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词汇 ascension
noun [ C usually singular ] uk/əˈsen.ʃən/ us/əˈsen.ʃən/
the process of rising to a position of higher importance, rank, or success
After his time in the US Army, Ashe continued his ascension in the world of tennis. 从美国陆军退役以后,阿什继续提升他在国际网坛的排名。
His daughter's ascension to the speakership, a first for a woman, is a matter of great pride for him. 他的女儿被提升成议长,女性中第一位,对他来说是非常值得骄傲的事。
the action of climbing or moving upwards
Fibrosis of the fallopian tube can prevent the ascension of sperm through the canal. 输卵管纤维化可能阻止精子通过输卵管上升。
He never managed to cross the Atlantic via balloon, but he made hundreds of ascensions. 他从未成功乘坐气球穿越大西洋,但他进行了数百次升空尝试。
Synonym: ascent
  • With the ascension of Mary Tudor to the English throne in 1553, the 1552 Book of Common Prayer was abolished.
  • The Executive Committee put the brakes on Jones' ascension to the top job.
  • Krause said Cartwright possesses all the qualities he desires in a coach, which is why his ascension came so rapidly.
  • The ascension of technology, specifically anemometers, led to a major change in the methods of scientific research, with less focus on personal observation.
  • There have been a series of ascensions from the office of secretary of state in Arizona to the Governor's Office.
  • Reading about Petrarch's ascension of Mount Ventoux leaves me breathless.
  • The stairwell-like ascension of strips of coloured fabric in the quilt patterns are referred to as "courthouse steps."
religion specialized (also Ascension)升天,尤指耶稣死后复活升天
the process of going up from earth to heaven, especially the process of Jesus Christ going up to heaven after his death and resurrection (= return to life)
The Ascension of Christ is depicted in this stained-glass window. 这扇彩绘玻璃窗画的是耶稣升天的事迹。
  • Acts 13:33 cites the passage and applies it to Christ’s resurrection from the dead and His ascension into heaven.
  • The section concludes with the ascension of Basilissa's nuns to heaven.
  • He had a vision of his mother's resurrection and ascension and her welcome into the company of the saints.
  • There is no waiting period for those in the second harvest; their ascensions will occur at the very the same moment they discard their physical bodies.




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