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词汇 background
noun uk/ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd/ us/ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd/
B2 [ C ](画、照片的)背景,衬托
the things that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture
The artist himself did not paint the backgrounds to his pictures - they were done by his pupils. 画中的背景不是画家亲手画的——都是他的学生画的。
He has photographed her against lots of different backgrounds. 他给她拍了许多不同背景的照片。
They were filmed against a background of dark fir trees. 在一片黑黝黝的冷杉的映托下,他们被摄入了电影镜头。
The book's cover has white lettering on a blue background. 书的封面是蓝底白字。
The little figure that you can just see in the background of the photograph is me. 照片背景中那个很小的人影就是我。
Compare: foreground noun
  • The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.
  • a white rose on a solid blue background
B2 [ S ]背景声音;背景音乐
sounds that can be heard behind other sounds that are louder
If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background. 如果你仔细听这首曲子,可以听到伴奏的笛声。
We couldn't hear what they were saying on the tape - there was too much background noise. 我们听不清磁带里他们在说什么——背景噪声太大了。
  • I could hear the strains of Mozart in the background.
  • The computers were humming in the background.
  • An airplane droned in the background.
B2 [ S or U ](事件的)背景
the conditions that existed before a particular event happened, and that help to explain why it happened
These decisions have had to be made against a background of high unemployment. 因为失业率高企,只好采取这些措施。
Can you give me some background on (= information about the conditions that existed before) the situation? 你能不能告诉我一些关于这一情况的背景资料?
the backgroundC2 幕后不引人注目的地方
If someone or something is in the background, they are not the main point of attention.
Her worries about her job have faded into the background since she learned about her father's illness. 自从得知父亲生病后,她就顾不上担心自己的工作了。
B1 [ C ]出身背景;学历;经历
your family and your experience of education, living conditions, money, etc.
The school has students from many different ethnic/cultural/religious backgrounds. 这所学校的学生有着不同的种族/文化/宗教背景。
They come from a privileged/wealthy background. 他们来自特权/富裕家庭。
a background in publishing 出版方面的经历
  • His family background predisposes him to support the Democrats.
  • Journalists were frantically researching the new prime minister's background, family, and interests.
  • Since they discovered the truth about his background, his colleagues have regarded him with suspicion.
  • She comes from an upper middle class background.
  • When the authorities inquired into his background, they found he had a criminal record.
adjective [ before noun ] uk/ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd/ us/ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd/
used to refer to something that is done before, and in preparation for, something else
Students are expected to do some background reading before the course starts. 学生们应该在课程开始之前进行一些相关阅读。
The book provides background information on the history of the region. 本书提供了有关该地区的历史背景信息。




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