

词汇 spread
vt., vi.spread, spreading1. (常与out连用)张开;伸展;延长;加宽
The bird spread its wings.这只鸟展开翅膀。
Father spread the world map out flat on the floor and tried to find out the town where his son was fighting.父亲把世界地图平摊在地板上,努力寻找他儿子正在战斗的小镇。
2. 覆盖;涂敷
a field spread with wild flowers野花遍地的田野
She spread the bread with butter.她把黄油涂在面包上。
3. 分布;分配,分摊
to spread the cost over 3 years将费用分摊三年
4. 传播,传布5. 蔓延;扩散
The fire spread from the factory to the houses near by.火从工厂蔓延到附近的房舍。
The illness spread through the village.这种病在村里蔓延开了。
The news of victory spread apace.胜利的消息迅速传开。
6. 摆桌子以备进餐;上菜
n.1. 蔓延;扩展;伸张;传播2. 范围,区域; 广度
The bird's wings have a spread of three feet.那鸟的双翅展开有3英尺长。
3. 差额;进出差价4. (报纸、杂志上的)连续两页或多页的文章或广告5. 酒席,宴会6. 涂在面包上的软质食品




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