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词汇 all
determiner, predeterminer, pronoun uk/ɔːl/ us/ɑːl/
A1 每一个;全部,全体;所有
every one (of), or the complete amount or number (of), or the whole (of)
all but The judge cleared the court of all but (= everyone except) herself and the witness. 法官命令所有人退出法庭,只留下她自己和证人。
all day I've been trying all day to contact you.
all of Did you really drink all of the milk?
all the time Why do you get so angry with me all the time (= very often)? 你为什么老是对我怒气冲冲的?
all the way It's very kind of you to come all the way to meet me. 你这么大老远赶来接我,真是太感谢了。
all that matters So long as he's happy - that's all that matters. 只要他幸福就行了——那是最重要的。
All animals have to eat in order to live. 所有动物都必须吃东西才能生存。
She has four children, all under the age of five. 她有4个孩子,都不到5岁。
The cast all lined up on stage to take their bow. 全体演员都在台上站成一排向观众鞠躬。
Have you drunk it all? 你把它全喝光了?
All the eggs got broken. 鸡蛋都破了。
We left the grill on and used up all (of) the propane.
Now the money's all mine! 现在钱全都是我的了!
All my friends agree. 我的朋友全都同意。
She had £2,000 under the bed and the thieves took it all. 她把2000英镑藏在了床底下,贼全都给偷走了。
Remember all that trouble we had with the police last year? 你还记得去年我们跟警察闹出的那一堆麻烦事儿吗?
I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get her to agree. 我不得不使出浑身解数劝她同意。
all in all 总的说来,从各方面来说;总之
considering all the different parts of the situation together
All in all, I think you've done very well. 总的说来,我觉得你做得很不错。
The cruise wasn't perfect, but all in all it was pretty good.
Taken all in all, I believe that Nelson was the greatest ever British naval commander.
All in all, we'll probably need around 100 hotel rooms at around $100 a night.
I think this proposal is, all in all, quite reasonable.
all I'm saying informal (提意见或批评时用来缓和语气)我只是觉得
used when you make a comment or criticism, so that it seems less severe or is less likely to offend someone
All I'm saying is I think the end part could have been a little shorter. 我只是觉得结尾处可以稍微短一点儿。
We should do our best, that's all I'm saying. 我只是觉得我们应该尽力而为。
All I'm saying is that we should be given both sides of the argument.
Too many of these ideas aren't based on logic is all I'm saying.
All I'm saying is that we don't yet have enough evidence to make that claim.
all the... you have 仅有的…;唯一的…
the only and small amount or number of something you have
Her parents died when she was a baby, so I was all the family she ever had. 她尚在襁褓之中的时候双亲就过世了,因此我是她唯一的亲人。
They went to primary school, but that was all the education they had.
I have a pair of jeans and a T-shirt in my bag and that's all the clothes I have.
She had to repair her relationship with her mother because that's all the family she has.
We sold a few eggs but that was all the income we had.
  • Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.
  • We all clapped for his performance enthusiastically.
  • I want you to clear all these toys away before bedtime.
  • The suspect said that he had been at home all evening.
all good things (must) come to an endidiom saying 没有不散的筵席;千好万好总有终
said when you accept that even enjoyable experiences cannot last for ever
It's been a fantastic couple of weeks but all good things must come to an end. 这两个星期过得真好,但千好万好总有终。
all of somethingidiom (通常用于强调数量很少)总共才…,都算上才…
used to emphasize the amount or number of something, usually when something is small in a disappointing or unusual way
In the last two years the book has sold all of 200 copies. 过去的两年里,这书总共才卖了200本。
be all (that) you can doidiom informal 尽己所能咬牙苦撑
If it is all (that) you can do to do something, you are trying very hard to do it and it is difficult.
