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词汇 bag
noun [ C ] uk/bæɡ/ us/bæɡ/
A1 袋子
a soft container made out of paper or thin plastic, and open at the top, used to hold foods and other goods
a paper/plastic bag 纸/塑料袋
a bag of apples/nuts 一袋苹果/坚果
Don't eat that whole bag of (= the amount the bag contains) sweets at once. 不要一次就把整袋糖吃完。
bags under your eyes 眼袋
dark, loose, or swollen skin under your eyes because of tiredness or old age
She was considering cosmetic surgery to deal with the bags under her eyes.
You could tell from the bags under his eyes that he had had several sleepless nights.
They are exhausted and they have bags under their eyes, but they are happy.
I was wearing sunglasses to cover up the bags under my eyes.
She looked pale and drawn, with dark bags under her eyes.
  • He dropped a bag of sugar and it spilled all over the floor.
  • Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn't fall out.
  • I put a few personal belongings in a bag and left the house for the last time.
  • She suddenly remembered (that) her keys were in her other bag.
  • He had a baseball and a couple of bats in his sports bag.
a rude and insulting name for a woman, especially an older one
Silly old bag! 又蠢又丑的老太婆!
bags of somethingidiom mainly UK informal 很多,大量
a lot of something
Come and stay with us - we've got bags of room. 来跟我们一起住吧——我们那儿地方很大。
Don't panic, there's bags of time yet. 别慌,还有很多时间。
be someone's bagidiom old-fashioned slang 是…感兴趣的东西
If something is your bag, you are interested in it and do it for pleasure.
Tennis isn't really my bag, I'm afraid. 恐怕我对网球不是很感兴趣。
be in the bagidiom informal 已是囊中之物,十拿九稳
If something is in the bag, you are certain to get it or to achieve it.
Once we'd scored the third goal, the game was pretty much in the bag. 一旦我们进了第三个球后,比赛取胜已是十拿九稳的了。
verb uk/bæɡ/ us/bæɡ/ -gg-
[ T ]把…装进袋里
to put something in a bag
Shall I bag (up) those tomatoes for you? 要我帮你把西红柿装进袋里吗?
[ T ] UK informal占据;抢占
to get something before other people have a chance to take it
[ + two objects ] Bag us some decent seats/Bag some decent seats for us if you get there first, won't you? 如果你先到就帮我们占几个好位子,行吗?
See also: bagsy
[ T ] UK informal
to win sth, especially a prize
He's the bookies' favourite to bag an Oscar. 博彩公司看好他最有希望获得一项奥斯卡奖。
He is eager to bag his fifth victory of the season. 他十分渴望这个赛季第五次把胜利收入囊中。
[ T ]捕获,杀(动物或鸟)
to hunt and kill an animal or bird
to reach the top of a mountain
We bagged three summits in one day. 我们一天之内登上了三座山峰。
[ I ]如布袋状松垂
to hang loosely like a bag
I hate these trousers - they bag (out) at the back. 我讨厌这条裤子,后面松松垮垮的。
US informal不再使用(已有的)某物
to not use something that you have, and use something else instead
Bag that old gray sweater, and wear something more colorful. 把那件灰色的毛衣收起来,穿件颜色鲜艳一些的。
[ T ] Australian English informal批评;嘲笑
to criticize or laugh at someone or something in an unkind way
Stop bagging her (out) - she's doing her best. 别批评她了——她在尽力而为。
bags I...idiom UK informal …是我的;该让我…
used when you claim the right to have something or do something
Bags I sit in the front seat! (= I said I wanted to do it first, so I should do it, not you.) 是我该坐前排的!




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