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词汇 arm
noun uk/ɑːm/ us/ɑːrm/
A1 [ C ]臂,手臂;上肢
either of the two long parts of the upper body that are attached to the shoulders and have the hands at the end
hold sb in your arms He held her in his arms (= held her closely). 他把她搂到怀中。
throw your arms around She threw her arms around me and gave me a hug. 她伸出双臂拥抱我。
My arms ache from carrying this bag. 提这个包累得我胳膊疼。
C2 [ C ]衣服)袖子;(椅子等家具的)扶手,靠手
The arm of a piece of clothing or furniture is a part of it that you put your arm in or on.
the arm of a jacket 夹克袖子
the arm of a chair 椅子扶手
arm in armC2 臂挽着臂
When two people are arm in arm, they both have one arm bent at the elbow and passing around and supporting, or being supported by, the arm of the other person.
We walked arm in arm along the river bank. 我们臂挽着臂顺着河岸漫步。
The couple left arm in arm, wandering back towards the church.
The two women strolled arm in arm around the plaza.
Protesters marched arm in arm down the street.
The photo shows Gloria arm in arm with a handsome young man.
  • Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.
  • Without saying a word, she took hold of my arm and marched me off to the headmaster's office.
  • He put his arm around her shoulder protectively.
  • He ran up to her, his arms outstretched.
  • She sat back in her chair and wrapped her arms around her knees.
arms [ plural ] 武器军火军备
weapons and equipment used to kill and injure people
They have been charged with supplying arms to the guerrillas. 他们被指控向游击队提供军火。
An arms cache was discovered in South Wales. 在南威尔士发现了一个秘密军火库。
They were sanctioned for be selling arms to rogue nations.
[ C ]狭长地带;狭长港湾
An arm of land or water is a long, thin part of it that is joined to a larger area.
[ C ]职能部门;分支机构,分部
An arm of an organization is a part of it that is responsible for a particular activity or place.
The British company is one arm of a large multinational. 这家英国公司是一个庞大的跨国公司的分部。
an arm and a legidiom informal 一大笔钱
a lot of money
cost an arm and a leg These shoes cost me an arm and a leg. 这双鞋花了我一大笔钱。
keep someone at arm's lengthidiom C2 某人保持距离疏远某人);不与(某人)过于亲近
to not allow someone to become too friendly with you
I always had the feeling she was keeping me at arm's length. 我总觉着她有意疏远我。
under armsidiom 处于备战状态;严阵以待
provided with weapons and willing to fight
The rebels now have thousands of people under arms. 叛乱分子已经纠集了几千人,荷枪实弹,随时备战。
be up in armsidiom informal 愤怒发火
to be very angry
They're up in arms about the new management structure. 对于新的管理体制他们感到非常愤怒。
verb uk/ɑːm/ us/ɑːrm/
[ I or T ]为…提供武器装备;武装
to provide yourself or others with a weapon or weapons
Nobody knows who is arming the terrorists. 没有人知道谁在给这些恐怖分子提供武器装备。
arm sb with sth I armed myself with a baseball bat and went to investigate the noise. 我抄起了一根棒球棒,走过去看看是什么发出的响动。
They are currently arming for war. 他们正在武装起来,为战争做准备。
Opposite: disarm
C2 [ T ]提供;配备;装备
to provide yourself or others with equipment or knowledge in order to complete a particular task
arm someone with something I went to the meeting armed with the relevant facts and figures. 去开会时,我准备好了有关的资料数据。
She armed herself for the interview by finding out all she could about the company in advance. 为准备面试,她事先尽其所能地了解那个公司的情况。
  • The police have to arm themselves against attack.
  • In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein who would threaten their influence in the region.
  • Rioters armed with firebombs set light to police barricades.
  • If he's not armed, don't shoot.
  • War seemed inevitable and both sides were arming in preparation.




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