This is so boring, it's all I can do to stay awake. 这太乏味了,我咬牙苦撑才不至于睡着。
that's all I/you/we need!idiom (使情况更糟的坏事发生时说的反话)好,就差那个了!怕什么来什么!
used when something bad has happened to make a situation that is already difficult worse
And now it's raining - that's all I need! 现在又下雨了——得,就差它了!
adverb uk/ɔːl/ us/ɑːl/
A2 完全地
all alone The princess lived all alone in the middle of the forest. 公主一个人孤零零地住在森林深处。
all by yourself Can you believe he built that house all by himself?
all over We had a difficult time but it's all over now. 有段日子我们确实过得很艰难,但是现在一切都过去了。
The baby got food all over her dress. 宝宝弄得身上都是饭。
The cake was all eaten last night. 昨晚蛋糕全都吃完了。
The downstairs rooms were painted all in greens and blues. 楼下的房间全都粉刷成了绿色和蓝色。
Don't let her get you all upset. 不要因为她的缘故而伤心烦恼。
She's been all over town looking for you. 她跑遍全城到处找你。
I've been hearing all about your weekend! 你周末发生的事我全都听说了!
B1 (指比赛双方分数相同)…平
used after a number to mean that both teams or players in a game have equal points
The score at half-time was still four all. 到中场时,比分仍然是4平。
all butC2 几乎,差不多
The game was all but over by the time we arrived. 我们到那儿时,比赛差不多要结束了。
I'd all but given up on you. 我差不多要放弃你了。
His addiction to gambling all but ruined him.
The outcome of the election is all but certain.
Scientists found that several of the compounds all but stopped the virus.
all round UK (US all around) 全面地,在各方面
in every way
It was a ghastly business all round. 从哪方面说这都是笔极其糟糕的生意。
It's been a good day all round. 这一天过得真好,十全十美。
Cuts in pollution could benefit our community all round.
She felt that the evening had been a triumph all round.
This new model is an improvement all round on the old one.
all the better, stronger, more exciting, etc.C2 更好,更强,更加精彩
even or much better, stronger, more exciting, etc.
She felt all the better for the drink. 喝下饮料后她感觉好多了。
I've lost ten pounds and I feel all the fitter for it. 我已经减了10磅,现在感觉身体更健康了。
The company's failure was all the more shocking because it was a recognized global brand.
I feel all the stronger for having survived this trauma.
His books encourage young people to think critically, which makes it all the more disappointing when people disparage them.
  • His fingerprints were all over the gun.
  • I had a train to catch, so I was watching the clock all through the meeting.
  • When I tried to tell her that I loved her it just came out all wrong.
  • The area where I grew up has been all modernized, and has lost all its old character.
  • I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in.
be someone all overidiom informal 正是某人的)行事方式;(某人就是这样
to be the typical behaviour of a particular person
She's always talking - that's Claire all over. 她总是说个不停——克莱尔就是这个样子的。
be all goidiom UK 忙得要命;事情特别多
If a situation or place is all go, it is extremely busy.
It was all go in town today. 今天城里特别热闹。
be not all thereidiom informal 有点愚蠢,缺心眼儿;脑筋不大正常
to be slightly stupid or strange
go all outidiom 全力以赴,竭尽全力
to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing
The team went all out for the win. 球队全力以赴,志在必得。
prefix uk/ɔːl-/ us/ɑːl-/
used in front of many nouns to form adjectives meaning "every", "every type of", or "the whole of" that particular thing
an all-night bar (= a bar that is open for the whole night) 通宵营业的酒吧
used in front of many adjectives and present participles to mean "everything" or "everyone"
an all-inclusive price 包括所有费用的价格
all-conquering armies 攻无不克的军队
used in front of many nouns and adjectives to mean "completely"
all-cotton socks (= socks that are made completely of cotton) 纯棉短袜
When cooking the sauce, don't forget that all-important (= most or very important) ingredient, fresh basil. 做调味汁时,不要忘了加上最重要的配料——新鲜的罗勒。
Do you believe in an all-powerful god (= one with unlimited power)? 你相信存在一个全能的神吗?




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