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词汇 bail
noun uk/beɪl/ us/beɪl/
[ U ]保释金
an amount of money that a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial. The payment is a way of making certain that the person will return to court for trial
He was released/remanded on bail (of $100,000). 他在交了(10万美元的)保释金后被放了出来。
Because of a previous conviction, the judge refused to grant bail (= allow the accused person to be released). 由于嫌疑人有前科,法官不准保释。
Her parents have agreed to put up/stand (US also post) (= pay) bail for her. 她的父母已同意为她支付保释金。
bails [ plural ] 板球三柱门上的横木
the two small pieces of wood on top of the stumps in a game of cricket, that can be knocked off with the ball to make the player who is batting (= hitting the ball) out
The bowler dislodged the bails with his second ball.
The ball appeared to touch one of the stumps but the bails stayed on.
He heard the bails fall to the ground behind him and saw the bowler celebrating.
The umpire removed the bails and walked towards the pavilion.
A video replay showed that the ball just went over the bails.
verb uk/beɪl/ us/beɪl/
[ I ] (UK also bale)(从船中)往外舀水
to remove water from a boat using a container
The boat's sinking! Start bailing quickly! 船在下沉!快往外舀水!
[ T ]保释金
If someone accused of a crime is bailed, they are released until their trial after paying bail to the court.
She was yesterday bailed for three weeks on drink-driving offences. 酒后驾车被拘后,昨天她获保释3个星期。
[ + to infinitive ] He was bailed to appear at the Magistrates' Court next month. 他获得保释,定于下月在地方治安法院出庭。
[ I ] informal迅速地放弃某事或离开某地
to stop doing something or leave a place before something is finished
It was so boring I bailed early. 太无聊了,我很早就走人了。
Phrasal verbs
bail out (因飞机失事)跳伞
to jump out of an aircraft with a parachute because the aircraft is going to have an accident
The plane's engine failed and the pilot was forced to bail out. 飞机引擎出了故障,飞行员被迫跳伞。
mainly US放弃,退出
to stop doing or being involved with something
The actor has bailed out of the film after only three weeks' shooting. 该演员只拍摄了3个星期就退出了剧组。
bail someone out 某人)保释出来
to pay money to a court so that someone can be released from prison until their trial
bail someone/something out (通常指从经济上)帮助(某人或机构)脱离困境
to help a person or organization that is in difficulty, usually by giving or lending them money
She keeps running up huge debts and asking friends to bail her out. 她不断陷入巨额债务,最后总是请朋友们帮忙。
bail something out (从船中)往外舀水
to remove water from the bottom of a boat




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