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词汇 apply
verb uk/əˈplaɪ/ us/əˈplaɪ/
B1 [ I ](尤指通过书面或表格形式)申请,请求
to request something, usually officially, especially in writing or by sending in a form
apply for We've applied for a grant to get funding for the project.
apply to Please apply in writing to the address below. 请将书面申请寄到以下地址。
By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply. 我看到招聘广告的时候,已经太晚了,错过了应聘时机。
I've applied for a new job with the local newspaper. 我已经申请了地方报纸的一个职位。
[ + to infinitive ] Mandy applied to join the police. 曼蒂已报名做警察。
  • He had an inspiration - why not apply for some government money?
  • People who apply for housing benefit must be means-tested.
  • We could apply for a loan to buy a car.
  • She's applied for a job with an insurance company.
  • We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.
B2 [ I ](尤指规章法律)适用,有关,涉及
(especially of rules or laws) to have a connection or be important
apply to That part of the form is for UK citizens - it doesn't apply to you. 表格的那一项是给英国公民填的——和你无关。
Those were old regulations - they don't apply any more. 那些都是旧规定,不再适用了。
  • Please strike out whichever option does not apply to you.
  • The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of maternity leave.
  • The discount applies only to children under the age of ten.
  • The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins.
  • It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.
C1 [ T ]使用,运用,应用
to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose
He wants a job in which he can apply his foreign languages. 他想找一份工作,可以用到他的多门外语知识。
The court heard how the driver had failed to apply his brakes in time. 法庭听司机陈述了他如何没能及时刹车的原委。
If you apply pressure to a cut it's meant to stop the bleeding. 如果你按压住伤口,就会止住流血。
  • If it continues to bleed, you may have to apply a tourniquet to the limb.
  • If he still refuses we could always apply a little pressure, as it were.
  • It's important to apply research in a practical way and not leave it on the shelf.
  • It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.
  • The taxi driver suddenly applied his brakes.
[ T ]涂,敷
to spread or rub a substance such as cream or paint on a surface
Apply the cream liberally to exposed areas every three hours and after swimming. 每3小时及游泳后将防晒霜充分涂抹于身体裸露部位。
The paint should be applied thinly and evenly. 漆应该薄薄地刷上一层,且要刷得均匀。
apply yourselfC2 勤奋,努力
If you apply yourself to something, you work hard at it, directing your abilities and efforts in a determined way so that you succeed.
You can solve any problem if you apply yourself. 如果你努力,任何问题都能解决。
If I had applied myself, I think I could have passed those exams.
If your players aren't applying themselves, you're never going to win anything.
People assumed he was simply not applying himself to his studies.
I'm sure the business will thrive if we apply ourselves and work together.




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