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词汇 away
adverb uk/əˈweɪ/ us/əˈweɪ/
A2 (或在)别处;向另一方向向一边
somewhere else, or to or in a different place, position, or situation
Ms Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week. 沃森女士度假去了,要到周末才能回来。
Keep/Stay away from him. 离他远点。
Just go away and leave me alone! 走开,别管我!
The sight was so horrible that I had to look/turn away. 这场面太可怕了,我不得不移开视线。
The recent flood has swept away the footbridge. 最近爆发的洪水把人行桥冲垮了。
I've given away all my old clothes to charity. 我已把所有的旧衣服都捐给了慈善机构。
UK Would you like your burger to eat in or take away? 你的汉堡是在店里吃还是带走?
  • The police went after him but he got away.
  • The couple next door moved away last year.
  • He made a sudden movement and frightened the bird away.
  • He looked away from the computer screen to rest his eyes.
  • The letter blew away and I had to run after it.
A2 (距此)…远
at a distance (of or from here)
How far away is the station? 车站离这儿有多远?
The office is a half-hour drive away. 从这儿到办公室开车去要半小时。
We live five kilometres away from each other. 我们两人的住处相隔5公里。
Life's so much quieter away from the city. 离开城市,生活清静多了。
informal Oh, it's miles away (= a long distance from here). 哦,远着呢。
  • I don't like the idea of living so far away from my family.
  • The explosion was of such intensity that it was heard five miles away.
  • The nearest town is ten miles away.
  • The museum is just six blocks away.
  • Is the station far away?
B1 在老地方在适当的地方;放到,放进(尤指封闭的空间)
in or into the usual or a suitable place, especially one that can be closed
Would you put the ice cream away in the freezer? 你把冰激凌放到冰箱里好吗?
My grandparents had £800 hidden away in an old shoe box. 我爷爷奶奶在一个旧鞋盒子里藏了800英镑。
  • I told the children to put their toys and games away.
  • Put that knife away before someone gets hurt.
  • All the folders have been carefully numbered and filed away.
  • The diamonds are shut away in a bank vault somewhere.
  • At a word from their teacher, the children started to tidy away their books.
B2 逐渐消失;逐渐不存在
gradually until mostly or completely gone
All the snow had melted away. 雪已完全融化了。
The music faded away as the procession moved slowly up the street. 随着街上的游行队伍渐渐远去,音乐声也渐渐听不见了。
We used to while away (= spend) the weekends at my aunt's house in the country. 我们过去常常在我姑母的乡间农舍中度周末。
We danced the night away (= until the night was over). 我们跳舞跳了个通宵。
  • Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.
  • The sound of his footsteps gradually died away.
  • He could feel his strength ebbing away.
  • As the years passed, the memories faded away.
  • He gambled away all of our savings.
B1 将来;(离现在)…长的时间
in the future
My English exam's only a week away and I haven't even started to prepare. 再有一周就要考英语了,可我还没有开始复习呢。
  • We're having a holiday in August, but that seems a long way away.
  • Christmas is only two months away.
  • The announcement of the winner is just a few minutes away now.
  • Don't worry about your driving test yet - it's weeks away.
  • With the concert only a few days away, the band are practising hard.
C2 连续不断地;一直;劲头十足地
continuously or repeatedly, or in a busy way
I was still writing away when the exam finished. 考试结束时我还在拼命写个不停。
Chris has been working away in the garden all day. 克里斯在花园里一刻不停地干了一整天。
We were chatting away at the back and didn't hear what he said. 我们一直坐在后面聊天,没有听到他说什么。
  • She was singing away to herself as she worked.
  • They were hammering away at the door.
  • They were just chatting away while the fire raged around them.
adjective uk/əˈweɪ/ us/əˈweɪ/
C1 比赛)客场的,在对方场地举行的
An away match or game is played at an opposing team's sports ground.
We lost the away game but won both home games. 我们输了客场的那场比赛,但是在主场的两场比赛都赢了。
UK Everton unveiled their new yellow-and-blue away strip (= clothing worn by a team at away games). 埃弗顿队公布了新款黄蓝相间条纹客场比赛服。




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