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词汇 bang
verb uk/bæŋ/ us/bæŋ/
B2 [ I or T ]砰砰猛击,重击;(使发出巨响
to (cause something to) make a sudden very loud noise or noises
She banged her fist angrily on the table. 她气愤地一拳打在桌子上。
Outside a door was banging in the wind. 外面一扇门被风吹得哐当作响。
bang on He could hear someone banging on the door. 他能听见有人在砰砰敲门。
  • "Going... going... gone! " said the auctioneer, banging down the hammer.
  • "Open up - it's the police!" shouted the police officer, banging on the door.
  • Before I bang the nails in, would you say this picture was level?
  • I could hear my brother banging his drums before I'd even got to his house.
  • A door banged and footsteps ran along the corridor overhead.
[ T ](身体部位)砰地撞上,磕
to hit a part of the body against something by accident
bang your head She fell and banged her head.
bang sth on sth I banged my head on the shelf as I stood up. 我起身时头撞在了架子上。
bang against She was unsteady and banged against the furniture.
[ T ] offensive性交
an offensive word meaning to have sex with someone
Phrasal verbs
bang on 喋喋不休,说个没完
to talk about something for a long time, especially in a way that is boring to other people
Is he still banging on?
bang on about My parents are always banging on about how much better life was 20 years ago. 我父母总是没完没了地唠叨20年前的生活是多么多么好。
bang someone up 监禁某人
to lock someone up, especially in prison
She's terrified of him and won't make a statement until he's banged up in the cells. 她很怕他,除非把他关进监狱,否则她是不会作任何供述的。
bang up someone/something US打伤…;撞坏…
to damage or injure someone or something by hitting them
He banged up the car backing out of the garage. 他从车库往外倒车的时候把车撞坏了。
noun [ C ] uk/bæŋ/ us/bæŋ/
B2 砰砰猛击,重击;巨响
a sudden very loud noise
The window slammed shut with a loud bang. 窗户砰的一声关上了。
an act of hitting someone or something
a bang on I think she must have got a bang on the head. 我想她肯定撞了头。
go with a bangidiom UK informal (US go off with a bang) 非常顺利极为成功
If a party or event goes with a bang, it is very exciting and successful.
more bang for your buck(s)idiom informal 花较小的代价获得较大的收益
If you get more bang for your buck(s), you get a better result for the amount of effort or money that you have put into something.
with a bangidiom informal 猛烈地;一鼓作气地;热烈地
If something starts, ends, returns, etc. with a bang, it starts, ends, etc. in a very exciting and noticeable way.
She took some time off last year, but she's back with a bang with her new album. 她去年休息了一段时间,但是今年强力回归,发行了新专辑。
exclamation uk/bæŋ/ us/bæŋ/
used to suggest the sound of a sudden loud noise, such as a gunshot or an explosion
"Bang! Bang! You're dead!" said the child, pointing a plastic gun at me. “砰!砰!你被打死了!”小孩用塑料枪指着我说。
go bang (突然发出)大的声响
to make a sudden loud noise
The balloon went bang when it landed on the bush. 气球落在灌木丛中时发出砰的一声。
I was just starting to pull away from the light when the engine went bang.
David brought some of those party poppers that go bang and spray paper streamers everywhere.
When fireworks explode, the air around them expands rapidly, and that's why they go bang.
When the prop gun goes bang, that's your cue to fall to the floor.
bang goes somethingidiom informal …泡汤了,化为泡影
said when you have just lost the opportunity to do something
He says I have to work late tonight - so bang goes my trip to the cinema. 他说我今晚得加班——所以看电影的事就泡汤了。
adverb informal uk/bæŋ/ us/bæŋ/
exactly or directly
I arrived bang on time.
bang in the middle The car came to a halt bang in the middle of the road. 那辆汽车正好停在了路中央。
I live bang opposite the supermarket. 我正好住在超市对面。
slap bang I turned the corner and walked slap bang into him. 我拐过街角,正好与他撞了个满怀。
bang up to date software that is bang (= completely) up to date 最新的软件
be bang onidiom 完全正确
to be exactly right
What was your answer? 76? That's absolutely bang on! 你的答案是多少?76?完全正确!
bang to rightsidiom UK (US dead to rights)当场(指在做坏事或犯罪现场)
in the act of doing something wrong or illegal
He was breaking the speed limit and knew he'd been caught bang to rights. 他超速了,知道自己被逮了个正着。




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