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词汇 answer
noun [ C ] uk/ˈɑːn.sər/ us/ˈæn.sɚ/
A1 回答;作答;答应;答复;答案
a reaction to a question, letter, phone call, etc.
in answer to In answer to your letter of 30 May, I am writing to accept your offer of £3,575 in compensation. 兹复贵方5月30日来函,今特告我方接受贵方3575英镑赔偿金的提议。
The minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question. 对于议员提出的那个涉及很多细节的问题,部长答应给予书面答复。
We've emailed him asking him if he's free on that date but we haven't had an answer yet. 我们已经发去邮件问他那天是否有空,但还没有收到回信。
I've just called him but there was no answer. 我刚给他打过电话,但没人接。
I didn't realize we had to write each answer on a new sheet of paper. 我没有意识到我们得把每一道题的答案单独写在另一张纸上。
I got eight correct answers and two wrong ones in last week's exam. 上周考试,我做对了八道题,做错了两道。
  • We need a definite answer by tomorrow.
  • Can you figure out the answer to question 5?
  • I'd like you to give me an honest answer.
  • I'll think it over and give you an answer next week.
  • The public has a right to expect truthful answers from politicians.
B1 解决办法
a solution to a problem
It's a difficult situation and I don't know what the answer is. 这种局面很棘手,我不知道该怎么办。
There's no easy answer to the problem. 要解决这个问题并非易事。
  • I spent hours doing that calculation and I still got the answer wrong.
  • Surely the answer's obvious - or are you being deliberately obtuse?
  • You got 20 percent of the answers right - that means one in every five.
  • You'll never guess the answer - do you give in?
  • His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.
someone's answer to someone/somethingidiom 与…相当(或同样好)的人(或物);…的对应物
If something or someone is the answer to another thing or person, it is or they are considered to be similar or as good.
Channel 4 is independent television's answer to BBC2. 独立电视台的4频道和英国广播公司2频道节目性质相同。
She's Lithuania's answer to Madonna. 她是立陶宛的麦当娜。
verb uk/ˈɑːn.sər/ us/ˈæn.sɚ/
A1 [ I or T ]回答;作答;答应;答复;解答
to say, write, or do something as a reaction to a question, letter, etc.
answer a question You still haven't answered my question: why do you need to borrow my car?
I can't answer (you) without more detailed information. 没有更详细的信息,我无法(向你)作出答复。
I texted asking whether he'd be coming to the party but he hasn't answered yet. 我发短信问他是否来参加聚会,但他还没有回复。
[ + speech ] "I'd love to have dinner with you, but I won't be able to get there before nine o'clock," she answered. “我很乐意和你共进晚餐,但我9点之前赶不到那儿,”她答道。
[ + that ] She answered that she wouldn't be able to come before nine o'clock. 她回答说9点之前她来不了。
A2 [ I or T ]应声开门;接电话
to open the door to someone or pick up the phone
Someone's at the door - would you answer it, please? 有人敲门,你去开一下好吗?
I phoned last night but nobody answered. 我昨晚打了电话,可是没人接。
  • I went downstairs to answer the phone.
  • Candidates must answer two questions from each paper.
  • Students are advised to answer all questions as fully as possible.
  • When no one answered the door, she peered through the window to see if anyone was there.
  • She spent the morning reading and answering her mail.
[ T ]适应,适合(需要
to be suitable for and satisfy someone's needs
He showed me some software that answered my requirements exactly. 他给我看了一些正符合我要求的软件。
I've got some furniture in the attic that I think might answer your needs. 我阁楼里有少许家具,我想你或许会用得上。
[ I or T ] (also answer to)(与描述)符合,相配,像
to match a description
A woman who answers to the suspect's description was seen in the area on the night of the crime. 案发当晚,有人在该地区看到过一个女人,正符合对嫌疑人的描述。
Phrasal verbs
answer (someone) back (跟某人)回嘴,顶嘴
to speak rudely when answering someone in authority
Don't you dare answer me back, young lady! 小姐,你还敢跟我顶嘴!
answer back 辩护,答辩
to react to criticism by arguing or explaining
The company criticized in the documentary was given the opportunity to answer back. 记录片所抨击的那家公司被给予辩白的机会。
answer for something 对…负责任;因为…而受责罚
to be responsible for something bad, or to be punished for something
I expect parents to answer for their children's behaviour. 我希望父母能对其子女的行为负责。
"Why do you think there's so much violence nowadays?" "Well, violence on television has a lot to answer for (= is the cause of much of it)." “在你看来,为什么现在会有那么多的暴力事件?”“这个嘛,很大程度上要归咎于电视对暴力的宣扬。”
answer for someone/something 为…(的品质)担保,保证…可靠
If you say that you can answer for someone or for a quality that they have, you mean that you know from experience that they can be trusted, or that they have that quality.
I can certainly answer for her professionalism, and whole-heartedly recommend her to any employer. 我当然可以对她的专业能力作出担保,并竭诚向任何雇主推荐她。
answer to someone 某人负责
to take orders from, obey, and explain your actions to someone
The great thing about working for yourself is that you don't have to answer to anyone. 为自己做事,好处就是不必对别人负责。




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