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词汇 at least
at least idiom
A2 至少
as much as, or more than, a number or amount
It will cost at least $100. 那个东西至少要花100美元。
It will be £200 at the very least. 那东西最少也要200镑。
You'll have to wait at least an hour. 你至少要等一个小时。
B2 反正,不管怎样
used to reduce the effect of a statement
I've met the president - at least, he shook my hand once. 我见到总统了——不管怎样他和我握了一下手。
Synonym: leastways
B1 至少,还好,不管怎么说
used to emphasize that something is good in a bad situation
It's a small house but at least there's a garden. 那是一座小房子,但不管怎么说还有一个花园呢。
B1 至少,起码
used to say that someone should do something small, even if they do nothing else
Even if she didn't want to send a present, she could at least have sent a card. 即使不想送礼物,她起码也应该寄一张贺卡。




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