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词汇 bare
adjective uk/beər/ us/ber/
B2 赤裸的;裸体的;无遮蔽的;空的
without any clothes or not covered by anything
Don't walk around outside in your bare feet. 别赤脚在外面到处走。
There's no carpet in the room, just bare floorboards. 房间里地板裸露,没有铺地毯。
See also: barefoot
  • She beat the flames out with her bare hands.
  • The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was clear against the winter sky.
  • The walls look a bit bare - can't we put some pictures up?
  • During the summer months, the sheep strip the mountains bare.
  • A glimpse of his bare torso set my pulse racing.
C2 仅最基本的,最重要的
only the most basic or important
I just packed the bare essentials (= the most basic and necessary things). 我只打包了最基本和最重要的必需品。
There isn't much time, so I'll just give you the bare facts/details. 时间不多了,我只能给你提供一些最基本的事实/细节。
the bare minimum (also a bare minimum) 最低限度的,最少量的
the least possible amount
She eats only the bare minimum to stay alive. 她吃得极少,仅够活下去而已。
I can't even save the bare minimum for my pension.
When it comes to housework, I do the bare minimum really.
We've had to cut our workforce back to the bare minimum.
Only a couple of reporters travel with the president now, whereas a dozen would have been a bare minimum a few years ago.
(the) bare necessities 生活必需品|基本所需
the most basic things that you need in order to live or to do something
We have packed the bare necessities in case we need to leave in a hurry.
I simply need enough income to cover the bare necessities.
Many of these shelters provide little more than the bare necessities.
The shops in town are able to provide the bare necessities.
They rely on credit cards to cover bare necessities such as rent and emergency medical treatment.
C2 literary(橱柜或房间中)空无一物的
If a cupboard or room is bare, there is nothing in it.
with your bare handsidiom C2 赤手空拳,徒手
without using any type of tool or weapon
He wrestled the lion to the ground with his bare hands. 他赤手空拳将狮子摔倒在地。
verb [ T ] uk/beər/ us/ber/
to take away the thing that is covering something so that it can be seen
The men bared their heads (= took their hats off as a sign of respect) as they entered the church. 男人们走进教堂时都摘下了帽子。
He became nervous when the dog growled and bared its teeth at him (= showed its teeth to him). 当狗咆哮着向他龇牙咧嘴时,他紧张了起来。
bare your heart/soulidiom 打开心扉;倾吐心声
to tell someone your secret thoughts and feelings
We don't know each other that well. I certainly wouldn't bare my soul to her. 我们相互并没有那么熟悉,我自然不会向她坦露心扉。
adverb, determiner uk/beər/ us/ber/
UK slang非常
The questions are bare difficult. 这些问题很难回答。
UK slang很大程度地
a lot; very much
It's bare raining. 外面正下着大雨。
UK slang很多
a large number or amount of; a lot of
There were bare people waiting to get in. 有很多人等着进去。
bare nakedidiom US 赤裸地
completely naked
He used to walk around the house bare naked. 他过去常光着身子在房子里走来走去。




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