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词汇 and
conjunction ukstrong /ænd/ weak /ənd/ weak /ən/ usstrong /ænd/ weak /ənd/ weak /ən/
A1 (用于连接两个词、短语、句子成分或相关语句)和,及,又,并
used to join two words, phrases, parts of sentences, or related statements together
Ann and Jim 安和吉姆
boys and girls 男孩和女孩
knives and forks 刀叉
We were wet and tired. 我们浑身透湿,精疲力竭。
We kissed and hugged each other. 我们两个亲吻拥抱。
Tidy up your room. And don't forget to make your bed! 整理一下你的房间。还有,别忘了叠被子!
and so on A2 (also and so forth) 等等
together with other similar things
schools, colleges, and so on 学校、学院等等
Manufacturers are able to alter the material's thickness, flexibility, strength, and so on.
He preaches around fifty sermons a year, without counting funerals and so on.
Don't store credit card information and so forth on your hard drive.
We can analyse the food for calories, cholesterol, minerals, and so forth.
and all 以及其他一切等等
and everything else
She bought the whole lot - house, farm, horses, and all. 她把全部东西都买了下来——房屋、农场、马匹等等。
The whole village is under water now - fields, churches, mansions, and all.
We want complete authenticity, blemishes and all.
They calculated the surface area of the region, mountains and all.
She used tweezers to pull the tick out, head and all.
UK slang
I'd like some and all. 我也来一点。
Jamie was there and all.
We saw tigers and all.
and all that informal 同类的其他一切以及诸如此类
and everything related to the subject mentioned
She likes grammar and all that. 她喜欢语法这一类的东西。
I love lace, embroidery, fringes and all that on my clothes.
They are real criminals, burning places down and all that.
He's been to the playoffs and Bowl games and all that.
I hate those girls - they're so fake, and mean, and all that.
and/or 和/或;以及/或者
used to mean that either one of two things or both of them is possible
Many pupils have extra classes in the evenings and/or at weekends. 许多学生晚上和/或周末上补习课。
They face up to eight years in prison and/or substantial fines.
Many of these patients are suffering from hepatitis and/or liver cancer.
The airline will give you a voucher for a drink and/or a meal.
I was told to contact my doctor and/or the hospital.
  • The Australians have won three gold medals and two silvers in the swimming events.
  • It costs a lot to feed and clothe five children.
  • Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.
  • Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.
  • I'm afraid those days are gone and they'll never come again.
A1 然后,接着
used to join two parts of a sentence, one part happening after the other part
I got dressed and had my breakfast. 我穿好衣服,吃了早饭。
as a result
Bring the flowers into a warm room and they'll soon open. 把这些花放到一间暖和的房间里,它们很快就会开的。
Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. 站到那儿去,你就能看得更清楚了。
A2 (和某些动词连用,表示目的)为了
With certain verbs, "and" can mean "in order to".
I asked him to go and find my glasses. 我让他去找我的眼镜。
Come and see me tomorrow. 明天来见我。
Wait and see (= wait in order to see) what happens. 等等看会发生什么事。
informal Try and get (= try to get) some tickets for tonight's performance. 试试看能不能弄到一些今晚演出的票。
  • Take your clothes off and get in the bath.
  • I grabbed the dog by the collar and dragged it out of the room.
  • He drew a heart and coloured it red.
  • A young girl came up to me and asked for money.
  • I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying, and eventually I lost concentration.
B1 (连接两个同样的词,用于加强意义)接连,又,越来越
If "and" is used to join two words that are the same, it makes their meaning stronger.
She spends hours and hours (= a very long time) on the phone. 她打起电话来一聊就是好几个小时。
The sound grew louder and louder (= very loud). 声音变得越来越大。
We laughed and laughed (= laughed a lot). 我们笑个不停。
  • He just got thinner and thinner.
  • The weather seems to get worse and worse.
  • We're having to wait longer and longer to see a doctor.
used to express surprise
You're a vegetarian and you eat fish? 你是个素食主义者,怎么能吃鱼呢?




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