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词汇 attract
verb uk/əˈtrækt/ us/əˈtrækt/
B1 [ T ](尤因具有积极、值得赞赏的品质而)吸引;招引;引起
(of people, things, places, etc.) to pull or draw someone or something towards them, by the qualities they have, especially good ones
These flowers are brightly coloured in order to attract butterflies. 这些花朵都有着鲜艳的色彩以便能够吸引蝴蝶。
The circus is attracting huge crowds/audiences. 马戏团吸引了大批的观众。
The government is trying to attract industry to the area (= to persuade people to place their industry there). 政府正在这个地区招商引资兴办工业。
Her ideas have attracted a lot of attention/criticism in the scientific community. 她的见解在科学界引起了很多人的注意/众多批评。
B2 [ T usually passive ]吸引;诱惑;引起…的爱慕;使喜爱
If you are attracted by or to someone, you like them, often finding them sexually interesting.
He tends to be attracted to strong women.
I like him, but I'm not physically/sexually attracted to him.
physics specialized(磁铁等)吸引
When something such as a magnet attracts something else, it pulls it towards it.
Magnets attract iron filings. 磁铁吸铁屑。
Since light has no mass, Newton's equation predicts that it will not be attracted by gravity towards anything. 既然光是没有质量的,牛顿的方程式便预言光不会受到引力作用。
  • The mud flats attract large numbers of birds.
  • The hotel is making a major push to attract customers.
  • This film is unlikely to attract large audiences.
  • The project has attracted considerable criticism from the scientific community .
  • With its varied climate, the country attracts both winter and summer sports enthusiasts.
  • I tend to be attracted to complicated, sometimes unsympathetic characters.




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