴,海报,广告
a paper sign giving information about something, especially an event or performance
be on the bill 参加表演
to be performing in a show
There were lots of big names (= famous people) on the bill. 有许多明星参加演出。
Also on the bill are Franz Ferdinand and Elbow.
It certainly helped to have these stadium fillers on the bill.
The local band was on the bill with national names like Radiohead and Patti Smith.
He was hugely flattered to be invited to join them on the bill for the concert on June 4th.
So who exactly is on the bill tonight?
head/top the bill 领衔,主演
to be the most important actor in a show
This will be the actor's 22nd year heading the bill at the Theatre Royal, York.
Less than a year later, she would top the bill with her ex-boyfriend at a Children's Royal Variety Show at the Dominion Theatre.
Both will be topping the bill at a charity night in aid of the Macmillan Nurse Appeal on April 4th.
The actress was due to head the bill but had to cancel because of filming commitments in the US.
[ C ]鸟嘴,喙
the beak of a bird
fill/fit the billidiom 符合需要,正合适
to be exactly what is needed in a particular situation
That box will fill the bill nicely. 那只盒子正好合适。
verb uk/bɪl/ us/bɪl/
[ T ]给…开账单;给…寄账单
to give or send someone a bill asking for money that they owe for a product or service
Please bill me for any expenses you incur. 请把你的所有花费都记在我的账上。
[ T usually passive ]做广告;通过广告宣传
to advertise something with a particular description; to describe someone in a particular way in order to advertise them or make them known
The movie was billed as a romantic comedy. 该电影被宣传成浪漫喜剧。
The young author was billed as "the new Beckett." 这位年轻作家被吹捧为“新贝克特”。
[ T usually passive ]安排…的演出
to list a person or performance on a programme of events
She was billed to perform every night for a period of two weeks. 她被要求在两个星期内每晚出演。
the Bill
noun [ S, + sing/pl verb ] UK slang uk/bɪl/ us/bɪl/ (also the Old Bill)
the police




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